Search our Research Catalog - “Maly, Kepa”
Your search for author “Maly, Kepa” returned 8 results. You may search again below.
A short history of cattle and range management in Hawaii. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Cattle, Forest ecology, Land use Mauna Kea
He Wahi Moolelo no Humuula, Piihonua, Waiakea, a Me Ka Aina Mauna o Hawaii: a historical overview of the lands of Humuula, Piihonua, Waiakea, and the mountain lands of Hawaii (Districts of Hilo and Hamakua, Island of Hawaii). 2004. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Archaeological surveying Mauna Kea
Kaaina Mauna: Mauna Kea, neighboring mountain lands, and native practices described in boundary commission testimonies of kamaaina witnesses and residents from 1865 to 1891, districts of Hilo, Hamakua and Kohala Island of Hawaii. 2002. Database: Monographs. Testimony, Land use
Mauna Kea - ka piko kaulana o ka aina : Appendix A. A collection of oral history interviews documenting historical accounts and recollections of Mauna Kea and the mountain lands of Hamakua, Hilo and South Kohala, on the Island of Hawaii. 2006. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Hawaii social life and customs
Mauna Kea - Ka piko kaulana o kaaina : the famous summit of the land. 2003. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history
Mauna Kea - Kuahiwi ku hao i ka Malie : a report on archival and historical documentary research : Ahupuaa of Humuula, Kaohe, districts of Hilo and Hamakua, Island of Hawaii. 1997. Database: Monographs. Archaeological surveying Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea antiquities, Mauna Kea bibliography
Mauna Kea, ka piko kaulana o kaaina : Mauna Kea, the famous summit of the land. 2005. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history
Reference to and incorporation of Mauna Kea, historical research and oral history interviews in planning documents (KPA REPORT HiMK21-020199). 1999. Database: Monographs. Mauna Kea history, Mauna Kea Science Reserve
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