Search our Research Catalog - “Macmillen, Richard E.”
Your search for author “Macmillen, Richard E.” returned 6 results. You may search again below.
Bioenergetics of Hawaiian Honeycreepers: the amakihi (Loxops virens) and the anianiau (L. parva). 1974. Database: Periodicals. Amakihi, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Oxygen, Temperature measurements
Bioenergetics of Hawaiian honeycreepers: the Amakihi (Loxops virens) and the Anianiau (L. parva). 1972. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian honeycreepers, Birds Hawaii, Honeycreepers behavior
Evening roosting flights of the honeycreepers Himatione sanguinea and Vestiaria coccinea on Hawaii. 1980. Database: Periodicals. Apapane, Iiwi, Metrosideros collina, Honeycreepers
Interactions between Hawaiian honeycreepers and Metrosideros collina on the Island of Hawaii. 1973. Database: Monographs. Drepanididae, Ohia-lehua, Metrosideros polymorpha, Birds Hawaii Island, Trees Hawaii Island, Hawaiian honeycreepers, Honeycreepers behavior
Pollination energetics and foraging strategies in a Metrosideros-honeycreeper association. 1975. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian honeycreepers, Drepanididae, Ohia-lehua, Metrosideros collina, Fertilization of plants, Birds Hawaii Island, Trees Hawaii Island
Threshold model of feeding territoriality : a test with an Hawaiian honeycreeper. 1975. Database: Monographs. Hawaiian honeycreepers, Birds food, Territoriality (zoology), Honeycreepers behavior
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