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Search our Research Catalog - “Chen, Yi-Leng”

Your search for author “Chen, Yi-Leng” returned 11 results. You may search again below.

Wang, Jian-Jian, Chen, Yi-Leng. A case study of trade-wind rainbands and their interaction with the island-induced airflow. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Orographic airflow, Wind effects

Wang, Jian-Jian, Chen, Yi-Leng. Characteristics of near-surface winds and thermal profiles on the windward slopes of the Island of Hawaii. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Wind effects, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Temperature, Orographic airflow, Thermal properties

Chen, Yi-Leng, Nash, Andrew. Diurnal Variation of Surface Airflow and Rainfall Frequencies on the Island of Hawaii. 1994. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Precipitation, Orographic airflow, Solar radiation meteorology, Heat conduction

Chen, Yi-Leng, Wang, Jian-Jian. Diurnal variation of surface thermodynamic fields on the island of Hawaii. 1994. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Temperature, Orographic airflow, Heat conduction, Solar radiation meteorology, Thermal properties

Frye, Jeffrey L., Chen, Yi-Leng. Evolution of Downslope Flow under Strong Opposing Trade Winds and Frequent Trade-Wind Rainshowers over the Island of Hawaii. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Orographic airflow, Precipitation

Feng, Jiuhua, Chen, Yi-Leng. Evolution of Katabatic Flow on the Island of Hawaii on 10 August 1990. 1998. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian Rainband Project, Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Orographic airflow, Solar radiation meteorology

Chen, Yi-Leng, Feng, Jiuhua. Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Cloud Distributions over the Windward Side of the Island of Hawaii. Part I: The Effects of Trade Wind Inversion. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Numerical simulations, Orographic airflow, Trade wind inversion

Feng, Jiuhua, Chen, Yi-Leng. Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Cloud Distributions over the Windward Side of the Island of Hawaii. Part II: Nocturnal Flow Regime. 2001. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Rain and rainfall research, Hawaiian Rainband Project, Numerical simulations, Orographic airflow

Yang, Yang, Chen, Yi-Leng, Fujioka, Francis M.. Numerical simulations of the Island-induced circulations over the Island of Hawaii during HaRP. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Hawaiian Rainband Project, Numerical simulations, Orographic airflow, Thermal properties

Chen, Yi-Leng, Wang, Jian-Jian. The effects of precipitation on the surface temperature and airflow over the island of Hawaii. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall Hawaii Island, Precipitation, Orographic airflow, Hawaiian Rainband Project

Chen, Yi-Leng, Wang, Jiuhua.. The influences of inversion height on precipitation and airflow over the island of Hawaii. 1995. Database: Periodicals. Rain and rainfall research, Temperature inversion, Orographic airflow, Wind effects

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