Search our Research Catalog - “Abouchami, W.”
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High precision lead isotope systematics of lavas from the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project. 2000. Database: Periodicals. Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Hawaiian plume, Isotopes, Lava analysis, Mauna Kea volcano, Mauna Loa volcano
Lead isotopes reveal bilateral asymmetry and vertical continuity in the Hawaiian mantle plume. 2005. Database: Periodicals. Mauna Kea volcano, Kilauea Volcano, Mantle plumes, Hawaiian plume, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Isotopes
The 320 kyr Pb isotope evolution of Mauna Kea lavas recorded in the HSDP-2 drill core. 2003. Database: Periodicals. Isotopes, Mauna Kea volcano, Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project, Hawaii Scientific Drilling ProjectIsotopesMauna Kea volcanoMauna Loa Volcano
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