Maunakea Observatories and Organizations

Akamai Workforce Initiative

The Akamai Internship Program offers college students an opportunity to gain a summer work experience at an observatory, company or scientific/technical facility in Hawaiʻi for a total of an 8-week program. The program has placements for students from community colleges and four-year universities from a wide range of majors. Recent graduates are also eligible.

www.akamaihawaii.orgemployment listings/policies for Akamai Workforce Initiative

Canada France Hawaii Telescope

The Canada France Hawaii Telescope Corporation hosts a world-class, 3.6 meter optical/infrared telescope atop Maunakea on the island of Hawaiʻi. We are at the forefront of astronomical research, operating state of the art CCD and infrared mosaic cameras and echelle spectrometers, and are currently undertaking extensive scientific instrument and facility development projects. EEO Employer.

www.cfht.hawaii.eduemployment listings/policies for Canada France Hawaii Telescope

East Asian Observatory JCMT

The EAO (East Asian Observatory) is formed by EACOA (East Asian Core Observatories Association) for the purpose of pursuing joint projects in astronomy within the East Asian region. In the era of very large scale astronomical instruments, East Asia will be competitive internationally by combining their funding resources, their technical expertise, and their manpower. The intention of EAO is to build and operate facilities, which will enhance and leverage existing and planned regional facilities. The intention of EAO is to raise funding and to build an observatory staff, separate from that of the EACOA institutions. As partners of the EAO, the EACOA institutes will help to establish the funding and to oversee the governance of EAO. The communities represented by the partners in EAO would have full access to all EAO facilities.

www.eaobservatory.orgemployment listings/policies for East Asian Observatory JCMT

Gemini Observatory

The Gemini Observatory consists of twin 8.1-meter diameter optical/infrared telescopes located on two of the best observing sites on the planet. From their locations on mountains in Hawai‘i and Chile, Gemini Observatory's telescopes can collectively access the entire sky.

www.gemini.eduemployment listings/policies for Gemini Observatory1 available opportunity with Gemini Observatory

ʻImiloa Astronomy Center

‘Imiloa is a community outreach, multi-service organization of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo dedicated to serving local and visitor communities through quality education programs strengthened by the core academic offerings of UH Hilo. Our programs and services include, but are not limited to PreK-12 grade programs, after school programs, day camps, Hawaiian language and culture based enrichment programs that focus on local science research, cultural advancement and environmental stewardship. ʻImiloa brings together members of the Hawaiian and astronomy communities to share a common vision for the future, bringing information about the cultural and natural history of Maunakea to students, teachers, our local residents, and visitors from around the world. ‘Imiloa links to early Polynesian navigation history and knowledge of the night skies, and today’s renaissance of Hawaiian culture and wayfinding with parallel growth of astronomy and scientific developments on Hawaiʻi Island.

Maunakea Shared Services

Maunakea Shared Services (MKSS) provides operational and logistical support for shared services to all observatories and the facilities at Halepōhaku. MKSS operates the Visitor Information Station at the 9300 ft. elevation, provides free stargazing, Hawaiian cultural and scientific programs to the public. MKSS supports the ranger services under the direction of the Center for Maunakea Stewardship.

mkss.ifa.hawaii.eduemployment listings/policies for Maunakea Shared Services

NASA Infrared Telescope Facility

The IRTF is a 3.0 meter telescope, optimized for infrared observations, operated and managed for NASA by the University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy. Observing time is open to the entire astronomical community, and 50% of the IRTF observing time is reserved for studies of solar system objects.

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observator Submillimeter Array Hawaii

The Submillimeter Array (SMA) is an 8 element radio interferometer. SMA explores the universe by observing millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths invisible to the human eye. SMA is a joint project of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics. listings/policies for Smithsonian Astrophysical Observator Submillimeter Array Hawaii

Subaru Telescope

The Subaru telescope on Maunakea is Japan’s premier optical-infrared telescope operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. The telescope is one of the world's largest and most technologically advanced telescopes with an effective aperture of 8.2 m. Through the open use program astronomers throughout the world have access to Subaru’s excellent image quality.

www.naoj.orgemployment listings/policies for Subaru Telescope

TMT International Observatory LLC Thirty Meter Telescope

TMT is a non-profit collaboration between the University of California, the California Institute of Technology, the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the countries of Canada, India, and Japan. Sited at Maunakea, the TMT would solidify the position of Hawaiʻi as a World leader in research in astronomy and astrophysics.

University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at UH Hilo is currently implementing a professional, state-of-the-art 0.7-meter telescope for educational purposes in the Halepōhaku area. Telescope time will also be made available to local kids, teachers and the general community of Hawaiʻi.

hilo.hawaii.eduemployment listings/policies for University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo

University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy

The Institute for Astronomy is one of the world's leading astronomical research centers. Its broad-based program includes studies of the Sun, planets, and stars, as well as interstellar matter, galaxies, and cosmology. IFA operates the University of Hawaiʻi 2.2-meter telescope atop Maunakea.

www.ifa.hawaii.edu2 available opportunities with University of Hawaiʻi Institute for Astronomy

Very Long Baseline Array

The VLBA is a system of ten radio-telescope antennas,each with a dish 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter and weighing 240 tons. From Maunakea on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the VLBA spans more than 5,000 miles, providing astronomers with the sharpest vision of any telescope on Earth or in space.

science.nrao.eduemployment listings/policies for Very Long Baseline Array

W. M. Keck Observatory

The W. M. Keck Observatory operates two 10-meter optical/infrared telescopes on the summit of Maunakea on the Big Island of Hawaiʻi. The twin telescopes feature a suite of advanced instruments including imagers, multi-object spectrographs, high-resolution spectrographs, integral-field spectroscopy and a world-leading laser guide star adaptive optics system which cancels out much of the interference caused by Earth’s turbulent atmosphere. The Observatory is a private 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a scientific partnership of the California Institute of Technology, the University of California and NASA.

keckobservatory.orgemployment listings/policies for W. M. Keck Observatory1 available opportunity with W. M. Keck Observatory