Environmental Care

Invasive Species Management Plan

Boot cleaning station next to wall in HP parking lotBoot cleaning station next to wall in HP parking lot The Maunakea Invasive Species Management Plan addresses the 2009 Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan action item NR-2: development of an invasive species prevention and control program. It was approved by the Maunakea Management Board on, and the policies are effective as of, February 10, 2015. The approved plan and associated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are below.

These documents identify personal gear, vehicle, and delivery cleaning requirements; inspection requirements (both vehicle operator-inspections and when DLNR requires an approved biologist); and penalties for non-compliance. Recommendations for maintaining areas outside of University managed lands and preparing for trips or deliveries of goods and materials are also included.

Requests for inspection or questions regarding the plan should be directed to: inspections-grp@hawaii.edu. If you need an inspection please contact CMS 14 days prior to the requested inspection date. If vehicles, materials, equipment, or supplies meet our inspection criteria (See SOP 02 below), the inspection must occur within 4 days (96 hours) prior to arrival on University lands. Observatory-related inspections must be scheduled by observatory staff who have completed the Maunakea Orientation. Observatory staff must participate in all communications regarding the inspection and are responsible for coordinating all logistic aspects including road notifications, forklift, appropriate hours, etc. When the road is closed to the public, the road is closed to commercial deliveries as well. The plan and procedures are a form of adaptive management and will be revised as needed.

Maunakea Invasive Species Management Plan and Appendices

Maunakea Invasive Species Management Plan (2015) identifies guiding principles, policies, and procedures.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): detail and instructions for all mountain users.

List of carriers approved for regular deliveries w/o an inspection by a DLNR-approved biologist.

Additional, pending, SOPs are identified in the Plan and will be made available here as they are completed and approved.

Annual monitoring reports