Francisco Perlas Dumanig, Associate Professor of English

Associate Professor Dumanig’s research focuses on family language policy of Filipinos in Hawaiʻi, education and language in the Philippines, and caregivers’ interaction with elderly patients in adult residential care homes.

Group of people together for photo. Associate Professor Francis Dumanig is at the center of the photo. "HAFE" banner in the background.
At the 2023 Hawaii Association of Filipino Educators (HAFE) Appreciation Dinner held on May 6 at UH Hilo, students in the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certificate program were recognized. From left, Pascal Atalor, students Marcus Plataniotis and Gregory Morrical, Associate Professor Francis Dumanig, and students Bella Chapman, Liliana Galarneau, and Katina Gronowski. (Courtesy photo)

Posted July 1, 2024.

Francis Dumanig pictured.
Francis Dumanig

Francisco Perlas Dumanig is a tenured associate professor of English at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo. He also serves as program coordinator for the certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages. His areas of expertise are in teaching English as a second or foreign language, Southeast Asian Englishes, discourse analysis of language and identity, language planning and policy, and sociolinguistics.

Dumanig received his master of arts in English from Philippine Christian University, and his doctor of philosophy in linguistics-sociolinguistics from the University of Malaya.

Before coming to UH Hilo in 2018, he was a senior lecturer of languages and linguistics at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and other universities in the Philippines, Malaysia, Middle East, and the U.S.

Research and publications

Associate Professor Dumanig’s research focuses on family language policy of Filipinos in Hawaiʻi, education and language in the Philippines, and caregivers’ interaction with elderly patients in adult residential care homes.

He is well published in peer-reviewed journals such as Cambridge Language Teaching JournalJournal of Multilingual and Multicultural DevelopmentWorld EnglishesMultilinguaLanguage Policy, and International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

A recent book publication is Education and Language in the Philippines (Lexington, 2022), a comprehensive overview of the critical role of education and language development in the Philippines co-written with Lorraine Pe Symaco, a professor of education at Zhejiang University, China.

Book cover: Education and Language in the Philippines
A recent book publication of UH Hilo Associate Professor of English Francis Dumanig is Education and Language in the Philippines (Lexington, 2022), a comprehensive overview of the critical role of education and language development in the Philippines.

By Susan Enright, a public information specialist for the Office of the Chancellor and editor of Keaohou and UH Hilo Stories. She received her bachelor of arts in English and certificate in women’s studies from UH Hilo.