Curriculum Vitae
Bryan Soo Kyung Kim, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Chair, Division of Social Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 W. Kāwili Street
Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720-4091
Tel: (808) 932-7101
Fax: (808) 932-7098
Educational Background
1996-2000 Ph.D. - University of California, Santa Barbara Combined Counseling/Clinical/School Psychology Program (Emphasis: Counseling Psychology) (APA Accredited) Dissertation: Asian American Client Adherence to Asian Cultural Values, Counselor Ethnicity, Counselor Expression of Cultural Values, and Career Counseling Process and Outcome (June 1999) Internship: Colorado State University Counseling Center (August 1999 - July 2000)
1993-1995 M.Ed. - University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Department of Counselor Education
Emphasis: School Counseling
Thesis: Group Counseling to Enhance Internal Locus of Control Orientation and Self-esteem Among Students of Hawaiian Ancestry
1987-1992 B.Ed. - University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Secondary Science Education
Emphasis: Chemistry
Fellow Status
Asian American Psychological Association For individuals who have made “unusual and outstanding contribution or performance in the field of Asian American psychology”
American Psychological Association [2008 - Division of Psychotherapy (Div 29); 2011 - Society of Counseling Psychology (Div 17); 2011 - Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Div 45) ] “an honor bestowed upon APA Members who have shown evidence of unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in the field of psychology… requires that a person's work has had a national impact on the field of psychology beyond a local, state, or regional level. A high level of competence or steady and continuing contributions are not sufficient to warrant Fellow status. National impact must be demonstrated.”
International Academy of Intercultural Research
“for senior researchers who have made significant and enduring contributions to research in the field of intercultural relations”
Other Awards and Honors
2022 AAPA Distinguished Contributions Award
Asian American Psychological Association: “recognizes members who have made distinguished contributions to psychological issues relevant to Asian American/Pacific Islander Americans in three areas: Scholarship, Practice, and Leadership.”
2021-22 University of Hawaii Board of Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching
University of Hawaii at Hilo: “A tribute to faculty members who exhibit an extraordinary level of subject mastery and scholarship, teaching effectiveness and creativity, and personal values that benefit students.”
2020 "Honored Speaker" for the Fifth Annual Patricia Arredondo Diversity and Equity Speaker Series
Arizona State University's Counseling and Counseling Psychology Programs for "contributions to multicultural counseling and social justice"
2013 Emerging Leadership Award
American Psychological Association's Committee on Socioeconomic Status "for his valuable scholarship and contribution to issues of socioeconomic status"
2010 ACA Research Award
American Counseling Association "honors and recognizes high-quality, original research… in areas of interest to the counseling profession"
2010 AACE/MECD Journal Editor's Research Award
Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education, American Counseling Association “given to the author or authors of the manuscript [published in MECD between July 1 and June 30 of the previous academic year] deemed to have made the greatest contribution to the professional literature.” Article: Kim, B. S. K., Soliz, A., Orellana, B., & Alamilla, S. G. (2009). Latino/a Values Scale: Development, reliability, and validity_. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 42,_ 71-91.
2009-10, President’s Emerging Leaders Program Selectee
Office of the President, University of Hawaiʻi
“The President’s Emerging Leaders Program is a developmental opportunity for highly motivated faculty and staff of the University of Hawaiʻi that identifies and develops future campus and system leaders. Its intent is to affirm the goals of our Strategic Plan to invest in our most valuable asset, our human resources, while also creating an institutional culture that honors diversity and inclusion.”
2008 Emerging Professional Award
Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45), American Psychological Association
“given to an individual who has made outstanding contributions in the promotion of ethnic minority issues within 10 years of graduation"
2006 The Fritz and Linn Kuder Early Career Scientist/Practitioner Award
Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17), American Psychological Association
"funded by The National Career Assessment Services, Inc.,
was established to honor early career achievements in science and practice
for outstanding contributions to the science and practice of counseling psychology"
2005 ACA Research Award
American Counseling Association "honors and recognizes high-quality, original research… in areas of interest to the counseling profession"
2005 AACE/MECD Journal Editor's Research Award
Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education, American Counseling Association
“given to the author or authors of the manuscript [published in MECD between July 1 and June 30 of the previous academic year] deemed to have made the greatest contribution to the professional literature.”
Article: Kim, B. S. K., Cartwright, B. Y., Asay, P. A., & D’Andrea, M. J. (2003). A revision of the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey – Counselor Edition_.__Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36, _161-180.
2003 Early Career Award for Distinguished Contributions
Asian American Psychological Association "recognizes distinguished contributions to the field of Asian American Psychology from a psychologist early in his or her career."
Journal Editorial Leadership Positions
05/18-Present, Editor (2020-2025); Editor-Elect, 2018-2019) The Counseling Psychologist
The journal of the Society of Counseling Psychology
Published by Sage Publication
2008-2023, Associate Editor, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development
The journal of the Association for Assessment in Counseling and Education
A division of the American Counseling Association
2014-2019, Editor (2015-2019; Editor-Elect, 2014-15), Asian American Journal of Psychology
The journal of the Asian American Psychological Association
Published by the American Psychological Association
2007-2013, Associate Editor, The Counseling Psychologist
The journal of the Society of Counseling Psychology
Division 17 of the American Psychological Association
08/07-12/09, Associate Editor, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
The journal of the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues
Division 45 of the American Psychological Association
Academic appointments
2008-present: Professor (with Tenure)
Department of Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720-4091
Date of Promotion and Tenure: August 1, 2008
2002-2008: Adjunct Faculty
Department of Counselor Education
College of Education
University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96822
2006-2008: Associate Professor (Tenure-track)
Department of Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720-4091
Date of Appointment: August 1, 2006
2005-2006: Associate Professor (with Tenure)
Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
University of California
Santa Barbara, California
Date of Promotion and Tenure: July 1, 2005
2002-2006: Affiliated Faculty
Department of Asian American Studies
College of Letters and Sciences
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California
2002-2005: Assistant Professor (Tenure-track)
Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology Program (APA Accredited)
Department of Education
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
University of California
Santa Barbara, California 93106-9490
Date of Appointment: July 1, 2002
2000-2002: Assistant Professor (Tenure-track)
Counseling Psychology Program (APA Accredited)
Department of Psychology
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland
Date of Appointment: August 17, 2000
2000-2002: Affiliate Assistant Professor
Asian American Studies Program
College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742
Administrative Positions
2020-Present: Chair of the Division of Social Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720-4091
2008-2020: Director of MA Program in Counseling Psychology
Department of Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720-4091
July/Aug 2008: Acting Chair
Department of Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720-4091
10/06-8/08: Coordinator, Human Subjects Pool
Department of Psychology
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
(Established and Administered the Human Subjects Pool)
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (MHC196, Hawaiʻi)
At the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Research Methodology and Program Evaluation (Psychology 602; master's -level)
Counseling Theories (Psychology 620 and Psychology 621; master's-level)
Social and Cultural Foundations: “Multicultural Counseling” (Psychology 623; master’s level)
Psychopathology Over Lifespan (Psychology 613; master’s level)
Supervision of Practicum (Psychology 640; master’s level)
Supervision of Internship (Psychology 659; master’s level)
Asian American Psychology (Psychology 475, Writing Intensive; undergraduate level)
Career Development (Psychology 425; undergraduate level)
Counseling Psychology (Psychology 377; undergraduate level)
Research Methodology (Psychology 214, Writing Intensive; undergraduate level)
University of California, Santa Barbara:
Research Design and Methodology (Education 201C; doctoral level)
Ethical Standards in Professional Psychology (Education 277A; doctoral level)
Theory and Research of Group Counseling (Education 277F; doctoral level)
Social and Cultural Bases of Diversity (Education 278A; doctoral level)
Supervision of Advanced Fieldwork: Counseling and Clinical Psychology (Education 268C/D; doctoral level)
Descriptive Diagnosis (Education 218B; doctoral level)
Seminar in Cultural Perspectives of Education (Education 210D; doctoral level)
Introduction to Educational and Vocational Guidance (Education 164; undergraduate level)
Asian American Personality and Identity (Asian American Studies 3; undergraduate level)
The Korean American Experience (Asian American Studies 100DD; undergraduate level)
University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa:
Psychopathology in Counseling (DSM-5) (KRS 684; master's level)
Counseling: Group Theory and Practice (KRS 629; master's level)
Career Development and Vocational Counseling (EDCG 604; master’s level)
Test and Inventories in Guidance (EDCG 609; master's level)
Cross-Cultural Counseling (EDCG 620; master's level)
University of Maryland, College Park:
Introductory Psychology (Psychology 100; undergraduate level)
Basic Helping Skills - Research & Practice (Psychology 433; undergraduate level)
Assessment and Psychometrics (Psychology 692; doctoral level)
Ethical and Legal Standards and Issues in Professional Psychology (Psychology 789A; doctoral level)
Multicultural Counseling Research and Practice (Psychology 789D; doctoral level)
Research Funding
2009 – 2010: Principal Investigator
“Acculturation/Enculturation and Mental Health Functioning among Asian American Families”
Funding Agency: Asian American Center on Disparities Research, University of California at Davis
Amount: $7,000
2008, Spring: Awardee, Release Time for Grant Writing Program
“Enculturation of Filipino American Parents and Children”
Funding Agency: Research Council, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Grant Amount: One course release
2007 – 2008: Co-Principal Investigator
“Accultration/Enculturation, Social Support, Urban Stressors, and Health-related Quality of Life”
Funding Agency: Department of Psychology, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Grant Amount: $4,583
2006 – 2007: Principal Investigator
“Effects of Therapist’s Multicultural Competencies on Therapy Process and Outcome with Asian American Clients”
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program
Grant Amount: $11,750.32
2005: Principal Investigator
"Multiculturally Competent Therapy with Asian American Clients"
Funding Agency: Faculty Research Assistance Program, Undergraduate Studies
Grant Amount: $600
2004-2006: Principal Investigator
"Adherence to Asian and European American Cultural Values and Mental Health Among Asian Americans"
Funding Agency: Academic Senate, University of California, Santa Barbara
Grant Amount: $9,600
2003 - 2006: Principal Investigator
"Multicultural Counseling Process and Outcome"
Funding Agency: Faculty Enrichment Program, Office of the President of the University of California
Grant Amount: $25,000
2003 - 2005: Principal Investigator
"Counseling Process and Outcome with Diverse Populations"
Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program
Grant Amount: $23,637
2003-2004: Principal Investigator
"Multicultural Counseling Research Project"
Funding Agency: Faculty Research Assistance Program, Undergraduate Studies
Grant Amount: $1,200
2003: Principal Investigator
"Multicultural Counseling Process with Asian American Clients"
Funding Agency: Faculty Career Development Award, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, University of California, Santa Barbara
Grant Amount: $6,678
2002 - 2004: Principal Investigator
"Culturally Sensitive and Effective Counseling with Asian American Clients"
Funding Agency: Academic Senate, University of California, Santa Barbara
Grant Amount: $5,000
** 2001-2002: Principal Investigator**
"Economic and Psychological Integration of Refugees in Maryland: Year 3"
Funding Agency: Maryland Office for New Americans
Grant Amount: $185,000
2000-2001: Co-Principal Investigator
"Economic and Psychological Integration of Refugees in Maryland: Year 2"
Funding Agency: Maryland Office for New Americans
Grant Amount: $185,000
1999-2000: Principal Investigator
"Adherence to Asian Cultural Values and Counseling Process"
Funding Agency: University of California, Santa Barbara; Humanities/Social Sciences Research Grant Program
Grant Amount: $2000
Kim, B. S. K. (2011). Counseling and Diversity: Counseling Asian Americans. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
Zane, N. W. S., & Kim, B. S. K. (Eds.). (2005). Readings in Asian American psychology. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Book Chapters
(Underlined names were students under my supervision.)
Kim, B. S. K., & Suh, H. N. (in press). Assessment of acculturation and enculturation. In L. A. Suzuki, & R. Krishnamurthy (Eds.), Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: Clinical, Psychological, and Education Applications (4th ed.). Wiley. (19)
Kim, B. S. K. (2021). Fellow travelers searching for multicultural competence: Different beginnings but heading toward the same destination. In M. E. Gallardo (Ed.), Developing cultural humility: Embracing race, privilege, and power (2nd ed. pp. 98-104). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (18)
Kim, B. S. K., Park, Y. S., & Wang, S. C. (2020). East and Southeast Asian Americans. In G. J. McAuliffe (Ed.), Culturally alert counseling (3rd ed., pp. 141-166). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (17)
McAuliffe, G. J., Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S. (2020). Ethnicity. In G. J. McAuliffe (Ed.), Culturally alert counseling (3rd ed., pp. 63-76). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (16)
Kim, B. S. K., & Alamilla, S. G. (2017). Acculturation and enculturation: A review of theory and research. In A. W. Blume (Eds.), Social Issues in living color: Challenges and solutions from the perspective of ethnic minority psychology _(Volume 2, pp. 25-52)._ Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Books. (15)
Kim, B. S. K. (2014). Two journeys toward multicultural competence: Different beginnings but heading towards the same destination. In M. E. Gallardo (Ed.),_ Developing cultural humility: Embracing race, privilege, and power (pp. 85-90) _. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (14)
Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S. (2013). Culturally alert counseling with East and Southeast Asian Americans. In G. J. McAuliffe (Ed.), Culturally alert counseling: A comprehensive introduction (2nd ed., pp. 157-183). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (13)
McAuliffe, G. J., Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S.(2013). Ethnicity. In G. J. McAuliffe (Ed.), Culturally alert counseling: A comprehensive introduction (2nd ed., pp. 75-88). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (12)
Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S. (2010). Asian American elders in U.S. Culture. In M. H. Guindon (Ed.), Self-esteem across the lifespan: Issues and interventions (pp. 295-310). New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis. (11)
Kim, B. S. K., Ahn, A. J., & Lam, N. A. (2009). Theories and research on acculturation and enculturation experiences among Asian American families. In N. T. Trinh, Y. C. Rho, F. G. Lu, & K. M. Sanders (Eds.), _Handbook of mental health and acculturation in Asian American families _(pp. 25-43). New York: Humana Press. (10)
Kim, B. S. K. (2009). Acculturation and enculturation of Asian Americans: A primer. In N. Tewari & A. Alvarez (Eds.), Asian American psychology: Current perspectives _(pp. 97-112)._ Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. (9)
Kim, B. S. K., & Alamilla, S. (2008). Research in and on school counseling. In H. L. K. Coleman & C. Yeh (Eds.), Handbook of school counseling (pp. 751-764). New York: Taylor & Francis Group. (8)
Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S. (2008). East and Southeast Asian Americans. In G. J. McAuliffe (Ed.), Culturally alert counseling: A comprehensive introduction (pp. 188-219) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (7)
McAuliffe, G. J., Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S. (2008). Ethnicity. In G. J. McAuliffe (Ed.), Culturally alert counseling: A comprehensive introduction (pp. 84-104). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (6)
Kim, B. S. K. (2007). Asian American populations. In M. G. Constantine (Ed.), Clinical practice with people of color: A guide to becoming culturally competent (pp. 15-32)_. _New York: Teachers College Press. (5)
Kim, B. S. K. (2007). Acculturation and enculturation. In F. T. L. Leong, A. G. Inman, A. Ebreo, L. Yang, L. Kinoshita, & M. Fu (Eds.), Handbook of Asian American psychology (2nd ed., pp. 141-158). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (4)
Kim, B. S. K. (2004). Treatment issues with Asian American clients. In D. R. Atkinson (Ed.), Counseling American minorities (6th ed., pp. 258-276). Boston: McGraw Hill. (3)
Kim, B. S. K., & Abreu, J. M. (2001). Acculturation measurement: Theory, current instruments, and future directions. In J. G. Ponterotto, J. M. Casas, L. A. Suzuki, & C. M. Alexander (Eds.), Handbook of multicultural counseling (2nd ed., pp. 394-424). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (2)
Kim, B. S. K. (1996). The Korean Americans. In P. B. Pedersen & D. C. Locke (Eds.), Collection on culture and diversity issues in counseling (pp. 47-50) Greensboro, NC: ERIC/CASS Publications. (1)
Book Review
Atkinson, D. R., & Kim, B. S. K. (1998). Multicultural counseling competencies: Easier to promote than to stipulate. Contemporary Psychology, 43, 111-112.
Journal Articles
( * denotes data-based articles. Underlined names were students under my supervision.)
Pieterse, A. L., & Kim, B. S. K. (2024). Introduction to the special issue: Dismantling anti-Black racism and counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 52(4), 514-521. (66)
Kim, B. S. K., Suh, H. N., & Subica, A. (2023). Asian American child–parent cultural value discrepancies, family conflict, life satisfaction, and self-esteem. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 70_(5), 510–521. (65)
Trevorrow, T., Scanlan, S., Aumer, K., Tsushima, V., Kim, B. S. K., & Harris, S. (2023). University students’ sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Hawaiʻi. Journal of American College Health. (64)
Lenz, A. S., Ault, H., Balkin, R. S., Minton, C. B., Erford, B. T., Hays, D. G., Kim, B. S. K., & Li, C. (2022). Responsibilities of users of standardized tests (RUST-4E): Prepared for the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 55(4), 227-235. (63)
Kim, B. S. K. (2020). A vision statement from the new editor. The Counseling Psychologist, 48, 1-8. (62)
Kim, B. S. K. (2019). The past and the future of The Counseling Psychologist. The Counseling Psychologist, 47, 26-33. (61)*
Alamilla, S., Kim, B. S. K., Walker, T., & Sisson, F. (2017). Acculturation, enculturation, perceived racism, and psychological symptoms among Asian American college students. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 45, 37-65. (60)* (This article was recognized as one of the top 20 downloaded articles among those published by JMCD in recent years with 1355 downloads at the end of 2017.)
Allen, G. E. K., Kim, B. S. K., Smith, T. B., & Hafoka, O. (2016). Counseling attitudes and stigma among Polynesian Americans. The Counseling Psychologist, 44, 6-27. (59)*
Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S. (2015). Communication styles, cultural values, and counseling effectiveness with Asian Americans. Journal of Counseling and Development, 93, 269-279. (58)*
Kim, B. S. K. (2015). Editorial from the new editor. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 6, 1-3. (57)
dePillis, E. G., Kim, B. S. K., Thomas, C. A., & Kaulukukui, G. H. (2015). Student perceptions of Hawaiian values in business communication. Journal of Education for Business, 90, 63-71. (56)*
Ramos, C. M., Kim, B. S. K., & Nagurney, A. (2014). Cultural community context matters: Quality of life of long-term cancer survivors living in rural Hawaiʻi communities. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, E16, 1-14. (55)*
Wong, Y. J., Kim, B. S. K., Nguyen, C. P., Cheng, J., & Saw, A. (2014). The Interpersonal Shame Inventory for Asian Americans: Scale development and psychometric properties. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 119-132. (54)*
Kim, B. S. K. (2013). In memoriam: Robyn O. J. Kim (1970-2011). The Counseling Psychologist, 41, 182-185. [An introduction to a special issue titled "Coping with Cancer and its Aftermath: Theory, Research, and Practice."] (53)
Wong, Y. J., Nguyen, C. P., Wang, S.-Y., Chen, W., Steinfeldt, J. A., & Kim, B. S. K. (2012). A latent profile analysis of Asian American men's and women’s adherence to cultural values. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 18, 258-267. (52)*
Kim, B. S. K. (2011). Client motivation and multicultural counseling. The Counseling Psychologist, 39, 267-275. (51)
Herman, S., Archambeau, O. G., Deliramich, A. N., Kim, B. S. K., Chiu, P. H. & Frueh, B. C. (2011). Depressive symptoms and mental health treatment in an ethnoracially diverse college student sample. Journal of American College Health, 59, 715-720 . (50)* Schlosser, L. Z., Lyons, H. Z., Talleyrand, R. M., Kim, B. S. K., & Johnson, W. B. (2011). Advisor-advisee relationships in graduate training programs. _Journal of Career Development, 38, _3-18. (49)
Schlosser, L. Z., Lyons, H. Z., Talleyrand, R. M., Kim, B. S. K., & Johnson, W. B. (2011). Multicultural issues in graduate advising relationships. Journal of Career Development, 38, 19-43. (48)
Schlosser, L. Z., Talleyrand, R. M., Lyons, H. Z., Kim, B. S. K., & Johnson, W. B. (2011). A multiculturally-infused model of graduate advising relationships. _Journal of Career Development, 38, _44-61. (47)
Kim, B. S. K., Wong, Y. J., & Maffini, C. S. (2010). Annual review of Asian American psychology, 2009. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 1, 227-260_. _(46)
Kim, B. S. K., & Omizo, M. M. (2010). Behavioral enculturation and acculturation, psychological functioning, and help-seeking attitudes among Asian American adolescents. _Asian American Journal of Psychology, 1,_175-185. (45)*
Wang, S., & Kim, B. S. K. (2010). Therapist multicultural competence, Asian American participants’ cultural values, and counseling process. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 57, 394-401. (44)*
Park, Y. S., Kim, B. S. K., Chiang, J., & Ju, C. M. (2010). Acculturation, enculturation, parental adherence to Asian cultural values, parenting styles, and family conflict among Asian American college students. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 1, 67-79. (43)*
Alamilla, S. G., Kim, B. S. K., Lam, N. A. (2010). Acculturation, enculturation, perceived racism, minority status stressors, and psychological symptomatology among Latino/as. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32, 55-76_._ (42)*
Archambeau, O. G., Frueh, B. C., Deliramich, A. N., Elhai, J. D., Grubaugh, A. L., Herman, S., & Kim, B. S. K. (2010). Interpersonal violence and mental health outcomes among Asian-American and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander college students. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2, _273-283._ (41)*
Kim, B. S. K., Soliz, A., Orellana, B., & Alamilla, S. (2009). Latino/a Values Scale: Development, reliability, and validity_. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 42, 71-91. _(40)*
[This article was selected for the “2010 AACE/MECD Journal Editor’s Research Award.”]
Kim, B. S. K., Ng, G. F., & Ahn, A. J. (2009). Client adherence to Asian cultural values, common factors in counseling, and session outcome with Asian American clients at a university counseling center. Journal of Counseling and Development, 87, 131-142. (39)*
Ahn, A. J., Kim, B. S. K., & Park Y. S. (2008). Asian cultural values gap, cognitive flexibility, coping strategies, and parent-child conflicts among Korean Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 14, _ 353-363 _. (38)*
Consoli, A. J., Kim, B. S. K., & Meyer, D. M. (2008). Counselors' values profile: Implications for counseling ethnic minority clients. Counseling and Values, 52, 181-197. (37)
Park, Y. S., & Kim, B. S. K. (2008). Asian and European American cultural values and communication styles among Asian American and European American college students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 14, _47-56._ (36)*
Omizo, M. M., Kim, B. S. K., & Abel, N. R. (2008). Asian and European American cultural values, bicultural competence, and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help among Asian American adolescents_.__Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development_, 36, 15-28. (35)*
Ong, L. Z., Berven, N. L., & Kim, B. S. K. (2008). Students’ perspectives on strategies to improve classroom instructions related to ethical practices in rehabilitation counseling. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 2, _9-18._ (34)*
Kim, B. S. K. (2007). Adherence to Asian and European American cultural values and attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help among Asian American college students._ Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54, _474-480. (33)*
Li, L. C., Kim, B. S. K., & O’Brien, K. M. (2007). An analogue study of the effects of Asian cultural values and counselor multicultural competence on counseling process.Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 44, 90-95. (32)*
Dressel, J. L., Consoli, A. J., Kim, B. S. K., & Atkinson, D. R. (2007). Successful and unsuccessful multicultural supervisory behaviors: A Delphi poll._ Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 35,_ 51-64_._ (31)*
Kim, B. S. K., Greif, J. L., & Klein, E. F. (2006). Using storybooks to promote multicultural sensitivity in elementary school children. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 34, 223-234. (30)
Kim, B. S. K., & Omizo, M. M. (2006). Behavioral acculturation and enculturation and psychological functioning among Asian American college students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 12, 245-258. (29)*
Cartwright, B. Y., & Kim, B. S. K. (2006). Selected factors associated with quality employment outcomes. Journal of Rehabilitation, 72, 41-47. (28)*
Kim, B. S. K., Li, L. C., & Ng, G. F. (2005). The Asian American Values Scale – Multidimensional: Development, reliability, and validity. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 11, 187-201. (27)*
[This article was selected as the “FEATURE” article of the issue.]
Kim, B. S. K., & Omizo, M. M. (2005). Asian and European American cultural values, collective self-esteem, acculturative stress, cognitive flexibility, and general self-efficacy among Asian American college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 412-419. (26)*
Kim, B. S. K., Ng, G. F., & Ahn, A. J. (2005). Effects of client expectation for counseling success, client-counselor worldview match, and client adherence to Asian and European American cultural values on counseling process with Asian Americans. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 67-76. (25)*
Hong, S., Kim, B. S. K., & Wolfe, M. M. (2005). A psychometric revision of the European American Values Scale for Asian Americans using the Rasch model. _Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 37, _194-207. (24)*
Kim, B. S. K., & Hong, S. (2004). A psychometric revision of the Asian Values Scale using the Rasch model. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 37, 15-27. (23)*
Li, L. C., & Kim, B. S. K. (2004). Effects of counseling style and client adherence to Asian cultural values on counseling process with Asian American college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51, 158-167. (22)*
Chung, R. H. G., Kim, B. S. K., & Abreu, J. M. (2004). Asian American Multidimensional Acculturation Scale: Development, factor analysis, reliability, and validity. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 10, 66-80. (21)*
Liang, C. T. H., Li, L. C., & Kim, B. S. K. (2004). The Asian American Racism-Related Stress Inventory: Development, factor analysis, reliability, and validity. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51, 103-114. (20)*
Kim, B. S. K., & Lyons, H. Z. (2003). Experiential activities and multicultural counseling competence training. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 400-408. (19)
Kim, B. S. K., Hill, C. E., Gelso, C. J., Goates, M. K., Asay, P. A., & Harbin, J. M. (2003). Counselor self-disclosure, east Asian American client adherence to Asian cultural values, and counseling process. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 324-332_._ (18)*
Kim, B. S. K., Liang, C. T. H., & Li, L. C. (2003). Counselor ethnicity, counselor nonverbal behavior, and session outcome with Asian American clients: Initial findings. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81, 202-207_._ (17)*
Kim, B. S. K., & Omizo, M. M. (2003). Asian cultural values, attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help, and willingness to see a counselor. The Counseling Psychologist, 31, 343-361_._ (16)*
Kim, B. S. K., Brenner, B. R., Liang, C. T. H., & Asay, P. A. (2003). A qualitative study of adaptation experiences of 1.5-generation Asian Americans. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 9, 156-170_. _(15)*
Kim, B. S. K., Cartwright, B. Y., Asay, P. A., & D’Andrea, M. J. (2003). A revision of the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey – Counselor Edition. _Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36, _161-180. (14)*
[This article was selected for the “2005 AACE/MECD Journal Editor’s Research Award.”]
Wong, E., Kim, B. S. K., Zane, N. W. S., Kim, I. J., & Huang, J. S. (2003). Examining culturally-based variables associated with ethnicity: Influences on credibility perceptions of empirically supported interventions. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 9, 88-96. (13)*
Abreu, J. M., Ramirez, E., Kim, B. S. K., & Haddy, C. (2003). Automatic activation of Yellow Peril Asian American stereotypes: Effects on social impression formation. Journal of Social Psychology, 143, 691-706_._ (12)*
Kim, B. S. K., Li, L. C., & Liang, C. T. H. (2002). Effects of Asian American client adherence to Asian cultural values, session goal, and counselor emphasis of client expression on career counseling process. _Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49, _342-354. (11)*
Kim, B. S. K., & Atkinson, D. R. (2002). Asian American client adherence to Asian cultural values, counselor expression of cultural values, counselor ethnicity, and career counseling process. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49, 3-13. (10)*
Kim, B. S. K., Yang, P. H., Atkinson, D. R., Wolfe, M. M., & Hong, S. (2001). Cultural value similarities and differences among Asian American ethnic groups. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 7, 343-361. (9)*
Kim, B. S. K., Atkinson, D. R., & Umemoto, D. (2001) Asian cultural values and the counseling process: Current knowledge and directions for future research. The Counseling Psychologist, 29, 570-603. (8)
Kim, B. S. K., Atkinson, D. R., & Yang, P. H. (1999). The Asian Values Scale: Development, factor analysis, validation, and reliability. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 46, 342-352. (7)*
[This article was recognized as the 4th most cited article (64 citations) among all of the articles published between 1997 and 2006 in the Journal of Counseling Psychology. Number of citations according to Google Scholar as of April 2017: 696]****
Daniels, J., D'Andrea, M., & Kim, B. S. K. (1999). Assessing the barriers and changes of cross-cultural supervision: A case study. Counselor Education and Supervision, 38, 191-204. (6)*
Kim, B. S. K., Omizo, M. M., & D'Andrea, M. J. (1998). The effects of culturally consonant group counseling on the self-esteem and internal locus of control orientation among Native American adolescents. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 23, 145-163. (5)*
Kim, B. S. K., D'Andrea, M., Sahu, P., & Gaughen, K. (1998). A multicultural study of university students' knowledge of and attitudes toward homosexuality. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 36, 171-182. (4)*
Atkinson, D. R., Kim, B. S. K., & Caldwell, R. (1998). Ratings of helper roles by multicultural psychologists and Asian American students: Initial support for the 3-dimensional model of multicultural counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 45, 414-423. (3)*
Salvador, D. S., Omizo, M. M., & Kim, B. S. K. (1997) Bayanihan: Providing effective counseling strategies with children of Filipino ancestry. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 25, 201-209. (2)
Kim, B. S. K., Omizo, M. M., & Salvador, D. S. (1996). Culturally relevant counseling services for Korean American children: A systematic approach_. Elementary__School Guidance and Counseling, 31,_ 64-73. (1)
Entries in Encyclopedia
(Underlined names were students under my supervision.)
Kim, B. S. K., & Park, Y. S. (2008). Enculturation. In F. T. L. Leong (Ed.) _Encyclopedia of counseling. _Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (3)
Park, Y. S., & Kim, B. S. K. (2008). High context communication. In F. T. L. Leong (Ed.) _Encyclopedia of counseling. _Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (2)
Park, Y. S., & Kim, B. S. K. (2008). Low context communication. In F. T. L. Leong (Ed.) _Encyclopedia of counseling. _Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (1)
Psychological Instruments
(The number in the parentheses refers to the number of the journal article cited above in which the instrument was described. Underlined names were students under my supervision.)
Wong, Y. J., Kim, B. S. K., Nguyen, C. P., Cheng, J. K. Y., & Saw, A. (2014). The Interpersonal Shame Inventory for Asian Americans (52)
Kim, B. S. K., Soliz, A., Orellana, B., & Alamilla, S. (2009): _Latino(a) Values Scale _(40)
Kim, B. S. K., Li, L. C., & Ng., G. F. (2005): Asian American Values Scale – Multidimensional (27)
Hong, S., Kim, B. S. K., & Wolfe, M. M. (2005): European American Values Scale for Asian Americans – Revised (24)
Kim, B. S. K., & Hong, S. (2004): Asian Values Scale – Revised (23)
Chung, R. H. G., Kim, B. S. K., & Abreu, J. M. (2004): Asian American Multidimensional Acculturation Scale (21)
Liang, C. T. H., Li, L. C., & Kim, B. S. K. (2004): Asian American Racism-Related Stress Inventory (20)
Kim, B. S. K., Cartwright, B. Y., Asay, P. A., & D’Andrea, M. J. (2003): Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey – Counselor Edition – Revised (14)
Kim, B. S. K., Atkinson, D. R., & Yang, P. H. (1999): Asian Values Scale (7)
Other Publications/Creative Activities
Kim, B. S. K. (March 21, 2020). UH Hilo Professor of Psychology Bryan Kim shares scientific reasons for social distancing and his “Top 10 To Do List” for coping with COVID-19 crisis. UH Hilo Stories. (6)
Kim, B. S. K., Herman, S., Frueh, B. C., Higa-McMillan, C., & Kim, S. (November 19, 2009). UH Hilo addressing mental health needs. Hawaiʻi Tribune-Herald, A-7. (5)
Kim, B. S. K. (June 27, 2007). Asian American psychology. The Mel “Mynah Bird” Medeiros Show on KHBC AM 1060, Hilo, HI. (4)
Kim, B. S. K., Gaughen, D., & Salvador, D. (1995). Enhancing students' development through community-based research and service projects: The UH JOBS Orientation Program. Educational Perspectives. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, College of Education. (3)
Salvador, D. S., Kim, B. S. K., & Sahu, P. K. (1995, October). Student Focus: ACA Bound, A student-centered approach to the annual convention. Counseling Today, pp. 52-53. (2)
D'Andrea, M., Daniels, J., Kim, B. S. K. (1999). Innovative Approaches from a White Perspective. Culturally-Competent Counseling and Therapy: Live Demonstrations of Innovative Approaches. North Amherst, MA: Microtraining Associates. (1)**
Peer-Reviewed Presentations (Abbreviated)
(Underlined names were students under my supervision)
Park, J., Hui-Spears, K., Garrison, Y. L., Lee, H., Knutson, D., Koch, J., & Kim, B. S. K. (Chair) (2023, August). Toward a strength-based, ecological training model for international counseling psychology students. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. (89)
Trevorrow, T., Scanlan, S., Aumer, K., Kim, B. S. K., Tsushima, T., & Harris, S. (2022, April) Sleep during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD. (88)
Kim, B. S. K. (2019, October). The science and art of publishing in a psychology journal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Hawaii Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI. (87)
Kim, B. S. K. (2019, August). The past and the future of The Counseling Psychologist. In L. P. Buki (Chair), Celebrating 50 years of The Counseling Psychologist: Reflections from the living editors. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (86)
Wong, Y. J., Kim, B. S. K., Nguyen, C. P., Cheng, J. K. Y., & Saw, A. (2015, August). Interpersonal Shame: Philosophical, Cultural, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives. In J. Wong (Chair), _Beyond collectivism - The interface of culture and well-being. _Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (85)
Alamilla, S. G., Kim, B. S. K., Walker, T., & Sisson, F. R. (2014, August). _Acculturation, enculturation, perceived racism, and mental health among Asian Americans. _Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C. (84)
Kim, B. S. K., & Zane, N. (2014, June). Operationalizing cultural diversity: Strategies for conducting publishable (and fundable) ethnic minority research. Workshop presented at the Third Biennial APA Division 45 Research Conference, Eugene, OR. (83)
Ramos, C. M., Kim, B. S. K., Nagurney, A., & Heuer, E. (2014, April). _Influence of acculturation, enculturation, cognitive flexibility and stress on the physical and mental health of Asian American college students. _Poster presented at the annual meeting and scientific sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA. (82)
Kim, B. S. K., Douangdara, S., & Karino, Y. W. (2013, August). Cultural values gap, parent-child conflicts, and mental health among Asian Americans in Hawaii. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI (81)
Douangdara, S., Kim, B. S. K., & Karino, Y. W. (2013, August). Cultural behavior gap, parent-child conflicts, and mental health among Asian Americans in Hawaii. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI (80)
dePillis, E. G., Kim, B. S. K., Thomas, C. A., & Kaulukukui, G. H. (2013, August). You can’t make something it’s not: Hawaiian discourse and perceived leadership ability. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI (79)
Kim, B. S. K., Park, Y. S., Vo, L., Fan, D. Nguyen, H. N., & Wu, I. (2011, August). East Asian Relationship Norms: Theory and Measurement. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. (78)
Omizo, M. M., Valenti, M., Ignacio, L., Matsuoka, R., & Kim, B. S. K. (2011, August). _Counseling HIV positive clients: A qualitative study. _Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. (77)
Hui, K., Choi, N., Yang, M., Lim, R. H., Lee, J. C., Kim, B. S. K., & Miller, M. J. (2011, August). _Examining the factor structure of the Asian Values Scale Short Form across generational status. _Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. (76)
Kim, B. S. K. (2011, July). Korean American parent-child cultural values gap, cognitive flexibility, and intergenerational conflict. Poster presented at the 3rd Asian Cognitive Behavior Therapy Conference, Seoul, South Korea. (75)
Kim, B. S. K., & Omizo, M. M. (2010, August). Asian American adolescents’ behavioral enculturation and acculturation and psychological functioning. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA. (74)
Kim, B. S. K., Ramos, C. M., & Park, Y. S. (2009, August). Cultural values and behavioral discrepancies and Asian American parent-child conflicts_._ Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (73)
Wang, S., & Kim, B. S. K. (2009, August). Client cultural values, therapist multicultural competence, and session evaluation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (72)
Archambeau, O. G., Deliramich, A. N., Herman, S, Kim, B. S. K, Frueh, B. C. (2009, March). Interpersonal violence and mental health outcomes among college students in rural Hawaii. Poster session presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM. (71)
Deliramich, A. N., Archambeau, O. G., Frueh, B. C., Herman, S. & Kim, B. S. K. (2009, March). Effects of childhood physical and sexual violence and adult mental health outcomes among college students in rural Hawaii. Poster session to be presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM. (70)
**Kim, B. S. K. **(2008, October). Culturally competent mental health services for Asian Americans. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Hawaiʻi Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI. (69)
Kim, B. S. K., Inman, A. G., Chang, C. Y., Choudhuri, D. D., & Singh, A. A. (2008, March). The aftermath of Seung-Hui Cho’s murders at Virginia Tech: Multiculturally competent counseling for Asian American families. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Honolulu, HI. (68)
Jones, J. W. W., Kim, B. S. K., Gallardo-Cooper, M. I., & Tatem, B. A. (2008, March). AMCD town hall meeting: Special interest groups collaborate on issues of multicultural importance. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Honolulu, HI. (67)
Kim, B. S. K. (2007, August). Asian and U.S. cultural values and help-seeking attitudes. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (66)*
Buki, L. P., & Kim, B. S. K. (Chairs) (2007, August). Poster session: Improving practice – Focus on ethnic psychology. Poster program presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (65)
Park, Y. S., Kim, B. S. K., Chiang, J., & Ju, C. (2007, August). _Acculturation, enculturation, parenting styles, and family conflict among Asian Americans. _Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (64)*
Alamilla, S. G., Kim, B. S. K., & Lam, A. N. (2007, August). Enculturation, acculturation, perceived racism, minority status stress, and psychological symptomatology. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (63)*
Omizo, M. M., Kim, Bryan S. K., & Matsuoka, R. (2007, August). Counseling bullies and victims of bullies: A phenomenological study. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (62)*
Kim, B. S. K. (2007, August). Adherence to Asian values: Future directions. In J. Wong (Chair), Adherence to Asian values: Innovative research, applications, and directions. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Asian American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (61)
Park, Y. S., Kim, B. S. K., Fan, D. J., & Vo, D. (2007, August). _Differences in the separation and individuation process for Asian American and European American college students. _Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Asian American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. (60)*
Choudhuri, D. D., Kim, B. S. K., & Oprea, L. M. (2007, March). Practice Competencies Within AAPI Populations: Working with AAPI Women, Children, GLBT, and Immigrants and Refugees. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Counseling Association, Detroit, MI. (59)
Alamilla, S. G., Kim, B. S. K., Zack, C., & Smith, S. R. (2007, March). Impact of enculturation and acculturation on the Personality Assessment Inventory. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, Arlington, VA. (58)*