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UH Hilo History Club

History Club membersMembers of the History Club

History students, whether majors and non-majors, are eligible for membership in the UH Hilo History Club. Student members have participated in community activities such as Toys for Tots, food bank drives, excursions to historic sites, and film nights.

For more information about the UH Hilo History Club or to become a member, contact the History Club secretary, at histclub@hawaii.edu.

Phi Alpha Theta: National History Honor Society

History students are eligible for membership in the Alpha Beta Omicron chapter (established February 14, 1985) of Phi Alpha Theta. Student members of this society are eligible to present papers at the Phi Alpha Theta Hawaiʻi regional conference generally held in the islands in March of each academic year and have received top honors for outstanding undergraduate writing.

2015 Phi Alpha Theta UH Hilo attendeesStacy Reed, Cletus Correa, Thomas Dols, & ʻAlika Guerrero at the 2015 regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference at BYU Hawaiʻi.

Phi Alpha Theta (ΦΑΘ) is an American honor society for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of History. The society has over 350,000 members, and about 9,500 new members join each year through the 860 local chapters. Undergraduate students must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours (200-level or above) in History, achieve a minimum GPA of 3.2 in History and 3.0 overall. Membership is not limited to History majors and is a lifetime membership. Members receive a membership certificate and four issues of the Phi Alpha Theta journal, The Historian.

For more information about becoming a member of Phi Alpha Theta contact the UH Hilo Department of History Phi Alpha Theta Faculty Advisor, Yucheng Qin.