Aloha and welcome to the Department of Geography and Environmental Science! The island of Hawaiʻi offers a setting of diverse natural and cultural environments for both geographic and environmental studies. The department offers a comprehensive curriculum with a diverse offering of courses that include field excursions, interdisciplinary course work in the natural and social sciences, and computer-based spatial analysis using GIS and remote sensing.

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate students through a Hawaiʻi-based curriculum in geography and the environment rooted in interdisciplinary experiential learning and its transformative potential. We aim for teaching and research that connect local places and processes to greater Oceania and the globe. Whether a student focuses on geography (human, physical, or spatial science), environmental studies, or environmental science, our goal is to create thoughtful and capable graduates with the foundational knowledge, technological skills, theoretical background, and creativity needed to contribute to their communities’ needs and help achieve a more just and thriving world. Mahalo nui to the kanaka maoli of Hawaiʻi whose ‘āina teaches and supports the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo community.

Our Degrees and Campus

The University

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo is characterized as a comprehensive, diverse, regional university. Scholarship and research are an important part of faculty work and student engagement, but the primary focus is on providing high-quality baccalaureate and postgraduate education.

About Geography and Environmental Science

Geography students doing Field work at Honoliʻi Beach ParkGeography students doing field work at Honoliʻi Beach Park

The faculty in the Department of Geography & Environmental Science at UH Hilo represent a unique combination of teaching skills, research grants, notable publications, and accessibility. The faculty have received three Regent’s Awards for Teaching Excellence, numerous and considerable grants in geographic/environmental research, published books and articles about local, regional, and global issues, all in addition to teaching a varied and unique geography & environmental science curriculum.

Hawaiʻi Island in the News

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