February 24, 2015

sceenshot of Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology announcement of this new study

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can often lead to long-term deficits in cognitive functions, including learning and memory. There are several post-TBI processes that may contribute to learning and memory deficits, but there is currently no clinical treatment to inhibit these pathological processes. Other studies have suggested that activation of the cannabinoid 1 receptor (CB1R) may inhibit aspects of post-TBI pathology; so we applied a synthetic CB1R agonist to young adult male rats after administering a controlled TBI and then tested their learning and memory behavior. We found that administering a CB1R agonist after a TBI appears to rescue their learning and memory functions. Further research is necessary to better understand the potential use of cannabinoids in clinical practice.

Read more at PubMed.

Posted in Research

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