PSBN Artist Presentations:
Yuji Hiratsuka:
Wuon Gean Ho:
Congratulations to the 49 selected artists for this year's exhibition!
Paul Acevedo Gomez, Miguel Aragon, Carlos Barberena, Christine Baum, John Bergmeier, Michael Burke, Keith Buswell, Kay Campbell, Kyle Chaput, Ryan Cronk, Isabel Deaver, Andrew DeCaen, Justin Diggle, Tallmadge Doyle, David DuBose, Matthew Egan, Juana Estrada Hernandez, Eduardo Fausti, Beth Fein, Donald Furst, Ellen Heck, Marco Hernandez, Jani Hoberg, Marcus Howell, Katya Hutchinson, Kyung Sook Koo, Leslie Koptcho, Rebecca McCannell, Katherine McDowell, Mary Mead, Danuta Muszynska, Carrie Phillips Kieser, Andrew Polk, Endi Poskovic, Tatiana Potts, Holly Rios, Elizabeth Rose, Kamran Samimi, Gregory Santos, Roxanne Sexauer, Mark Sisson, Sarah Smelser, Tanja Softic, Nicole Soley, Mike Sonnichsen, Taro Takizawa, Linda Whitney, Brandon Williams, Stephen Wozniak
Juror’s Awards: 1st Place Kamran Samimi Resilience II
Honorable Mentions Miguel Aragon Muerte (Death), Juana Estrada-Hernandez It Began with US, Ellen Heck The Bath, Kyung Sook Koo Markings 20-2, Mike Sonnichsen Untitled # 12 (from the 8x8 Combine series),
State Foundation on Culture and the Arts Recognition Awards: Katya Hutchinson Bessemer Bubbles, Carrie Phillips-Kieser Touch
The Pacific States Biennial National juried printmaking exhibition was established by the Art Department Print Studio at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo in 1982 and is now the Pacific States Biennial North American. The exhibition is open to all artists 18 years or older presently residing anywhere on the North American continent, its islands, and outlying US territories. This premier Hawaiʻi biennial exhibition is hosted in conjunction with the Campus Center Gallery with support from the Student Activities Council.
Juror: Yuji Hiratsuka
Yuji Hiratsuka was born in Osaka, Japan. He has a B.S. in Art Education from Tokyo Gakugei University, and degrees in printmaking from New Mexico State University (MA) and Indiana University (MFA). He currently is a professor of printmaking at Oregon State University.
Hiratsuka has received numerous international awards. Since 2010 he has had 13 solo shows in the US, as well as in Korea, Canada and Northern Ireland.
Some of the public collections that include Hiratsuka’s art are The British Museum, Tokyo Central Museum, Panstwowe Museum in Poland; The House of Humor and Satire in Bulgaria, Cincinnati Art Museum, Cleveland Art Museum, Portland Art Museum, New York Public Library, The Library of Congress and The Smithsonian’s Museum of Asian Art.
- First place: Artist residency at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo to cover travel, lodging, per diem, and honorarium.
- Purchase Awards and Juror Awards.
Open to all artists 18 years or older presently residing anywhere on the North American continent, its islands, and outlying US territories.
- August 21, 2022 CaFÉ entries due
- September 5, 2022 email notification
- September 19, 2022 accepted work due
- November 4, 2022 exhibition opens
- December 31, 2022 exhibition closes
Legal Agreement
Original work in all printmaking media and digital/traditional hybrid prints are eligible. No photography or digital reproductions of original works will be accepted. Works must be completed within the last 2 years.
The paper size dimension for submitted work must not exceed 30” x 40” or it cannot be framed/exhibited. Please measure your work exactly to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum dimensions. Works exceeding these dimentions may not be able to be displayed.
Selection will be based on juror review of jpeg image(s) that have been prepped and submitted following CaFÉ entry media specifications.
No original work should be sent until requested.
Work submitted following juror selection must correspond to the CaFÉ entry for the 2022 PSBN. Work that does not correspond to the accepted online entry will not be included in the exhibition.
Accepted work must be sent without mat or frame in a reusable mailing tube or flat package and sent to arrive by the accepted work deadline 9/19/2022. All work in the exhibition must be available for the duration of the exhibition.
Artists selected for the show implicitly agree to the rules and specifications of the PSBN.
UH Hilo will cover the cost of return shipping to artists.
All participating artists will receive one color catalog of the exhibition at no cost.
Please allow 6-8 weeks for the return of the work.
The University on Hawaiʻi at Hilo reserves the right to use digital images submitted with registration for the catalogue or for publicity purposes.
Every precaution and care will be exercised in the handling and the exhibition of the work. However, the Art Department and the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo is not liable in the event of accidental damage or loss of work.
Selected PSBN works will be exhibited at UH Hilo Campus Center Gallery. Sales will include a 20% commission.
Entry Fee
$35 (USD) per artist. The fee is non-refundable and entitles the artist to submit up to 2 works completed within the past 2 years. Credit card payment accepted with CaFÉ registration online, or via check or money order payable to: Research Corp. of the University of Hawaii. All form of PSBN entry fee payment must be received August 21, 2022.
National shipping via U.S. Post Office Priority Mail is recommended. All works will be returned via U.S. or International Priority Mail. Artists are encouraged to ship larger works in a sturdy tube. Containers exceeding U.S. Post Office Priority Mail regulations will require prepaid return shipping. International artists are especially encouraged to ship prints rolled in a tube. International shipments should be marked clearly on the outside: “Printed Matter, No Commercial Value.”
Accepted work must be sent without mat or frame in a reusable mailing tube or flat package and arrive by the accepted work deadline 9/19/2022.
Mailing/Shipping Address
2022 PSBN
Professor Jonathon Goebel, Art Dept.
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 West Kawili Street
Hilo, HI 96720-4091
Entry Details
PSBN will use the CaFÉ system of the Western States Art Federation to receive and process all entries. CaFÉ registration is free. Artists may submit up to two digital images of original prints completed within the past two years.
For first time users of CaFÉ, go to and follow the directions for creating a login name and password. Once registered, click on "My Portfolio" to upload images for the application. Size your submissions to 1920 pixels for the longest dimension (3mb maximum file size). Once your images are uploaded into your portfolio, click on “Apply to Calls” and select the listing, Pacific States Biennial National and click "apply to this call." Follow directions from there.