Pacific States Biennial National logo

About the Exhibition

The 2014 Pacific States Biennial National juried print exhibition was established by the Art Department Print Studio at the University of Hawaii Hilo in 1982. The premier Hawaii biennial exhibition is hosted in conjunction with the Campus Center Gallery with support from the Student Activities Council and is open to all artists 18 years or older presently residing in the United States and its territories. PSBN will cover the cost of return shipping and provide a color exhibition catalog to participating artists.


Willie Cole, a well-noted contemporary African-American sculptor and conceptual and visual artist. Cole is the recipient of many awards, including the 2006 Winner of the David C. Driskell Prize, the first national award to honor and celebrate contributions to the field of African-American art and art history, established by the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia. He is represented by Alexander and Bonin Gallery in New York; and by Guido Maus, beta pictoris gallery / Maus Contemporary in Birmingham, AL. Cole’s work is found in numerous private and public collections and museums around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art; the Whitney Museum of American Art; the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, New York; and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.


$3000.00 available for purchase awards. Juror’s award selections are invited to participate in the annual international or national invitationalexhibition at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo.


Open to all artists 18 years or older presentlyresiding in the United States and territories.


  • August 15, 2014 CaFE entries due
  • September 1, 2014 email notification
  • September 15, 2014 accepted work due
  • October 15, 2014 exhibition opens
  • December 1, 2014 exhibition closes


Original work in all printmaking media including monoprints and monotypes are eligible. No photographs. The paper size dimension for submitted work cannot exceed 30” x 40”. Selection will be based on juror review of jpeg image(s) that have been prepped and submitted following CaFE entry media specifications. No original work should be sent until requested. Work submitted following juror selection must correspond to the CaFE entry for the 2014 PSBN. Work that does not correspond to the accepted online entry will not be included in the exhibition.

Accepted work should be sent without mat or frame in a reusable mailing tube or flat package and sent to arrive by the accepted work deadline 9/15/2014. The exhibition will mat and frame all accepted works for presentation in the University of Hawaiʻi Hilo Campus Center Gallery. All work in the exhibition must be available for the duration of the exhibition. Artists selected for the show implicitly agree to the rules and specifications of the PSBN.

Entry Fee

$35.00 per artist. The fee is non-refundable and entitles the artist to submit 1 to 2 works completed within the past 2 years. This fee will also cover the cost of return shipping (via USPS) and each artist will receive one color catalog. Credit card payment accepted with CaFE registration online, or via check or money order payable to: UH Hilo Pac States. All forms of PSBN entry fee payment must be received August 15, 2014.


Shipping via U.S. Post Office Priority Mail is recommended. Containers should be sturdy and conform to postal regulations. Containers exceeding U.S. Post Office Priority Mail regulations or shipped via other carriers will require prepaid return shipping. Accepted work must be sent without mat or frame in a reusable mailing tube or flat package and arrive by the accepted work deadline 9/15/2014.


2014 PSBN
Professor Jonathon Goebel, Art Dept.
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 West Kawili Street
Hilo, HI 96720-4091

Direct emails to:

Work Return

Work will be returned via U.S. Priority Mail or through pre-paid carrier following the close of the exhibition. US Priority Mail shipments will be insured to the maximum amount allowed by the service. Please allow 6-8 weeks for the return of the work.


A catalogue of the exhibition will be sent to all participating artists. The University on Hawaiʻi reserves the right to use digital images submitted with registration for the catalogue or for publicity purposes.


Every precaution and care will be exercised in the handling and the exhibition of the work. However, the Art Department and the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo is not liable in the event of accidental damage or loss of work.

Entry Procedure

PSBN will use the CaFE system of the Western States Art Federation to receive and process all entries. CaFE registration is free. Artists may submit up to two digital images of original prints completed within the past two years. .

New to CaFE?

Visit CaFE and follow the directions for creating a login name and password. Once registered, click on My Portfolio to upload images for the application. Size your submissions to 1920 pixels for the longest dimension (3mb maximum file size). Once your images are uploaded into your portfolio, click on Apply to Calls and select the listing, Pacific States Biennial National and click apply to this call. Follow directions from there.