IV. Facilities and Spaces
These guidelines are interim only and are subject to revision, until we can complete consultation with the unions.
On this page:
A. Cleaning and Disinfection
Functional and Common Spaces will have a schedule for routine cleaning and disinfection as recommended by the CDC, especially for frequently touched surfaces (e.g., desks, door handles, elevator buttons, faucets, paper towel dispensers.)
- Hand sanitizing stations may be provided at building entrance points, classrooms, front desk/lobby/reception areas, and common spaces.
- All restrooms have soap and sinks where people may wash their hands.
- Cleaning and disinfection will occur with increased frequency.
- Cleaning supplies (e.g. disinfectant sprays, rags, paper towels) may be provided in classrooms for faculty, staff, and students to wipe down areas for additional precaution.
B. Ventilation
UH Hilo is monitoring and maintaining air conditioning units in accordance with normal operating protocols.
- In facilities where air conditioning is not utilized, users may increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, for example by opening windows and doors, except where doing so poses a safety or health risk (e.g., risk of falling, triggering asthma symptoms) to those using the facility or if it would compromise research.
C. Modified Layouts
Physical distancing is not required at this on the UH Hilo campus. Capacity and seating has been adjusted in classrooms without fixed seating, to decrease density and align with class scheduling. Indoor and outdoor seating has been adjusted to de-densify spaces. Although not required, distancing is encouraged.
D. Physical Barriers and Guides
- Where feasible, physical barriers such as clear sneeze guards and partitions may be installed in areas, in particular at public-facing transaction counters (e.g., student services, mail delivery, food service).
E. Vehicle Use
Recommendations for all vehicles:
- Hand sanitizer should be applied prior to entering the vehicle.
- Hand sanitizer should be used after touching public surfaces such as gas pumps, parking meters and pay stations, and when entering and exiting buildings.
- Frequent touch points within the vehicle should be disinfected before and after each trip (for example, the steering wheel, gear shift, door frame/handles, windows, radio/temperature dials, and seat belt buckles).
Recommendations for vehicles involving two or more occupants and regardless of trip length:
- Hand sanitizer should be used as noted above and during the ride if any items are shared (pens, equipment, etc). Note: Keep hand sanitizer in a door side panel or in a covered middle console.
- All windows should remain open to allow for air flow throughout the vehicle. (doesn't need to be fully open)
- If used, air conditioning vents should be running and pointed down in the vehicle; do not use recirculated air.