FC Minutes September 21, 2018
Meeting Date: September 21, 2018.
Meeting Location: UCB 312.
In Attendance: Philippe Binder, Janet Ray, Karen Pellegrin., Steve Herman, Armando Garcia, Steven Colbert, Shelby Wong, Yiqing Li, Shawon Rahman, Supakit Wongwiwatthananukit, Daniela Guendisch, Patsy Iwasaki, Doug Mikkelson, Lari-Anne Au, Francis Dumanig, Rayna Morel, Leng Chee Chang, Kim Shmina, Jim Beets, Amy Saxton, Sevki Erdogan, Jarred Prudencio, Andrey Simonov, James Czarski, Ken Hon and Joseph Sanchez.
Recorded By: Karen Pellegrin.
Call to Order: 3:15 P.M.
Adjournment: 5:06 P.M.
Welcome and Introductions
Report: N/A
Actions: None.
Topic: Out-of-Order
Special Consideration: Election of Secretary
Report: Jan Ray nominated Karen Pellegrin to serve as secretary for FC.
Actions: Doug Mikkelson moved to approve Karen to serve as FC secretary for AY18-19, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 13 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Topic: FC Chair Report
Report: FC Chair Jan Ray reported the FC meeting dates for AY18-19, noted dissemination of findings from the system-wide Spring 2018 Quality of Faculty Worklife Survey, provided updates from the CEC meeting, and reviewed the FC representation from each unit for AY18-19.
Actions: Jan Ray will confirm number of representatives
Topic: FC Standing Committees Reports
Academic Policy Committee
Report: Academic Policy Committee Chair Steve Herman recommended the following committee members: Daniela Guendisch, Li Tao, Larry Kimura, Timothy Freeman.
Actions: Steve Herman moved to approve the list of recommended members of the Academic Policy Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Assessment Support Committee
Report: Assessment Support Committee Chair Lari-Anne Au recommended the following committee members: Bela Conley-Ramsay, Mary Louise Haraguchi, Karla Hayashi, Seri Luangphinith, Kirsten Mollegaard, Alexander Nagurney, Donna Ohora, Lauri Sagle, Susan Shirachi, Brian Wissman.
Actions: Lari-Anne Au moved to approve the list of recommended members of the Assessment Support Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Curriculum Review Committee
Report: Curriculum Review Committee Chair Kim Furumo recommended the following committee members: Emmeline de Pillis, Mike Shintaku, Stan Nakanishi, Kirsten Mollegard, Scott Saft, Daniela Guendisch.
Actions: Philippe Binder moved to approve the list of recommended members of the Curriculum Review Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Faculty Development Committee
Report: Faculty Development Committee Chair Leng Chee Chang recommended the following committee members: Julie Mowrer, Zheng An, Sunyoung Kim, James Czarski.
ACTIONS: Kim Shmina moved to approve the list of recommended members of the Faculty Development Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
General Education Committee
Report: Jan Ray reported that a chair is still needed for the General Education Committee. Doug Mikkelson raised a point of information to ask if the chair must be a member of FC; Jan Ray stated that committee chairs must start as a FC member, but can extend serving as chair beyond their FC term. There are no current FC members interested in chairing the General Education Committee, and the former chair is not interested in continuing as chair.
Actions: Doug Mikkelson moved to allow a one-time exception to the rule that committee chairs must be current FC members or a previous committee chair extending the chair service beyond the FC term to allow Jan Ray to recruit a General Education Committee chair from last year’s membership. The motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Committee
Report: Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Committee Chair Armando Garcia-Ortega recommended the following committee members: Randy Hirokawa, Yucheng Qin, Kalena Silva and Comfort Sumida.
Actions: Steven Colbert moved to approve the list of recommended members of the Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Program Review Committee
Report: Program Review Committee Chair Shawon Rahman reported that he will provide an update on membership at the next FC meeting.
Actions: None.
Student Success and Admissions Committee
Report: Student Success and Admissions Committee Chair Karen Pellegrin recommended the following committee members: Jeanette Perez, Comfort Sumida, Amy Saxton, Patricia Hensley, Michael Skinner, Margaret Stanley
Actions: Philippe Binder moved to approve the list of recommended members of the Student Success and Admissions Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Topic: FC Liaisons Report
Report: Jan Ray reported on the liaisons: Shelby Wong is liaison for both Curriculum and Graduate Council; liaisons for Distance Education and Professional Development are to be determined; Karen Pellegrin is liaison for Research Council and the UH System Office of Research Service (ORS) Faculty Advisory Council. The WASC liaison Seri Luangphinith is currently on sabbatical.
Actions: Jan Ray will follow up on the TBD liaisons and plan for WASC liaison coverage during Seri’s sabbatical.
Topic: FS Chairs Report
Report: Jan Ray introduced the senate chairs: CAFNRM chair is Yiqing Li; CAS chair is Doug Mikkelson; CoBE chair is Terrance Jalbert, CNHS chair is Sevki Erdogan, DKICP chair is Supakit Wongwiwatthananukit, KHUOK chair is Kekoa Harman, LIB chair is Lari-Anne Au.
Actions: None
Topic: FC Representatives Serving on Committees
Report: Jan Ray announced that Leng Chee Chang and Natalie Crist are serving on the Chancellor’s Professional Development Committee and that Randy Hirokawa will continue serving on the search committee for a Project Manager for Strategic Planning.
Actions: None.
Topic: Recognizing FC Ad Hoc Committees
Report: Jan Ray announced that Marina Karides will chair the ad hoc committee for the development of early promotion and tenure guidelines and that Faith Mishina will chair the ad hoc committee for the development of instructor promotion to tenure-track Assistant Professor guidelines/criteria. The ad hoc committee for the development of a consistent, trackable, formal notification procedure for faculty in the queue for contract renewal, promotion, and tenure is on hold as the VC for Academic Affairs office is working to develop a procedure.
Actions: None.
Topic: Old Business
Update on Procedures for Applying for Contract Renewal and Promotion for Instructors on Limited Term Contracts
Report: Jan Ray reported that this procedure is not yet in place and that instructors are stressed as the deadline is October 5. Ken Hon reported that he and others at higher levels are working on this and that they have only a few details left to address. He indicated they might move the deadline this year.
Actions: None.
Topic: Old Business
2017-18 Motions
Report: Jan Ray reported on the status of 2017-18 motions, which will continue to be tracked until resolved.
Actions: None.
Topic: New Business
Review of Motion 18-19-001 to Continue with Revision of the Student Grievance Procedure/Policy
Report: Jan Ray reported that the Motion to Continue with Revision of the Student Grievance Procedure/Policy is not yet available. Steve Herman suggested that this be addressed via the Academic Policy Committee.
Actions: Steve Herman moved to address this at the Academic Policy Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Review of Motion 18-19-002 to Ensure Access to Meaningful Budget Information to Support Shared Governance and Improved Decision-Making
Report: Patsy Iwasaki read the motion.
Actions: Steven Colbert moved to approve this motion, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 17 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Topic: New Business
Request for discussion on Transparent and Equitable Chair Compensation
Report: Jan Ray reported there are concerns about department chair compensation. FC members discussed how to make it transparent and equitable and how to address department chair performance problems.
Actions: Kim Shmina moved to form an ad hoc exploratory committee on this issue, and the motion was seconded. After discussion, Doug Mikkelson moved to table Kim’s motion, and the motion was seconded. Jim Beets raised a point of order clarifying that Doug’s motion is a subsidiary motion. Doug concurred that his subsidiary motion was to end discussion on this issue at this time. Doug’s subsidiary motion to table the issue without further discussion at this meeting was approved with 17 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Topic: Report from ACCFSC meeting
Report: Philippe Binder attended this meeting and reported that the UH Strategic Directions Progress Report will be disseminated by the UH System soon.
Actions: None.
Topic: Vox populi
Report: No issues were raised or discussed.
Actions: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Actions: Philippe Binder moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 17 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.