FC Minutes October 19, 2018
Meeting Date: October 19, 2018.
Meeting Location: CoBE first floor conference room.
In Attendance: Philippe Binder, Janet Ray, Karen Pellegrin, Kurt De La Cruz, Kathleen Stacey, Yiqing Li, Steve Herman, Kekoa Harmon, Steven Colbert, Shawon Rahman, Supakit Wongwiwatthananukit, Doug Mikkelson, Lari-Anne Au, Rayna Morel, Leng Chee Chang, Kim Shmina (via video), Jim Beets, Andrey Simonov, James Czarski, Kimberly Furumo, Emmeline de Pillis, Ken Hon.
Recorded By: Linda Connelly.
Call to Order: 3:12 PM.
Adjournment: 5:00 PM.
Topic: FC Minutes
Report: Jan Ray noted that the minutes from the September 21, 2018 FC meeting were distributed on October17, 2018 and asked if there were any corrections. Steve Colbert reported that his first name was spelled incorrectly and should be “Steven” or “Steve” not “Stephen”.
Actions: Steve Colbert moved to approve the minutes with this spelling correction, and the motion was seconded. With no further discussion, the motion was approved with 15 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Topic: FC Chair Report
Report: FC Chair Jan Ray provided updates on and reviewed FC representation for AY18- 19. She also reported on the ACCFSC meeting she attended along with FC Vice Chair Philippe Binder. Meeting topics included research ethics, parking, regents, SNAP program at Windward CC, and the VPAA’s strategic planning document.
Actions: None.
Report: FC Chair Jan Ray reported the FC meeting dates for AY18-19, noted dissemination of findings from the system-wide Spring 2018 Quality of Faculty Worklife Survey, provided updates from the CEC meeting, and reviewed the FC representation from each unit for AY18-19.
Actions: Jan Ray will confirm number of representatives.
Topic: FC Standing Committees/Reports
Report: Jan Ray asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the following reports that were distributed on 10/17/18: Academic Policy Committee report, Assessment Support Committee report, Faculty Development Committee report. There were none.
Actions: None.
Faculty Development Committee, Assessment Support Committee
Report: Faculty Development Committee Chair Leng Chee Chang recommended that Yucheng Qin & Alexander Nagurney be added to the committee.
Actions: Doug Mikkelson moved to approve the recommendation, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
General Education Committee, Curriculum Review Committee
Report: Jan Ray nominated Jean Ippolito to chair the General Education Committee. Jan also recommended the following to serve as committee members: Jeffrey Smith, Jonathan Price, Amy Saxton and Yumiko Ohara.
Actions: Philippe Binder moved to approve the committee chair nomination and committee member recommendations, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 16 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Program Review Committee, Faculty Development Committee
Report: Program Review Committee Chair Shawon Rahman recommended the following to serve as committee members: Doug Mikkelson and Abhijit Date, Jolene Sutton.
Actions: Kim Shmina moved to approve the list of recommended members of the Faculty Development Committee, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Student Success and Admissions Committee
Report: Jan Ray reported that a chair is still needed for the General Education Committee. Doug Mikkelson raised a point of information to ask if the chair must be a member of FC; Jan Ray stated that committee chairs must start as a FC member, but can extend serving as chair beyond their FC term. There are no current FC members interested in chairing the General Education Committee, and the former chair is not interested in continuing as chair.
Actions: Doug Mikkelson moved to allow a one-time exception to the rule that committee chairs must be current FC members or a previous committee chair extending the chair service beyond the FC term to allow Jan Ray to recruit a General Education Committee chair from last year’s membership. The motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 14 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Topic: FC Liaison Reports
Report: Jan Ray asked if there were any questions or discussion regarding the following reports that were distributed on 10/17/18: Research Council report, UH System Office of Research Services Faculty Advisory Council report. There were none. Jan reported updates from Shelby Wong (Curriculum Liaison and Graduate Council Liaison) and from Seri Luangphinith (WASC Liaison who is on sabbatical).
Actions: None.
Topic: FS Chair Reports
Report: Yiqing Li reported updates from CAFNRM faculty senate. Doug Mikkelson reported updates from CAS faculty senate. Kimberly Furumo reported updates from CoBE faculty senate. Supakit Wongwiwatthananukit reported updates from DKICP faculty senate. Kekoa Harmon reported there were no new updates from KHUOK, and Lari-Anne Au reported there were no new updates from the Library.
Actions: None.
Topic: Representative Reports
Report: Leng Chee Chang reported that the work of the Chancellor’s Professional Development Committee is pending budget information. Jan Ray reported that the search committee for a Project Manager for Strategic Plan has completed its work.
Actions: None.
Topic: Old Business
Review of Outstanding Motions from AY17-18
Report: Jan Ray reviewed the status of outstanding motions from AY17-18.
Actions: None.
Review of Outstanding Motions from AY18-19
Report: Jan Ray reviewed the status of outstanding motions from the current academic year. UH Hilo administration has requested clarification regarding Motion 18-19-002 (Motion to Ensure Access to Meaningful Budget Information to Support Shared Governance and Improved Decision-Making).
Actions: Jan Ray will work with Leng Chee Chang and Karen Pellegrin to provide clarification and present at the next FC meeting.
Transparent and Equitable Chair Compensation
Report: Jan Ray reported that there was another request for FC to consider the issue of transparent and equitable chair compensation.
Actions: Steve Colbert moved to revisit this topic, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 16 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained. Steve Colbert moved to form an ad hoc committee to address the issue of transparent and equitable chair compensation, and the motion was seconded. After brief discussion, the motion was approved with 16 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained. Steve Colbert volunteered to chair this ad hoc committee.
Topic: New Business
Concern About Emergency Preparedness
Report: Jan Ray reported on concerns from faculty about lack of adequate emergency preparedness.
Actions: Jan Ray will invite the head of security to the next FC meeting.
Concern About Adequate Faculty Support for Dealing with Disruptive and Problem Students
Report: Jan Ray invited Emmeline de Pillis to share her experience with a student who was repeatedly disruptive and threatening. Emmeline did so and reported that she is filing a grievance to address policies and practices that need to be changed to ensure a safe and healthy work and learning environment.
Actions: Jan Ray will invite Vice Chancellor Gomes to address this issue at the next FC meeting.
Request for Accounting of Cost Savings Due to A/C outage
Report: Jan Ray reported a faculty request for administration to account for any cost savings (including use of any cost savings) from the extended A/C outages.
Actions: Jan Ray will discuss with administration.
Transfer Credit Policy and General Education Transfer Policy
Report: Jan Ray reported that these policies need to be updated and aligned due to the new GE requirements.
Actions: Ken Hon will draft and forward to the Academic Policy Committee for review.
Motion 18-19-003 – Motion to Review Tenure and Promotion Procedures
Report: Steve Herman introduced this Motion to Review Tenure and Promotion Procedures.
Actions: Steve Herman moved to approve this motion to refer this issue to the Academic Policy Committee to address, and the motion was seconded. After brief discussion, the motion was approved with 15 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Vox populi
Report: Steve Colbert reported an issue raised by faculty regarding whether students who have a fine (e.g., parking fine) are allowed to drop a class.
Ken Hon distributed a document that included the mission of UH Hilo from the following perspectives: regents, UH system, and UH Hilo administration. There was significant discussion regarding these versions and a request that Ken distribute the document via email to all faculty.
Actions: Steve Colbert moved to refer the issue of whether students who have a fine are allowed to drop a class to the Academic Policy Committee to address, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 15 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Report: None.
Actions: Steve Herman moved to adjourn, and the motion was seconded. With no discussion, the motion was approved with 15 votes in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.