FC EC Minutes September 8, 2017
Meeting Date: September 8, 2017.
Meeting Location: UCB 307
In Attendance: Philippe Binder, Jan Ray, Amy Saxton, Linda Connelly, Lari-Anne Au, Tracy Thornett, Steve Herman, Doug Mikkelson, Leng Chee Chang.
Absent: Tom DeWitt, Brian Wissman (on sabbatical)
Recorded By: Tracy Thornett
Call to Order: 3:58 PM
Adjournment: 4:46 PM
Topic: Faculty Government Housekeeping
Report: - Identified known reps and chairs (see attachment)
- Nominations needed for FC member to chair the Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board.
- Standing dates set for EC meetings: Friday afternoons the week before FC.
- Need to speed up curriculum review and approval process, but this appears to be held up at the BOR review phase. Goal is: if you submit by October, should be able to get into the Fall catalogue of the following year.
Action: Phillipe to send out schedule for EC meetings.
Chairs to submit a list of standing committee members for 2017-2018.
Topic: Updates from FC Chair (Jan Ray)
- Jan attended all-faculty congress chair meeting.
- For 2017-2018 there is no budget for course releases to be give to FC standing committee chairs, however, it appears only UH Hilo is affected by this.
- Question whether this development may violate UHPA contract, but contract may only apply to course release for department chairs.
- Re-org is being delayed until next fall (2018).
- Lassner would prefer reorg delayed until new chancellor is identified and can offer input.
- Poll being sent out to Social Science and Humanities regarding preference for one college or two.
Action: Follow up with UHPA regarding course release for FC standing committee chairs (FC Chair, Jan).
Topic: Old Business
Report: Discussed need for FC member to chair the Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board Reviewed Draft Motion for Distance Education policy.
Action: Identify/nominate FC member to chair Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board.
Topic: New Business
Report: - ???
- Motion
- Request to approve changes related to catalogue wording for incompletes for implementation throughout UH Hilo documentation (proposed by Misaki Takabayashi, Interim Dean of CAS).
- Discussed and proposed changes to language.
- Motion
- For Development of a New, Updated Strategic Plan
- Discussed and proposed changes to language.
- A committee will need to be formed.
Reviewed Outline for Robert’s Rules of Order
- Doug to serve as the expert parliamentarian.
Discussed need for 6 nominations for UH Hilo Chancellor Search Committee
- Goal is for new Chancellor to be in place for Fall 2018.
- Desired qualifications for search committee members to include excellent organizational skills, attention to detail (particularly in regard to applications, diversity of background (gender, rank, department, etc.), and history of leadership and service achievements.
- Possible selection criteria to include rank, record of achievement, etc.
Discussed implementing consent agenda at FC meetings
- Should include chair reports from standing committees.
Action: Form a committee to update UH Hilo Strategic Plan (FC).
Solicit nominations for UH Hilo Chancellor Search Committee (EC).
Committee Chairs to submit reports to FC Chair (Jan) prior to FC meetings.
Send proposed language changes regarding incompletes to Misaki (FC Chair).
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: Motion to adjourn; motion seconded; all in favor.