FC EC Minutes November 13, 2017
Meeting Date: November 13, 2017.
Meeting Location: CoBE 2nd Floor Conference Room.
In Attendance: Jan Ray, Amy Saxton, Doug Mikkelson, Lari-Anne Au, Leng Chee, Chang, Linda Connelly, Philippe Binder, Steve Herman, Tom DeWitt, Tracy Thornett, Armando Garcia.
Absent: Brian Wissman (on sabbatical)
Recorded By: Tracy Thornett
Call to Order: 3:59 PM
Adjournment: 4:29 PM
Topic: Faculty Government Housekeeping
Reviewed minutes from prior FCEC meeting (October 13, 2017) and FC general session (October 20, 2017). Corrections suggested.
- Minutes and motions to be posted on FC website.
- Standing committee reports/minutes should be submitted 48 hours prior to FC.
- Must submit all documents to Whitney (e-mail) 48 hours prior to FC so she can post on the FC website.
Action: Motion to accept FCEC minutes (October 13, 2017) with corrections. The motion was seconded and approved with 10 votes in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstained. Tracy to edit minutes as suggested.
Topic: Updates from FC Chair (Jan Ray)
- Jan provided FC agenda for November 17, 2017 along with drafted motions to discuss.
- Jan provided updates on progress of various motions.
- Jan provided updates on the following:
Topic: FC Standing Committee Reports
The Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Committee has been formed. Armando Garcia-Ortega (CAFNRM) will co-chair with Kekoa Harman (KHUOK).
Topic: Faculty Congress Liaison Reports
FC Liaison reports have been submitted by Shelby (Curriculum and Graduate Council. Still seeking liaisons for professional development and distance education.
Topic: Faculty Senate Chair Reports
No update.
Topic: FC Representatives Serving on Committees
Leng Chee Chang is the new chair of the Chancellor’s Professional Development Committee. The Lecture Series Committee did not meet.
Topic: Faculty Congress Ad Hoc Committee Reports
Two Ad Hoc Committees have been formed. Faith Mishina (CAS) will chair FC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES PAGE 2 OF 3 the Ad Hoc Committee for the Development of Instructor Promotion to Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Guidelines/Criteria. She has already met twice with Ken Hon. Erica Bernstein (CAS) will chair the Ad Hoc Committee for the Development of Within-Rank Promotion Guidelines for Instructors. She is a long-time instructor who has no desire to be tenure-track. There is a new UHPA contract with 3 levels/steps for instructors. Each promotion has a 5% pay raise, but there are no guidelines addressing the criteria for promotion.
Hence the need for the ad hoc committee.
Action: FC agenda for November 17, 2017 approved.
Topic: Old Business
17-18-002 Motion for the Approval of Wording for Incompletes Policy
Report: Submitted to the Academic Policy Committee on September 15, 2017.
Action: Steve to follow up.
17-18-004 Motion to Request Policy for Unregistered Students Attending UH Hilo Classes
Report: Submitted to the Academic Policy Committee on October 20, 17.
Action: Steve to follow up.
17-18-005 Motion to Accept Two New Campus-Wide Advanced Placement Tests for UH Hilo Credit
Report: Submitted to the Academic Policy Committee on October 20, 17.
Action: Steve to follow up.
Resolution 17-18-001 from CAFNRM
Report: Distributed to Faculty Senate Chairs on October 21, 17. There was a question asked about what happens to resolutions after they are approved by FC. Doug states that resolutions get referred to Faculty Senate bodies for review and approval. There was a question as to whether individual Senate bodies can move forward on a resolution without FC approval. Answer is that they can, but they will not have the endorsement of FC.
Action: Steve to follow up.
Topic: New Business
Need to Approve New Budget Committee Members
Report: The Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Committee has been formed. Armando Garcia-Ortega (CAFNRM) will co-chair with Kekoa Harman (KHUOK).
Action: Will present at FC meeting on November 17, 2017.
Call for Legislative Action
Report: Senator Kai Kahele is asking for legislative actions from faculty Karen Pelligrin is happy to coordinate response. Will discuss at FC.
Action: Will present for discussion/feedback at FC meeting on November 17, 2017.
Need to Approve New Budget Committee Members
Report: The Long-Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Committee has been formed. Armando Garcia-Ortega (CAFNRM) will co-chair with Kekoa Harman (KHUOK).
Action: Will present at FC meeting on November 17, 2017.
Motion Tracking Table
Report: There is a need for accountability on motions. A new motion tracking table has been created and will be included on FC agendas, so that updates and follow up are addressed at every FC meeting.
Action: Will add tracking table to FC meeting agenda.
FC Meeting Date for December 2017
Report: There was some confusion as to last 2017 meeting for FC.
Action: Philippe will clarify dates.
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: Motion to adjourn. Motion seconded with unanimous approval.