FC Minutes September 15, 2017
Meeting Date: September 15, 2017.
Meeting Location: CoBE Conference Room 101.
In Attendance: Jan Ray, Lari-Anne Au, Steve Herman, Tom Dewitt, Linda Connelly, Amy Saxton, Leng Chee Chang, Phillipe Binder, Doug Mikkelson, Tracy Thornett, Shelby Wong, Jim Beets, Seri Luangphinith, Katherine Young, Armando Garcia-Ortega, Kim Furumo, Kekoa Harman, Vladimir Skorikov, Kirsten Mollegaard, Celia Bardwell-Jones, Showan Rahman, Steve Colbert, Yumiko Ohara, Shugeng Cao, Allen Shih, Emily Low, Vester Boomer Robester, Marcia Sakai, Ken Hon, Bruce Matthews.
Recorded By: Tracy Thornett
Call to Order: 3:05 PM
Adjournment: 4:37 PM
Topic: Faculty Congress Chair Report
Report: Jan Ray reported on:
- Request from President Lassner: He requested that curriculum review and implementation process proceed more quickly, however, the curriculum review committee already has a streamlined process and approvals appear to stall at levels beyond the committee.
- Reorganization update: Planning will be done by January 2018 in a shared process with faculty. There is a need to build parallel course catalogues and other infrastructure. The actual reorganization will occur July 1, 2018 at the change of the fiscal year.
- Budget cuts: Course releases are no longer available for FC standing committee chairs, vice chair, and secretary
- Membership of Faculty Congress Standing Committees, Liaisons, Senate Chairs, and Representatives (see attachment).
Action: FC to vote on standing committee membership (see below).
Topic: Old Business
Motion to continue with Consent Agenda
Report: Jan proposed a vote continuing consent agenda. Phillipe motions to accept consent agenda, motion seconded. Discussion regarding consent agenda and committee reports. Faculty suggest committee chairs submit a brief summary of activities from committees in advance and then keep discussion brief during FC (limited to approximately 3-5 minutes).
Action: This motion was approved with 22 votes in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstained.
Committee chairs to submit brief reports to Jan Ray in advance of FC meetings so she can disseminate and FC members can review.
Topic: New Business
Request for changes to UHH Incomplete Policy
Report: Jan reviewed the policy. Discussion about deficiency deadline for graduation. Also, the policy does not consider differing types of classes (undergraduate, graduate, credit/non-credit.
Action: Doug Mikkelson motioned to refer to academic policy committee for further review and discussion regarding language of policy. Approved with 19 votes in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained.
Request for Development of a New Strategic Plan
Report: The current strategic plan expired in 2015. Faculty expressed concern that a new strategic plan is needed. Marcia stated the chancellor’s office would welcome a new strategic plan. Ken Hon recommends a draft strategic plan be prepared for the new chancellor.
Action: Jim states there is a BOR policy on strategic planning and motions to table this issue until the policy is reviewed. The motion was seconded and approved with 20 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained.
Nominations for Chancellor Search Committee
Report: Jan Ray reported that President Lassner requests nominations for faculty to serve on the Chancellor Search Committee. The request is for 6 faculty nominations.
Action: Please send nominations or self-nominations to Jan Ray.
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: Doug Mikkelson provided a summary of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Action: Doug will serve as FC parliamentarian.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: Motion to adjourn; motion seconded; all in favor.