FC Minutes September 18, 2015
Meeting Date: September 18, 2015 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
In Attendance: Jon Goebel, Jean Ippolito, Tam Vu, Maria Haws, Norbert Furumo, Mary Haraguchi, Donna Ohora, Patricia Jusczak, Kokua Harman, Chris Frueh, Karen Pellegrin, Judith Steinman, Linda Connelly, Todd Shumway, Alice Davis, Vladi Skorikov, Yumiko Ohara, Mitchell Anderson, Seri Luangphinith, Doug Mikkelson, Shawon Rahman, Kevin Hopkins, Bobbi Barra, Faith Mishina, Melinda Alles and Shelby Wong.
Members Absent: James Beets, Shih‐Wu Sung, Janet Ray, Ryan Stacks.
Topic: FC Chair Report
VCAA requests – taken on by standing committees rather than creating new committees.
- Faith Mishina, Bobbi Barra, and Jean Ippolito met with VCAA Platz over summer. Faith will head the Student Success Committee.
Student Success Comm. will work on – Advising model
Long Range Planning Comm. will serve as – Advisory Board
- The committee will become the Long Range Budget Planning and Advisory Board Committee
Topic: Committee Reports and Vote to Approve Committee Membership
Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith
- Report (with membership) posted to website
- Discussion followed regarding why such fluctuation in reading scores. Seri noted that we need more specifics about the students to make conclusions.
- Committee membership approved (unanimous vote)
Academic Policy, James Beets
- No report
Student Success and Admissions, Faith Mishina
- Faith has set up Task Forces on Advising and Admissions
Task Force on Advising membership consists of
- Cheryl Ramos, Chair, SS
- Patrick Hart, NS
- Kekoa Harman, Ka Haku 'Ula
- Terrance Jalbert, COBE
- Chris Lauer, Humanities
- Bruce Mathews, Agriculture
- Jodilyn Kunimoto, Advising (Student Services)
- Faith Mishina - connection to Congress
Task Force on Admissions: Group 2
- Mahealani Jones, Chair with Admissions experience
- Donna Ohora, library
- Mary Louise Haraguchi, library
- Faith Mishina - connection to Congress
Committee memberships approved (unanimous vote)
Budget Review, Roberta Barra
- Report posted to website
Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo
- Committee not fully formed yet – call for membership in the next 2 weeks.
- There is a new system coming that will replace Curriculum Central
General Education, Yumiko Ohara
- Committee not fully formed yet – need 1 - 2 more members
- The existing committee has already met to recertify courses
Program Review, Mitchell Anderson
- Report posted to website
- Committee membership approved (unanimous vote)
- Programs under review are listed on VCAA website
Topic: Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation
Sustainability Committee, Shih-Wu Sung
- Not present – no report
UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo
- Committee is active and meeting
- Course is assigned to all freshmen
- Currently there is no repercussion if students drop the class
Topic: Liaison Reports
Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong
- Curriculum Central deadline is Oct 1 for new proposals
- 54 courses (new & mods) proposed
- 15 programs proposed
- Next year, the new Kuali Student Curriculum Management will be in place – which will be used system-wide
Professional Development, Jan Ray
- Report delivered by Jean Ippolito
- Posted to website
Distance Learning, Jan Ray
- Report delivered by Jean Ippolito
- Posted to website
WASC, Seri Luangphinith
- Need guidelines for evaluating the ALEX internships
Grad Council, Tam Vu
- Policy issue for grad students – need time extensions
- Will help keep enrollment continuous
- Upgrading policies in grad handbook
Research Council, Jim Beets
- Report sent via email - read by Jean Ippolito
- Research Council: Seed Money Grants and Research Relations Awards were reviewed and awarded. The next announcement will be mailed to all faculty in spring semester. There will be substantially less funding available for these grants and travel awards due to reduced grant activity.
Topic: FC Senate Chair Updates
CAS, Jean Ippolito
- Report read by Jean Ippolito
- Dean search
- Div. Chair election process
- Non-Smoking
- Contract Renewal
- Posted to website
- Report read by Jean Ippolito
CAFNRM, Maria Haws
- Committee met
- Requested candidate Philippe Binder…hired with tenure for engineering program
- Committee met
CoBE, Tam Vu
- Many faculty suggested recording the meetings
- 5 year review – post promotion (framework under discussion)
- Still need to revise documents
KHUOK, Kokua Harman
- September 4 – 5 year review – fine tune criteria
- September 11 – Opening for Hawaiian Lang. Students
- October 2 – Fine tuning
Pharmacy, Karen Pellegrin
- Interim Dean in place – search for permanent dean in progress
- New strategic plan
- Certificate programs
LIB, Mary Haraguchi
- No report
Topic: Old Business:
Faculty Congress ByLaws change to provide for the Faculty Development Standing Committee (2nd Reading)
- Mitch moved to postpone the voting until the APC Committee Chair could be present to answer questions, Doug seconded.
- In favor (25)
- Opposed (1)
- Mitch moved to postpone the voting until the APC Committee Chair could be present to answer questions, Doug seconded.
Charter change to provide for a non-voting Graduate Council Faculty Congress Representative(2nd Reading)
- Doug moved to postpone, Mitch seconded
- Motion: Table motion until the APC can address concerns why the graduate council representative is a non-voting vs. voting member.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
- Motion: Table motion until the APC can address concerns why the graduate council representative is a non-voting vs. voting member.
- Doug moved to close the debate about the non-voting Graduate Council Faculty Congress Representative. Alice Seconded.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
- Doug moved to postpone, Mitch seconded
Topic: New Business:
Items for 2015-16 Faculty Congress
Classroom recording policy – UHPA agreement pg. 19.
- There was a lecture at UH Manoa about the TMT that a student had recorded, edited, and posted to YouTube.
- Vladi noted that students should have the right to record lectures for personal-educational use
- Mitch moved: To have the APC develop a classroom recording policy. Doug Seconded.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
Proposed course evaluation system – possible changes – Kelli Okumura
- Tam moved to accept the new format. Judith seconded.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
- Melinda noted that UH Hilo is currently the only paper user for these evaluations.
- Tam moved to accept the new format. Judith seconded.
Facilities and classroom technology upgrades
- Marcia Sakai is forming a sub committee to look into this
Enforcement of Campus Smoking Policy
Motion for an Update on the Campus-Wide Non-Smoking Plan Whereas Faculty Congress passed a motion to establish a campus-wide smoking ban on May 10, 2013. Whereas this motion was presented to Chancellor Straney to consider on September 6, 2013. Whereas Chancellor Straney asked Vice Chancellor Marcia Sakai to examine the steps necessary to create and implement a campus-wide non-smoking plan by the end of the fall 2013 term on September 16, 2013. Whereas, as of September 11, 2015, no plan has been presented (to our knowledge). Therefore, the CAS Senate/FC would appreciate an update as to the status of the plan.
- In favor (26) - Opposed (0)
Discussion about whether to change the deadline date for students to withdraw from a class with a “W”. -- Susan Brown
- Mitch: Motion to postpone until Susan Brown can be present or meets with the Executive Committee. Tam seconded.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
- Mitch: Motion to postpone until Susan Brown can be present or meets with the Executive Committee. Tam seconded.
Possible new location for Faculty Lounge – Jan Ray
- Roberta noted that this space was to be used as a CoBE conference room
- Mitch noted that this raises the issue that programs can feel threatened when space is reallocated.
- Jean suggested CoBE get with VCAA for discussion.
Motion for Forming an Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Guidelines for Contract Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure and Update Relative to the 2015-2017 Agreement Motion: Whereas UPHA and the BOR of the UH System created a new Agreement (on June 27, 2014). Whereas this Agreement covers 2015-2017 time period. Whereas UHH Guidelines for Applying for Contract Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure were approved on March 11, 2012. Whereas the Guidelines need to be reviewed to make sure all information within aligns with the new Agreement. Therefore, it is recommended that the CAS Senate/Faculty Congress form an Ad Hoc Committee to review and update the Guidelines, so that they are in alignment with the new Agreement.
- This motion was amended to refer this task to the APC committee rather than forming an Ad Hoc committee.
- Mitch moved to send motion to the APC. Doug seconded.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
- This motion was amended to refer this task to the APC committee rather than forming an Ad Hoc committee.
Possible changes in CAS organization during change of Dean – should we create a task force?
- It was noted that now would be a strategic time to reorganize CAS
- Faith noted that additional Deans will be cost prohibitive, but this issue should be discussed
- Doug moved to table this discussion until the CAS discussion on October 9. Mitch seconded.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
UHHSA Reps election/selection process in bylaws – Melinda Alles
- Melinda pointed out that our charter bylaws state we should have 6 student reps, with one of them being a voting member.
- Motion made to send to APC: Review the charter’s wording for UHHSA representation in consultation with UHHSA.
- In favor (26)
- Opposed (0)
- Motion made to send to APC: Review the charter’s wording for UHHSA representation in consultation with UHHSA.
- Melinda pointed out that our charter bylaws state we should have 6 student reps, with one of them being a voting member.
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: None.
Motion to Adjourn: Mitch moved to adjourn @ 5:04 p.m.