FC Minutes October 16, 2015


Meeting Date: October 16, 2015.

Meeting Location: New Student Service Multi-purpose Room.

In Attendance: (18 voting members) Jon Goebel, Jean Ippolito, Tam Vu, Maria Haws, Norbert Furumo, Mary Haraguchi, Patricia Jusczak, Alice Davis, Vladi Skorikov, Yumiko Ohara, Mitchell Anderson, Seri Luangphinith, Faith Mishina, Jim Beets, Shihwu Sung, Susan Shirachi, Lazareth Sye, Judith Steinman.

Members Absent:
Kekoa Harman, Chris Frueh, Karen Pellegrin, Linda Connelly, Doug Mikkelson, Shawon Rahman, Kevin Hopkins, Bobbi Barra, Melinda Alles, Shelby Wong, Janet Ray, Ryan Stacks.

Approval of minutes from the last meeting (September 18 and May minutes)

Topic: FC Chair Report

  • Attended all campus council faculty senate chairs meeting. Still debating motion from CAS senate to faculty congress regarding the online labs. Motion initiated by Bill Mautz designating online labs on transcripts.

  • Also sept 21 memo – systems office about new executive policy review programs with fewer than 10 graduates a year with the intent of revising or discontinuing them. Many voices against this. Seems to be out of context. Many classes are offered as prerequisites for other program courses. Can’t just count up graduates

    • Question: do away with department or just the major?
    • Copy of memo outlines that the program is reviewed to see if it is problematic or not.
    • UHHSA: good that majors get reviewed, but targeted to Manoa to avoid duplication.
    • Jean can forward the memo to anyone on FC that requests it.
  • Discussed procedure for running Faculty congress meetings. Currently using the 10th edition, but there is an 11th edition. Last meeting Doug Mikkelson supplied a handout which was concise, but different than edition we were using. We should follow the handout which is newer. We will also now be asking for abstentions. Copies are available if needed.

  • Faculty Congress has attendance policy in the Charter: Article II Membership, Section I. if a member misses more than 3 meetings ,they will be disqualified, We will adhere to this policy.

  • How many here attended last may meeting…not many. Look over minutes.

  • Emailed Sept 18 minutes. Any changes?

    • Typographical – Motion for an update nonsmoking p4…Susan brown…need a cap. Brown
    • Old business – table the motion - friendly motion to say postpone. Postpone is different than table. Recommendation is to get source for the handout provided by Doug. Postpone to a date to decide how we will use this terminology. UHHSA postpone means killing, table means set aside. Just need to get the source. Doug has the source. Jean will ask him for the source.
  • September 18 Minutes:

    • Motion: motion to approve minutes. Judy Steinman, Tam seconded.
    • Vote: 17 Approved (1 abstention).
  • May Minutes:

    • Motion: motion to approve minutes. Vladi.
    • Vote: 17 Approved (1 abstention).

Note: Are minutes from a previous term? Usually at the end of the session, minutes are not approved by the new membership

Topic: Standing Committee Reports

  • Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith (Read by Mary Louise)

    • Met today. Norbert joined. Basics – need to collect artifacts from WI and GE courses
    • Fully covered for grad and undergrad
    • Pass out rubric for info literacy
    • Donna Ohora and Mary Louise – very clear what 1,2,3,4 are
    • 4 levels of assessment
    • Went to conference CAL – academic integrity is more than writing papers – thinking of replacing the word plagiarism with Academic Integrity
    • Comment: This is one of the best rubrics
    • This rubric is for undergrads
  • Academic Policy, James Beets (membership approval pending)

    • New group 5 members on academic policy
    • Most colleges not represented (other than CAS) need more members
    • Maybe send a notice to faculty that they are looking for members
    • Asking chairs to contact representatives rather than email out the request
    • Don’t have to be on FC
    • 6 members now – need reps from most colleges CAFNRM, COBE, PHARM, HI, needed
  • Student Success Comm. and Academic Advising Task Force, Faith Mishina

    • 2015 FA success admissions committee divided: advising – Pukas in advising, faculty poll sent out about GE, heated responses about GE requirements, students losing a year if not registered for sequence, about transfers missing critical advising initially, about STAR, and about faculty needing help. Suggestion: All faculty get email about advising with details of point people, dates, forms, all relevant info.
  • Long Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board, Roberta Barra (membership approval?)

  • Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo (membership approval pending)

    • Committee put together (Jean has email of committee members)
    • Vote on membership:
      • Scott Saft, Forest Batz, Linda Connelly, Stan Nakanishi, Mike Shintaku, Emmeline de Pillis…need more names/corrections (all voted in unanimously 17-0-0)
      • Begin review 130 course mods, 30 program mods and new
  • General Education, Yumiko Ohara (membership approval pending)

    • Still working on re-certifications
    • Membership is almost complete (need 1 more college) Business rep needed on GE
  • Program Review, Mitchell Anderson

    • PRAC is going really well. Met with Art, Ed next week, discussed MOUs with 3 departments. Met with Political Science and Chemistry (MOU process), met with VCAA to discuss process.

Topic: Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation

  • Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina

    • Met – second task force under student success. Committee list mentioned. Doing prior assessment. Meet with dept. chairs, get online with the state, compare AP with other colleges, decide if we are maintain standards or adopting Manoa standards, AP exam should be looked at, the department’s should opt to align with Manoa or make own decision…strong state directives…give prior credit for AP to speed student graduation.
    • Don’t we already have AP exams? State has asked that we reassess since it has been 20-25 years since last time this was assessed. 15-20 minute process to look this over. Faith can help.
  • Sustainability Committee, Shih-Wu Sung

    • Met to talk about update solar panel electric production
    • Usage using metering to gauge consumption
    • This will facilitate where most electricity is used
  • UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo

    • Nothing to report

Topic: Liaison Reports

  • Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong

    • Norbert reported: Changing course numbers to align with UH system. She is finding a means to streamline this process. There are departments who have coordinated comp science and history have coordinated. Jim – discussed many times before in congress, would require a vote…to streamline process…could be controversial. Issue: some departments have gone through these discussions – changes will trickle down and affect other departments. Math uses a lot of numbers across the system, Manoa uses diff numbers. They sent a request through Shelby to see what they want. Then it can be brought to Congress. General policy requires FC vote, departmental change does not require FC vote. Departments should be informed. Shelby would facilitate any changes. Avoiding Curriculum Central would streamline major changes…Just contact departments that are impacted. If we had a policy that said a change was okay…
  • Professional Development, Jan Ray

    • Not present
  • Distance Learning, Jan Ray

    • Not present
  • WASC, Seri Luangphinith

    • Not present
  • Grad Council, Tam Vu

    • Policy change – amend catalog for 400 level course for prof program
    • Charter to allow new members
    • Curriculum review same
    • Non-voting member motion. Waited for Jim B to be present for discussion.
  • Research Council, Jim Beets

    • Defer to Matt
    • Not sure if committee has met
    • Overview: allocation is 2.2 million RTRF overhead collected on grants to reimburse the cost of research
    • 2.2 million is received (after tax) received more than that in services in admin of research
    • Easy to project the future. RTRF is based on spending from last year. Going to have to reduce by .5 million next year unless we get another big grant. And again the next year if we don’t get more grants. Can’t take on new expenses needs to be sustainable.
    • Heart to heart about expenditures – what do we really value – core services. Charging the RC and FC to address.
    • How does that affect faculty? Seed grants and Research Relations Awards will probably be less. Also travel awards. Isn’t Hawaii an Epscor state? So does that imply that we can reapply? Yes - we submitted a proposal last august. UH Hilo was a major player in that renewal application.
    • Not a good theoretical knowledge of how water moves. Grant to correct the textbooks. UH Hilo role: funding to hire 4 faculty general data analysis to create data certificates related to data mining – social science, econ, life science, business. Visualization and teaching aid to statistics in data – special room in library. Hardware money is in the grant application for this room and new hires. Will find out in the spring about this application.

Topic: FC Senate Chair Updates

  • CAS, Jean Ippolito

    • CAS All Senate met Oct 9 – designed so all faculty are senators. Ex committee preps agendas. Without quorum, ex committee votes. Matt stated that many faculty members have proposed reorganization in the college. Such an organization should include KOBE and CAFNRM. Dean Randy Hirokawa overviewed state of UHH – announced he will step down. Faculty comm. Summary of 11 years. Recent work on faculty constructing vision for college. Big discussion sent back about task force motion.
    • A new motion was raised – CAS to poll faculty about reorganization. Wanted executive committee to gather more information. Vote – no quorum. Won’t meet again for a few weeks – emailing what to do…consensus so far is that it would be difficult to poll without a reorganization plan. Put together a CAS executive committee task force to help with these plans. Look for external college input as well.
  • CAFNRM, Maria Haws

    • Met this morning
    • Agreed college of Ag
    • Transfer of tenure – report Phillip Binder.
    • Send broader message – this is not open to everyone. Could be disruptive. Only accept extreme cases.
    • Concerns – if we accept people, this could affect the future. Admin assured that this will not be a problem.
  • CoBE, Tam Vu

    • Online meeting using recording device. Met face to face and voted on course mods, framework 5 year review, expectations, econ developed framework, curriculum mods submitted via C. Central. Grad program still needs senate approval COBE. Flowchart. Dean>grad council>. Can’t go straight to graduate council. It was noted that indeed, the curriculum proposals need to go through the FC CRC, and the Curriculum flow changes need to go through the APC committee…
  • KHUOK, Kekoa Harman

    • Yumiko: have meeting scheduled (postponed) have not met
  • CoP, Karen Pellegrin

    • Not here. Patricia J: nothing to report
  • LIB, Mary Haraguchi

    • No report

Topic: Old Business

  • Faculty Congress ByLaws change to provide for the Faculty Development Standing Committee (2nd Reading) 10:

    • Motion read aloud: Jean reads the motion as written (see motion 10 at end of minutes)
    • Discussion: motion to make an ad hoc, but it seemed that this committee never really coalesced.
      • Yes, they did meet. Recommend to move to a standing committee. They met several times as general faculty as meeting. They met 3-4 times. After they passed ad hoc committee, some same people came to the one ad hoc committee.
      • The committee fulfilled its charge. Given the workload for the committee related to the academic leadership program, the committee decision was to form a standing committee.
      • This new committee is a big decision. Adding standing committee is a large impact. Important for everyone to understand what is meant by this committee.
      • What is the academic leadership program? Started 3 years ago. To consider what other university’s consider chairs schools. There is a great need for academic leadership opportunities are needed in the university. There was support for this initiative. Proposed as a motion and accepted. It was recognized that the program would function better if there was a larger committee.
      • If an ad hoc committee is created, they should submit a full report. Executive committee should dissolve the committee if they fulfill their charge.
    • Motion: Make a motion that the faculty development ad hoc committee submit a report to the faculty congress by next meeting. Lazareth Sye
      • Jim B: for clarification: request that we postpone this motion until we have acted upon the presentation. Mitch Seconded.
      • Subsidiary Motion: to table motion 10 until next meeting. Lazareth Sye: Seconded:
      • Vote: Approved with 2 abstentions.
    • Motion: That the faculty development ad hoc committee submit a report to the faculty congress by next meeting. Lazareth Sye: Seconded:
    • Vote: 14 approved with 2 opposed, 1 abstention
  • Charter change to provide for a non-voting Graduate Council Faculty Congress Representative (2nd Reading)

    • Motion: Jean read Motion read aloud (see end of minutes for motion 11) – Second: Mitch
    • Discussion: Why is this proposed to be voting rather than non-voting
      • Not official representation – not in charter
      • Need independent member to have a voice
      • Not sure of voting or non-voting
      • Why voting or non
      • AP Committee – the person would be a faculty member and already be represented by their unit. Could be double counting. This be non-voting for grad council.
      • Move to finish discussion and vote. All in favor
    • Vote: 17 approved (one abstention)
  • VCAdminAffairs, Marcia Sakai, to address faculty concerning (1) the plan for a non-smoking campus and the (2) Subcommittee for classroom and technology upgrades.

    • Marcia has accepted the invitation. The memo has been passed around.
    • Marcia Sakai Presentation:
      • History – 2013 when congress passed the smoke free
      • Look and see how UH Manoa would play out – they started, stopped…now in effect
      • What this means…read aloud Chancellors intending…
      • Manoa had roadblock from union. Policy draft was rejected, then they stood on the executive policy. Not a policy enforced by security. Designate areas periphery for faculty & staff to smoke. Providing educational materials on benefits of quitting. We will not draft our own policy. The campus will be reviewed for best locations for these areas. Student health & wellness will participate in the cessation – see handout.
    • Comments: 2006 when DOE banned smoking at schools, not all unions supported. Parents sued. 70 carcinogens. Likened to asbestos exposure. Hazmat suit. State laws and rules might be applicable – allows for fines. Not less than 25 – or more than 50. Fine for organization too…$100 first, $200 second, $500 for each addition within one year. If we have a policy…e-cigs banned in 6 months. State laws still apply. Initiate a complaint if you feel violated. Showed pictures of people smoking under UHH no smoking signs, at campus center, outside of classrooms. Relying on courtesy on others is not working. Over 11,000 cigarette butts collected in 45 minutes on campus. Nov 19, 2015 is the smoke out – all free. Coalition for a tobacco free Hawaii.
    • Student side - Student government response, they are torn, but targeted they need it to distress. Would be good to designate. Picnic tables have no umbrella. Setup could be better.
    • Extended time should happen for debate outside of FC.

Instructional tech committee – still waiting for members

  • Given charge includes I.T. to help students succeed, retention and graduation…largest impact on a positive way. Funded from tuition & fee balance – one-time expense
  • UH Hilo will be allocated additional 578k for performance based funding (state appropriation) from state – we can compete for this every year. Graduation & student success efforts.

Topic: New Business

  • Suggestion to change the deadline date for students to withdraw from a class with a “W.” (Postponed until Susan Brown can attend to explain.)
    • Today is W day.
    • Still getting add-ons today.
    • Monday – there will be 10-20 requests for students who missed W date. A lot of excuses will be that faculty did not provide enough feedback in the course. Asking that we move date from 8th week to the 10th or 12th to give students more time.
    • Please consider this issue.
    • Financial considerations? No financial implications. Our deadline is well after Financial Aid
    • Maybe vetted out with a larger group of people. Faculty could give more feedback earlier – good point. Student affairs should be solicited for feedback.
    • Other campuses deadlines? Not sure
    • Suggestion to make a motion. It’s a good idea.
    • Motion: Vladi – Change the withdrawal date to the 10th week of the semester.
    • Proposed amendment: Tam: move to the 12th week. Susan seconded
    • Discussion: Vladi – fin aid conditions related to enrollment. Some student abuse the semester.
      • Mitch – need more info from fin aid, stud services
    • Subsidiary motion: to refer this motion to the FC Executive Committee.
    • Discussion: Susan confirmed we need to gather facts
      • Called to vote: Jean
    • Vote: 17 approved, (1 abstention)

Motion to Revise the Graduate Programs Curriculum Pathway Flowchart to include a review by any relevant Units.

Mitch: Move to table the motion until next meeting. No second.

Whereas the current flowchart bypasses all entities except the Graduate Council. Whereas the current flowchart only requires consultation with appropriate Faculty within their respective units. Whereas the Faculty Congress has no vote on any Graduate Programs (until late in the process). Whereas Units within UHH are offering multi-discipline degree programs. Whereas the expertise of Colleges outside the Proposing Unit may forestall problems with various accreditation entities and provide each college a chance to express an opinion on proposed graduate programs resident in other colleges to help prevent unintentional problems.

Therefore, the Faculty Congress requests the Academic Policy Committee revisit the Graduate programs Curriculum Pathway Flowchart to incorporate a review by relevant entities.

Topic: Vox Populi

Report: None.

Action: None.

Topic: Adjournment

Report: None.


Motion to adjourn: Mitch move to adjourn. Adjourned at 4:55pm