FC Minutes January 15, 2016


Meeting Date: January 15, 2016.

Meeting Location: New Student Service Multi-purpose Room.

In Attendance: (22 voting members) Jon Goebel, Faith Mishina, Janet Ray, Judith Steinman, Mary Louise Haraguchi, Kekoa Harman, Susan Shirachi, Yumiko Ohara, Armando Garcia, Chris Frueh, Linda Connelly, Mitchell Anderson, Seri Luangphinith, Doug Mikkelson, Karen Pellegrin, Patricia Jusczak, Alice Davis, Vladi Skorikov, Kevin Hopkins, Shawon Rahman, Norbert Furumo, Jim Beets, Jean Ippolito (non-voting).

Members Absent: (5 voting members)
Donna Ohora, Tam Vu, Maria Haws, Lazareth Sye and Bobbi Barra.

Others present: (1 voting member)
Shelby Wong

Approval of minutes from the last meeting (Dec. 18, 2015)

Motion: To approve Dec 18 minutes: Mitch, Judy 2nd.

Discussion: None.

Vote: Vote: (18) all present voted unanimously in favor.

Topic: FC Chair Report

  • Progress on Appointment of the Re-organization Task Force (membership)
    • Updated task force members for CAFNRM: Mike Shintaku (primary), Kevin Hopkins (alternate)
    • Remove Kurt de la Cruz from list, Kainoa Ariola is the primary (there is no alternate)
  • Motion from CAS to rename Old Gym to be on January Faculty Congress (FC) agenda
    • Discussed in new business
  • Memo from VCAA on Locus of Tenure
    • Possible policy – feedback from FC – will be in New Business.
  • Reminder for Colleges to begin evaluation of Deans
    • Remind college senate chairs to begin their evaluations of their deans. Must start by a certain date or FC has to do it for them.
    • FC will do evaluation of VCAA and Chancellor
  • Letter from Risa Dickson (VP for Academic Affairs for the UH system) regarding new executive policy for programs with low numbers of graduates:
    • She sent letter to all UH senate/congress chairs requesting follow up on this proposed policy. Wanted feedback. Some campuses responded, but not all. She is providing another opportunity for feedback by February 28, 2016.
    • Clarify that they will look to low enrollment programs, not to cancel, but to make more efficient.
    • Email Jean with any comments/concerns
  • All campus council meeting – big agenda item was promoting open resources to replace the purchase textbooks (namely for GE courses). High cost of books starting to impact enrollment in certain courses. Just in discussion, no decisions have been made yet.

Topic: Standing Committee Reports

  • Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith
    • Sent email to all chairs. Core competency information is coming in at 95% participation rate.
    • Lot to do still with DL and ALEX – need to report on these two areas in about a year.
    • April – academic resources conference.
    • Dick Osborne is no longer our rep – we have a new liaison: Geoff Chase
  • Academic Policy, James Beets
    • Items referred earlier in year.
      • Review of UHPA contract and its alignment with the guidelines for the contract for renewal and promotion and tenure for teaching faculty policy.
  • 2015-2017 no noted changes
    • 2 request for review of recording policy. There are UH policies on the UH Hilo website. (copy forthcoming) University webpage shows these.
  • The 1973 Rehabilitation and Americans with Disability act mandates that we allow for students with disabilities to record lectures (if approved). Students must request to record using the Student Request Form (form is online). Jim will forward this form to be included in the minutes.
  • Also 2015-17 UHPA contract Article 11 on intellectual patents and copyrights. Article 11, Item A, Classroom Lectures and Recording presentations: Faculty Members shall own all rights to materials prepared on their own initiative for classroom, educational or professional purposes, and shall be exclusively entitled to the benefit of any royalties derived therefrom.

For personal educational purposes, students may record classroom lectures or other presentations, using tape recorders or other electronic or mechanical devices, unless the Faculty Member denies permission for such recording. Permission shall not be denied when the student requires such devices as the result of a physical disability.

APC reviewed these policies and they do not suggest that an additional policy is necessary at this time. Recommendation is to include a statement in the syllabus regarding this issue.

  • Issue has more to do with posting the lecture rather than recording. Perhaps add statement about not using the recording outside the context of the classroom. The syllabus is similar to a legal contract.
  • Perhaps a future motion to expand the UHPA contract to address mental or psychological disabilities as well.

  • Request for more information on faculty development committee motion provided. In November 2014, motion approved academic leader development program. Did not have a charge under any committee. Feb 20, 2015, the ad hoc committee faculty development committee was established. Subsequently, they recommended a bylaw change by motion – to create a standing committee. The first reading April 7, 2015, for the faculty devilment standing committee. The second reading was by Jan Ray since Jim was absent. Motion was postponed until next academic year. Discussion with faculty from the ad hoc committee and the APP: they thought it was important to discuss more and develop this more clearly. There was a past motion for a summary statement from the ad hoc committee. Will discuss further and supply the statement next congress meeting to support the final reading.

  • Student Success Comm. and Academic Advising Task Force, Faith Mishina
    • Not met yet – no report.
  • Long Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board, Roberta Barra (Read by Faith)
    • Meeting with Marcia, asked to rank IT proposals. 1.) Classroom A/V repair and replacement project $145k, 2.) Student life center security cameras $11.4k, 3.) Classroom teaching station renovation project (option 1): conversion to laptop $147k, or (option 2) upgrade classroom teaching computers for $64k. 4.) Lan school for library. Clarify is the software is to disable student personal computers. 5.) Software packages – check on listed price and see if lower institutional prices are available.
    • Jan 1, Advisory Committee discussed the transfer of locus of tenure draft document. Salary and fringe won’t follow. Document is appended to the minutes.
    • Task force to reorganize the university is driven by budget. Moving budgets to deans office.
    • VCAA has concerns that the long range advisory committee is divisive…maybe discontinue. Congress’ thoughts? Jean’s suggestion was to merge tasks with other existing committees so we don’t form new committees. Bobbi’s Long Range Budget committee became this committee (Advisory Committee).
    • Discuss the possibility of a separate advisory committee. Ask Matt to clarify these committees. Revision on VCAA page is 2014 is outdated. In October, Bobbi presented list of committee and it was approved. Get more clarification from Bobbi, this is her report and she is not here.
  • Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo
    • Met December 17 and January 28 to wrap up course changes and mods.
  • General Education, Yumiko Ohara
    • Have not met yet, new course for GE – accepting new courses until Friday, February 19. Application has been updated online.
  • Program Review, Mitchell Anderson
    • No report.
    • Some programs are not supporting this review because of previous MOUs not followed through.

Topic: Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation

  • Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina
    • Not met – no report.
  • UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo
    • No report.

Topic: Liaison Reports

  • Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong
    • Finalized math renumbering for Fall 2016.
    • 125 courses and 32 programs approved.
  • Professional Development, Jan Ray
    • Met with Matt Baldwin and Cindy Yamaguchi to determine techno Tuesdays.
    • Feb-April brown bags are in the works
    • Represented FC at the UH Hilo prof dev committee
  • Distance Learning, Jan Ray

    • Represented UHH at the DL program planning group.
      • Need a DL coordinator.
      • Make a motion?
      • Motion: Refer this issue to the executive committee. We need to develop a DL policy. Mitch. Judith seconded.
      • Discussion: DL advisory committee has met once. No more input there. Was a task force several years ago and gathered data. Matt has this information. Request if we refer to FC Exec. Committee that the motion be very explicit. Need more on the issue. In the APC, they did refer a request from congress to consider listing a DL designation for courses…didn’t see how that would work. Didn’t recommend a motion at that time. This is an important position. Hiring is another issue – one is a directive another is the hiring.
      • Subsidiary Motion: Motion to table the motion until the next meeting, Vladi, Jim second.
      • Vote: (21) in favor. (1) opposed.
  • Grad Council, Tam Vu

    • No report.
  • Research Council, Jim Beets
    • Met. Several items. Changes to different awards, travel, seed grants, etc will be modifying the amounts of these awards due to declines in budget.

Topic: Faculty Senate Chair Updates

  • CAS, Jean Ippolito
    • CAS senate was asked last semester by CAS dean to come up with procedure for division chair elections across the board. Checked UHPA guidelines. Faculty voted, approved policy. But earlier the dean had asked the DPC to come up with these guidelines. Some divisions did not agree that this was part of their duties as the DPC so the dean asked the senate to do it. Humanities had come up with own policy. This policy differs from the Senate’s overall policy. Humanities contested the Senate’s policy. UHPA decided that the separate units could have their own policy. The election for Humanities DC has been postponed again.
  • CAFNRM, Maria Haws (Read by Armando)
    • CTAHR (College of AG at Manoa) potential merger with this college.
    • Additional discussion: Politicians and higher up university officials are urging this merger. Meeting notes/vote from CAFNRM are appended to the minutes.
  • CoBE, Tam Vu
    • No report.
  • KHUOK, Kekoa Harman
    • No report.
  • Pharmacy, Karen Pellegrin
    • 5 candidates for dean search next week through February.
  • Library, Mary Louise Haraguchi
    • No report.

Topic: Old Business:

  • Update from APC Committee concerning past requests from FC – already had update.

  • Task Force for Investigation of Reorganization members.

    • Kevin Hopkins name for alternate.
      • Motion: to accept membership, Jan, Alice Davis second
      • Discussion: None.
      • Call to Vote: Kekoa, Suzan seconded.
      • Vote: (22) in favor, unanimous.

Topic: New Business:

  • Motion from CAS Senate Executive Committee to rename Old Gym.

    • Initiated by Jackie

      • Amended a little bit.
      • Dropped dance facility from name.
      • Clarification about whereas.
      • Reading of Motion: (appended to minutes): Jean, Mitch seconded.
      • Discussion:

        - Renovation made gym safer. Why Manu oo, article, he worked with Hawaiian culture, rather than independently. Passed out article. 
        - Friendly amendment – remove “the” from volcano
        - Halau – a place of learning, a shelter for learning
      • Call for vote: Susan, Mitch seconded.
      • Vote: (22) in favor - unanimous.
  • Transfer of Locus of Tenure document from VCAA

    • Provide feedback to the document
    • Discussion
      • Chancellor decision to reapply for tenure problematic.
      • How does a unit feel about receiving a new member?
      • Dean consults with faculty. Unit vs. college? Confusing verbiage.
      • 2 people want to transfer from CAS, what is the procedure? This document came from this issue. Share the draft with faculty in your units. Make it clear that this is Matt Platz’s draft. Write up concerns as statements to send to Jean. Deadline 2 weeks.

Topic: Vox Populi

Report: None.

Action: None.

Topic: Adjournment

Report: None.


Motion to adjourn: Mitch, Jim second 4:42pm.

Vote: unanimous (22).