FC Minutes April 15, 2016


Meeting Date: April 15, 2016.

Meeting Location: New Student Service Multi-purpose Room.

In Attendance: Jon Goebel, Faith Mishina, Jean Ippolito (non-voting), Janet Ray, Vladi Skorikov, Doug Mikkelson, Mary Louise Haraguchi, Kekoa Harman, Kevin Hopkins, Chris Frueh, Bobbi Barra, Maria Haws, Tam Vu, Susan Shirachi, Patricia Jusczak, Jim Beets, Norbert Furumo, Yumiko Ohara, Lazareth Sye, Karen Pellegrin, Shawon Rahman.

Absent: Seri Luangphinith, Judith Steinman (attended ACCFSC retreat on behalf of FC), Linda Connelly, Mitchell Anderson, Alice Davis, Brian Bays.

Recorded By: Jon Goebel

Call to Order: N/A

Adjournment: 4:51pm

Approval of minutes from the last meeting (March 18, 2016)

Motion: Chris; seconded Norbert.

Discussion: N/A.

Vote: unanimous (20).

Topic: FC Chair Report


  • Final Report from Task Force for the Investigation of Re-Organization of Academic Units – Chris Frueh
  • Chair’s communications with UHPA concerning retrenchment and timeline
    • Jean inquired to UHPA rep. This is a completely different issue that must go through BOR related to financial restraints. This is not a part of this reorganization. Some faculty concerned we are moving too fast. Once the proposal goes through, they can start talking about a timeline in the fall. A plan would be much more detailed and include positions and budgetary information. There will need to be a plan developed over the summer. Would go to UHPA in the fall. Implementation would occur a year later. According to the UHPA contract, retrenchment can be a possibility with a reorganization. Budget would drive a retrenchment, not organization. Until the $20 million reserves are extinguished, retrenchment cannot occur from budgetary reasons. We will end the year with a $12-13 million reserve.
  • Town Hall Meeting on April 22, 3:00 to 4:30 pm in Wentworth 1 – Jean will send out another notice as a reminder with final report attached. Also, email comments can be sent for anonymous presentation during the meeting.
    • Susan Brown met with CAS departments. Natural Sciences was in favor, Social Sciences ambivalent, humanities was uncertain. They were all in agreement with some sort of organization. Primary answer was that natural sciences needs and could argue effectively for these needs. Some departments were adamant that they wanted to stay together.
    • Should VCAA Matt come or not to the April 22 town hall? Staff and faculty should all be able to attend. Admin will ultimately make the decision so they should be there. Faculty may also have questions for the admin during the meeting.
    • Question about clarification: Page 2, BB 5 deans explanation: create 5 colleges instead of 4.
      • Goal was to not add additional deans to units
  • Update on Transfer of Locus of Tenure draft
    • VCAA sent to executive committee. Karen edited and clarified the document. It is now much clearer and ready to go back to VCAA’s office. Just for UH Hilo faculty wanting to transfer from one college to another (within the university). EX committee provided the feedback, with no endorsement, but feedback.
    • Intra college – the dean works it out class logistics, schedules, etc. Tenure does not change.
    • Will faculty have to reapply for tenure if they move to another college through the reorganization? VCAA response: No.
  • FYI from VCAA – Student evaluations will use UH System-wide online (customizable) Spring 2017.
    • Standard questions and custom questions for each department. These will be formatted so they will be mobile friendly. Some students with disabilities will need a hard copy. We’ll need to comply with ADA.
    • Emails sent to Deans and Division Chairs to hold elections for new FC Reps, Need nominations for APC and CRC Standing Committee Chairs – waiting on humanities and social sciences. Need nominations for standing committees. Nomination for executive committee and many other committees. Elections next meeting May 6.
    • UHSA request to FC for support to include UHSA reps on Committees

Topic: Standing Committee Reports

  • Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith – no report
  • Academic Policy, James Beets – no report
  • Student Success Committee, Faith Mishina
    • Picked up prior learning objectives, defined what portfolio is and apply, will present at net meeting.
  • Long Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board, Roberta Barra
    • Don’t have a budget yet for next fiscal year. Being asked to prepare budget in a new way, there’s a learning curve. Marcia’s people are working on it. Move towards quarterly budgeting. Show how much we plan to spend each quarter. Everything will be detailed. Board wants us to be able to say more definitively how we plan to spend and how we actually spend it. We have to get a budget to board by May 6.
  • Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo
    • May 1 new course/mod deadline. Through curriculum central. July 1 we use new system.
  • General Education, Yumiko Ohara
    • Finished workshop – interstate passport. Good to have people from HCC & UHH together. National means to ease articulation. Learning outcome based. Passport institutions will be able to transfer students more easily. GE Alignment with UH system – no decision made as of yet.
  • Program Review, Doug
    • Continuing to assist with programs going through process.

Ad Hoc Faculty Development Committee – Jim Beets

  • Handout report from committee. Summarizes their meetings. Report appended to minutes. If the committee is approved, there will be bylaw modifications.

Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation

  • Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina
  • UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo
    • 6 living learning communities next year. Retention from these communities is good. Undeclared freshmen are where we lose a lot of students. Will offer 101 for these students.
    • 6 communities: Marine Science, Arts, Hawaiian Lang/culture, Business, Health & Wellness, Sustainability.

Topic: Liaison Reports

  • Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong
    • Kuali will be new system for curriculum – July 1, 2016.
    • Catalog for 2016-17 is online. 4 year major maps updated and online.
    • Registrar should update the withdraw date.
    • Star Guided pathway system (GPS) registration – freshmen will be registering this way. Fall 2017 – everyone will be on this system. Math placement scores will not automatically affect if students can enroll into specific courses – advising is for this.
  • Professional Development, Jan Ray – report posted online
  • Distance Learning, Jan Ray – posted online
  • WASC, Seri Luangphinith – not present
  • Grad Council, Tam Vu
    • Met last week. 5 year limit of classes. Would need to submit petition to extend.
  • Research Council, Jim Beets
    • Held 3 town hall meetings – research opportunities, which programs are most beneficial. Well attended in general. Expecting large reduction in RTRF funds. Need to be strategic about how these funds are used. April 25 deadline to apply for funds. Tenured faculty every 3 years rather than every 2.

Topic: Faculty Senate Chair Updates

  • CAS, Jean Ippolito
    • CAS senate is soliciting nominations, asking div. chairs to fill seats. Having all senate meeting April 29, 2pm Wentworth 1. Gender in Women’s Studies is asking to become a department.
  • CAFNRM, Maria Haws
    • No report
  • CoBE, Tam Vu
    • COBE senate met several times, vote to merge 2 departments. Better for applied learning. Submitted vote to VCAA.
  • KHUOK, Kekoa Harman – no report
  • Pharmacy, Karen Pellegrin – no report
  • Library, Mary Haraguchi – no report

Topic: Old Business

  • Motion to request a policy for Distance Learning – appended to minutes
    • Not a change in bylaws. Request to administration – one vote.
    • Call to question: Jim, Doug seconded.
    • Discussion: Cindy’s template? We need to formulate guidelines. Needed a policy to assess the courses. Already a DL taskforce appointed by VCAA. This motion is to ensure policy about the rigor of DL courses.
    • Vote: unanimous (20).
  • Motion (second reading) for Faculty Development Standing Committee
    • Motion appended to minutes.
    • Number of votes to change the charter – a majority vote.
    • Call to question: Chris, Bobbi seconded.
    • Discussion: changing bylaws and adding a standing committee.
    • Vote: unanimous (20).

Topic: New Business

Nomination request for FC Officers and Standing Committee positions

- Chair FC: Norbert nominated  
- VC: Alice Davis  
- Secretary: Karen P  
- Assessment Committee Chair: Mary Louise  
- Academic Policy Chair: N/A  
- Program Review Chair: Doug  
- Student Success Chair: Faith  
- Long Range Budget – Advisory Board Chair: N/A  
- COBE Rep: Tam, Tom DeWitt  
- Curriculum Review Chair: N/A  
- Gen Ed: Yumiko  
- Faculty Dev. Standing Committee: Jan  
  • UHHSA request for support: Appended to Minutes.
    • Read aloud. To focus on the campus and colleges – this request would enable the students to have reps on the various college and campus decisions. Created 2 caucuses: college and at large to handle college and campus wide representation.
    • Does UHHSA still have membership issues? Yes, they are continuing to work on this issue. UHHSA’s role on campus is to represent students, liaison between admin and students, ensure campus governance.
    • Could be seen as encroaching on faculty prerogatives
    • Will take some time to reflect on this.
    • Define campus decision making bodies. Senates and campus committees.
    • Suggest which committees UHHSA intendeds to have a rep for. – add to agenda next meeting.

Topic: Vox Populi

Report: None.

Action: None.

Topic: Adjournment

Report: None.

Action: Motion to adjourn: Jim, Faith seconded at 4:51pm.