FC EC Minutes October 9, 2015
Meeting Date: October 9, 2015 at 3:30pm.
Meeting Location: PB-9.
In Attendance: Jean Ippolito, Jon Goebel, Norbert Furumo, Yumiko Ohara, Faith Mishina, Roberta Barra, Jim Beets.
Topic: FC Chair Report
Process questions – should we record abstentions? Check memos sent to Chancellor and VCAA, number motions?
- Jean suggested that we go back to the process of asking for approval, obtain, and apposed. Jim concurred. All present favored this voting process.
- Jim noted that to “table” a motion is an effort to kill a motion. Postpone by date is the proper way to move the voting of a motion to another time/date.
- Motions should be recorded in the order they are voted on
Suggestions for minutes – do we need more detail?
- For the minutes, it was suggested that in addition to noting the location of reports on the FC website that one sentence bullet points be added to future minutes.
- It was noted that discussions do not require names for the minutes and that only motions require names.
- Jean noted that she revised motions as originally transcribed from the Secretary minutes from the last FC meeting and that the minutes needed more detail.
- Jon G. asked if it would be appropriate to record audio during the FC meetings to facilitate the accuracy and detail of the minutes. Will ask the FC members if this is okay at the beginning of the next meeting.
Shall we have a second person record motions?
- It was suggested that Faith also write down motions as they are made. These motions can be compared to the Secretary motions before they are voted on.
- It was noted that motions must be read aloud before voting can take place.
FC Attendance policy – Should Reps send proxies if they cannot make it to meetings?
- The existing attendance policy has not been honored.
- It was noted that we should strictly observe the attendance policy and if members continuously miss meetings, they should be replaced.
- The chair should follow up with members who miss meetings.
Discussion concerning the new faculty lounge space and CoBE conference room.
- Bobbi discussed this issue with VCAA and Jan Ray. VCAA suggested that the space be shared.
- It was noted that this is a COBE conference room and that other alternatives should be investigated. The existing lounge is used regularly as a meeting space.
- Using the proposed CoBE conference room as a faculty lounge could be a potential distraction for faculty working in their offices due to traffic.
- The addition of partition walls to the space.
- Proposed sign-up sheet for use of space.
- It was requested that Jean ask the VCAA in writing where the new lounge is going to be.
Bobbi Barra – Motion to “ . . . require a statement from affected departments” at the graduate level for New Programs entering into the Curriculum Review process.
- College of Pharmacy is developing a certificate in Business Administration.
- AACSB accreditation requires that courses be taught by 60% scholarly academics in Business.
- The certificate would jeopardize AACSB accreditation for UH Hilo.
- Review of proposal flowchart.
- Correct chart will be provided with the motion for next meeting.
Form an initial motion for Susan Brown’s request to change the “W” date.
- We have not received a motion for this item.
- Someone (faculty) will need to write the motion ahead of time for review by the Executive Committee before it goes to the FC.
Additional remarks:
- Add Bobbi’s motion to New Business
- Ask Susan Brown to present her idea about the “W” policy change
- Remove faculty review evals and smoking policy from agenda
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: None.
Motion to Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm.