FC EC Minutes November 20, 2015
Meeting Date: November 20, 2015.
Meeting Location: New Student Service Multi-purpose Room.
In Attendance: (28) Jon Goebel, Jean Ippolito, Tam Vu, Maria Haws, Norbert Furumo, Mary Haraguchi, Patricia Jusczak, Alice Davis, Vladi Skorikov, Yumiko Ohara, Mitchell Anderson, Faith Mishina, Jim Beets, Shihwu Sung, Susan Shirachi, Lazareth Sye, Donna Ohora, Kekoa Harman, Chris Frueh, Karen Pellegrin, Judith Steinman, Linda Connelly, Doug Mikkelson, Shawon Rahman, Kevin Hopkins, Bobbi Barra, Shelby Wong, Janet Ray.
Members Absent: (3)
Ryan Stacks, Melinda Alles, Seri Luangphinith.
Others present: (2)
Leonard Woods, Shelby Wong.
Approval of minutes from the last meeting (October 16, 2015)
Motion: motion to approve October 16 minutes. Judy Steinman, Mitch seconded.
Discussion: Check membership list to ensure everyone is current. Remove non-members. Todd Shumway should be removed from the member’s list. Correction under CAFNRM. Judith S. was present. Make correction to attendance.
Vote: Unanimously approved.
Topic: FC Chair Report
Print out agendas in the future on your own. These will be emailed.
Handout of Robert’s Rues 11 ed. – motion to come later.
New Executive Policy Proposal for Consensual Relationships Two new proposals – sent out consensual relationships via list serve. Seems to be accepted positively by faculty. Lengthy, detailed policy. Generally it was long overdue. Lassner asked for feedback from faculty. Send to Jean and she will pass along.
Executive Policy Proposal for Programs with Low Number of Degrees
In response in legislature about eliminating programs with 10 or fewer degrees. Certain programs are service programs and the BOR & Legislature did not have a full understanding of this. This policy was written to address problem. Policy spells out the creation of a review process for programs. See policy handout. Jean can provide copies to anyone (hardcopy or digital).
Notes from UH Hilo campus meeting with UH System President David Lassner
Executive council meeting – he addressed questions.
Title Nine training: important to address these issues of Title 9. Everyone needs to be trained and educated in some way. A lot of admin has undergone training. Every campus must have their own program. Faculty can be held liable if they do not report a student complaint about discrimination related to Title 9.
Performance based funding: There are special funds allocated to campuses based on number of degrees conferred, how many students graduate, transfer, etc. there was concern that this money was being taken from another areas. But taken from another fund – it is extra money.
Topic: Standing Committee Reports
Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith (Read by Mary Louise)
- Not present. Mitch: they are waiting for info from departments on reading competency.
Academic Policy, James Beets
- Request for members not represented on APC, he received no other volunteers. Current member are: Kirsten Mollegaard, Jeanie Flood, Eric Cleveland, Chris Frueh, Jim Beets.
- Motion to accept membership: Mitch, Faith seconded.
- Vote: All in favor (28).
- Considering few requests: review unit bylaws for alignment – came from 2 diff sources. Request bylaws from units, colleges, senates, grad programs, etc. and review for consistency. Not all units are consistent and make recommendations. Will take some time into next semester.
Student Success Comm. and Academic Advising Task Force, Faith Mishina
- Been busy, finished report about, will present 4 motions to be read for their first reading next meeting.
Long Range Budget and Academic Affairs Advisory Board, Roberta Barra
- Proposed committee members: Hiapo Perreira, Kevin Hopkins, Ghee Tan, Vladimir Skorikov, Joan Thompson, Ken Hon, Michael Marshall, Roberta Barra.
- Motion: to approve membership, Mitch A., Alice D. seconded.
- Vote: all in favor (28).
- Governor held back $800k general fund – this is normal, always does this. We should be optimistic that he will release a big portion or all of this in the spring. Tuition revenue is down. Sakai, every 100 students represents 1 million in tuition revenues. It won’t take a large enrollment increase to get back on track. IT committee is chaired by Tam Vu for IT expenditures.
- TAM: met with Bob Chi and he proposed each faulty gets a laptop, still in discussion. Library proposed some software upgrades. Also suggest more computers with special software. Gives students more resources. Rewire network UCB for better access. Other ideas can be sent to Tam.
- Matt indicated that organization structure is out of balance. Come colleges are tiny. He envisions 4 divisions with 50 faculty in each entity. Send ideas to Matt P.
- Matt’s budget is attached. If a college releases monies by not hiring spring lectures, funds can be transferred into discretionary funds. Legislature did not fund the 3% salary increase and this came from other funds. Legislature allocation was $85 million. A. Affairs gets 30% - rest goes to admin affairs, stud services…Also attached council on revenue projections.
- 800k does not come from legislature – comes from governor’s office. Based on revenues.
Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo
- 2nd meeting, half proposals gone through. Meet again 17th Dec.
General Education, Yumiko Ohara
- Just completed recertifications for this year. Yumiko Ohara, Chair, Ka Haka ‘Ula
- Karla Hayashi, CAS, Jeffrey Smith, CAS, Jonathan Price, CAS, Thora Abarca, Library, Amy Saxton, Library, Armando García-Ortega, CAFNRM, Hazel Reece, Nursing, Abraham Jose, Student representative.
- Motion: to approve the G.E. membership, Mitch A., Laz S. seconded.
- Vote: all in favor (28).
Program Review, Mitchell Anderson
- Met with ED.
- Held full meeting. A number of programs came – next year and current. Good discussions and insight on what challenges to expect one more meeting in the spring. External review database is coming together.
Topic: Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation
Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina
- Reassess all of the A.P. – finish this semester, next semester consider portfolios. Portfolios are an acceptance of one class for 3 credits, and also comes in packages of 12. There are various parts of the colleges and university that need to be on that committee.
Sustainability Committee, Shih-Wu Sung
- No report.
- Question: Students on committee? Yes. List forthcoming.
UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo
- Meet on 10th. They will take a follow up survey.
Topic: Liaison Reports
Curriculum Coordinator, Shelby Wong
- 2 things to share: Chemistry course alignment. 3 lecture lab series to be aligned with UH system. Fall 2015 there will be new numbering.
- Still scheduled to move over to Kawali curriculum management.
- Please still use Curriculum Central for now.
Professional Development, Jan Ray
- 4 diff professional development opportunities for faculty: Star, Techno Tuesday; Grant writing resources and procedures, Google aps workshop, and more to come
Distance Learning, Jan Ray
- Met with Cheryl Ramos - look at issues that the BA Psychology program that used to be a DL program. Looking at issues faced by that program. See report.
- Comment: WASC wants distance ED more defined. Need more assurance that the online courses are as rigorous and align with the credit hour requirement. It would help if there were a checklist – include how materials presented, ensure students are reaching outcomes, assure exams are taken by the actual students (proctored), how to deal with feedback from students. Suggested to put this onto next meeting. Jan will meet with concerned departments as needed. WASC needs a distance ED coordinator.
- Discuss next meeting.
Online courses are taken out of convenience, face to face enrollment suffers.
WASC, Seri Luangphinith
- Not present.
Grad Council, Tam Vu
- Approved all of the program mods.
- Could not find anyone to serve as non-voting rep.
- They do have student rep. Tam will send the name to UHHSA.
Research Council, Jim Beets
- Could not attend, Matt P. not here. Can’t report.
Topic: FC Senate Chair Updates
CAS, Jean Ippolito
- Met last Friday. Taken poll of CAS faculty about supporting task force (campus wide) for reorganization. Poll was supportive. Tasked with getting more info from faculty about reorg. Feasibility, models motion is on agenda. Response rate: 37 responded.
CAFNRM, Maria Haws
- Met last Friday. Security problems off site, repeated break-ins and vandalism. Animals killed, theft, etc. Personal safety is a concern. Solution is to get guard to accompany for now. Private security systems, $70 per site per month per camera for security. Sent request through VCAA to Sakai, awaiting solution. Marcia Sakai put out a new policy on sec cameras. Needs to be a talking point next meeting. MOU should deal with this in program review. Other departments use these spaces as well. Legislatures came down and stud government brought up security is an issue. Request to send issues and details to UHHSA since they are going to legislature in January.
CoBE, Tam Vu
- 2 meetings. 1 approve grad programs, sustainability, 2 approve all modified courses.
KHUOK, Kekoa Harman
- No update.
Pharmacy, Karen Pellegrin
- 2016 ground breaking – first quarter.
Library, Mary Haraguchi
- No update.
- UHHSA had sent a rep about library. Gym is open 24/7. Library not. Proposal is on table to open the library Saturdays and longer hours.
Topic: Old Business
Update on possible Student Withdrawal date change.
- This fall we are 1 week prior to other campuses, and 2 weeks prior regarding W dates. We are earlier. How soon can this be implemented. Next fall 2016. Spring calendar is already posted. Would not have a fin aid impact. No motion was ever constructed. Exec committee can draw up a motion for next meeting. Can consult with Susan. Agenda item. Sherry & Chelsea presented.
Update on Ad Hoc Faculty Development Committee
- Report? Jim contacted previous members, working on a meeting date. Let Jim know if you want to come. 2 weeks down the road on a Friday at 3.
Topic: New Business
- Motion: to Revise the Graduate Programs Curriculum Pathway Flowchart notes to include written acknowledgement by any relevant Units.
Whereas Units within UHH are offering multi-discipline degree programs.
Whereas the expertise of Colleges outside the Proposing Unit may forestall problems with various accreditation entities and provide each college a chance to express an opinion on proposed graduate programs resident in other colleges to help prevent unintentional problems.
Therefore, the Faculty Congress requests that the notes on the second page of the Curriculum Review Flowchart include the following sentence after "College Curriculum Review Body" and under "Interdisciplinary Programs" (at the end of the current paragraph): "Written acknowledgement from all impacted departments or colleges must be included with new interdisciplinary program proposals and any major modifications."
- Motion Read Aloud: Bobbi B created the motion. Mitch seconded.
- Discussion: an email will suffice to let another unit know. The alert is an FYI to solicit comments.
- Laz S. move to vote, Alice seconded.
- Vote: Majority in favor (27); (1) abstention.
Motion: to suspend agenda and return to old business: Laz S., Judith seconded.
Laz add agenda wish to include an amendment to the charter.
Motion: Suspend the rules (meaning change the agenda) to allow for the motion from UHHSA to be put on the agenda without the 48 hour in advance rule. Laz S., Mitch seconded.
Discussion: Urgency, charter needs to be able to have the non-voting member. Will help them change.
Kevin called for vote: Judy seconded: all in fav (20), (4) apposed. 2/3 approve and the motion is added to the end of new business.
- Motion to adopt Roberts Rules of Order for Motions
Whereas, the Faculty Congress has not adopted a version of Roberts Rules of Order for Motions for meetings.
Therefore, it is recommended that the Faculty Congress adopt the attached revision of the Robert's Rules of Order for meetings and post on the Faculty Congress web site.
Motion read aloud: Jim created the motion, Mitch seconded.
Discussion: is there anything in the charter about this? How will they know in a few years to use these?
Some things need to be written in bylaws. It is already in charter to follow latest version. The motion is incorrect, we already adopted the RR. Should just post it on the website.
Subsidiary Motion: Jim (withdraw motion to table), Kevin Seconded.
Vote: (3) in favor, (16) opposed, (2) abstained.
Following the rules of FC charter, I will post online on our charter page.
- Motion: for the Creation of a Campus-wide Task Force to Study the Reorganization of Academic Units at UH Hilo Whereas, historically, faculty members in Natural Sciences have made several unsuccessful attempts to reorganize the College of Arts and Sciences due to its inequitable size when compared to other UH Hilo colleges.
Whereas, an opportunity has arisen to reorganize the College of Arts and Sciences, since the Dean will be stepping down soon, and the VCAA has agreed to appoint an interim Dean who may serve for an extended period of time to allow for a possible reorganization.
Whereas, the UH Hilo College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Senate recently conducted a survey to determine faculty interest in creating a campus-wide task force to study the reorganization of academic units at UH Hilo, and the results of that survey (attached) revealed that 72.97 percent of faculty respondents are in favor of creating a campus-wide task force to study the reorganization of academic units at UH Hilo.
Whereas, the reorganization of the College of Arts and Sciences has the potential to impact other academic units at UH Hilo, such as the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Management and the College of Business and Economics, so a campus-wide task force is necessary.
Therefore, be it resolved that Faculty Congress create a campus-wide task force to study the reorganization of academic units at UH Hilo.
Motion: Jan R, Laz seconded.
Discussion: this gives an opportunity to review the balance of departments. Campus wide issue.
Does not limit – total membership should be specified. Include a timeline.
CAS Senate added the verbiage at the bottom.
We are studying the whole campus. Smaller committee would be more efficient.
What will be the result? Recommendations and/or Models?
Should allow from every college?
Need more justification as to why we need to restructure.
Needs more equitable representation. Dean change should not be others issue.
Budget is actually driving this initiative CAS is too large to control adequately.
Jan was not at last CAS exec meeting and did not witness the change. CAS wants congress to come up with the task force.
Clarify: why did we not survey everyone. Sent back to CAS, they brought it back up. Task force will be the ones who survey the whole campus. There are already models floating.
Concern about the response rate in CAS. Other polls in other divisions were substantial. Year and a half ago there was a petition:
LAZ motion: to table this motion until the next meeting; Maria 2nd (withdrawn).
Discussion: might be better to approve this motion.
Subsidiary Jim-Motion: to refer this to the exec committee; Mitch second.
Discussion: postponing will take at least a month.
Subsidiary Vote: (7) in favor, (12) opposed, (3) abstain; motion does not pass.
Jean calls original motion for vote: As it stands without revisions.
Vote: (13) in favor, (4) opposed, (5) abstain. Motion carries/passed.
Motion (Laz S.): Jean read motion aloud: first reading.
“Strike out from Article 2, Section 1, membership..” Motion is to be rewritten with strikethroughs for next reading.
Second: Linda Connley.
Discussion: past practice was to have SG rep sit in rather than student reps.
We were breaking the charter 6 non-voting student members - 1 had to be picked for voting. Should just have the student pres. Voting members. They were elected by the students to represent anyhow.
Referred to the APC for discussion. If they are not following our charter, then they are violating their own charter. This just changes the rules to comply. Want to check the charter to make sure it aligns correctly. Not the normal format for a motion. Need a format that allows more clarification. The second reading will include strikethroughs in the original charter.
Can’t vote until next meeting after second reading.
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: None.
Motion to Adjourn: Judith second 4:52pm.