FC EC Minutes March 11, 2016
Meeting Date: March 11, 2016.
In Attendance: Yumiko, Faith, Mitch, Jean, Jon, Norbert, Roberta, Jim, Seri.
Members Absent: Chris.
Agenda Items:
- Approval of: Minutes from last FCEC (February 12).
- Motion to approve: Norbert, second Yumiko.
- Discussion: N/A.
- Vote: 7 yes, 1 abstain.
Topic: FC Chair Report
Update on the Reorganization Task Force – Chris Frueh (not present) Will add to agenda. Roberta update: Susan Brown stated there needs to be new dean in each entity. Allocation of deans and staff: $150k average is appropriate (estimated). 4 staff in each division. Each college will get one more staff. Total estimate of new entity on handout. Matt’s website has budgets listed. Nat Sciences budget, 91k for discretionary funds, Hum has 24k, KOBE 25k. These numbers would stay the same. Review of organization budget plan handout. CoBE interested in merging with CAFNRM. Will provide at FC meeting.
Chancellor to report on Strategic Goals to Faculty Congress. He will be present at the next Friday meeting.
VCAA’s Locus of Tenure Policy draft edits.
- Leave of tenure 1-2 years if going to another campus. Return right policy is usually across campuses. This would leave the unit in limbo for 2 years. Will send back with FC input. No vote. Sent out to all faculty and received no feedback. We do not make policy for administration.
Distance Learning criteria – do we have a motion to put on FC agenda?
- Review of draft motion. Mitch put this together. We were dinged on DL by WASC a couple years back. Problem is that courses are not reviewed prior to offering them as DL courses. Currently, chairs are really responsible for addressing this. A quality checklist would be helpful for reviewing the DL courses. If advisory committee was tasked with this issue, they can be asked to report their findings. The motion is to recognize that we have already had a task force and a review committee, but they have not been fruitful in addressing the current concerns. Perhaps charge the Advisory Committee (through Matt) to flesh out the DL checklist. What are our quality control measures? This is important for WASC. This need to be addressed.
Suggested Recording Policy statement for syllabi – where to post/distribute?
- Need to get this to more people. Maybe Deans and Chairs. Ask the curriculum review committee if it can be posted. Will read to FC first and go from there.
FC representative position expirations and nominations for next year.
- Will send out a request to Division Chairs for nominations. Tom Dewitt and Tam Vu will represent CoBE.
- Who will serve as Chair and other positions.
Approval of upcoming FC meeting agenda (March 18). Transfer of Locus of Tenure doc - remove the agenda item. Send to Matt. There were concerns about this policy, but nothing materialized to refuse it. We asked for edits and have included those. This is not an endorsement.
FC Development Committee – prepared for second reading. Report drafted from FC request. Add to old business.
- Look into change of support (course release) for Executive Committee members.
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Motion to adjourn: Move to adjourn, Jim, 2nd Faith 4:58pm