FC EC Minutes January 8, 2016
Meeting Date: January 8, 2016.
In Attendance: Jean Ippolito, Jon Goebel, Faith Mishina, Roberta Barra, Mitch Anderson, Yumiko Ohara, Jim Beets.
Members Absent: Norbert Furumo, Seri Luongphinith.
Topic: FC Chair Report
Update on APC items from Fall.
- APC take a look at the new UHPA contract. Who is the holder of the guidelines? They are on the VCAA webpage.
- Mitch had moved Sept 18, 2015: To have the APC develop a classroom recording policy. Doug Seconded.
- What specifics do we need in this policy? If a student records and publishes what terminology needs to be in this policy. What does UHPA contract say about recording? Jim will gather information and discuss further with Executive committee.
- Graduate program flowchart comment? The person updating the flowchart is in graphics department.
- Motion to create standing faculty development committee. Have not set up meeting with Jan yet.
Update on Task Force membership confirmations from units
- Sent out email – names by next Wednesday. Confirmations from Ka Haka Ula, Nursing 1.) Genie Flood, 2.) Alice Davis; Humanities confirmed; CoBE 1.) Kim Furmo, 2.) Keisuke Nakao; Advising confirmed. Have not heard for others.
- Send out reminder that if department want to change names, they need to do so or otherwise names will stay the same.
CAS Senate motion to rename Old Gym
- Jackie made justification for the motion. He taught her for a long time, this honors him. Amended to remove the “Dance” from the name. Another whereas might also include that dance was a part of this gym’s use in the past…from historical perspective. Defer the creation of the whereas to Jackie.
Draft policy on Locus of Tenure transfers from VCAA
- This policy has been developed by our administration. Asking for input. Will pass along to FC.
Approval of January 15th Faculty Congress Agenda.
Deferred motion from CAS
- Electing the task force members. Mitch makes motion to send motion back with a statement that we heard their concerns to CAS. Every unit is given the opportunity to elect their members for the TF. Seconded by Jim.
- Discussion: send it back or defer indefinitely. Defer it again? One month so we can see what happens next month. Motion retracted.
- New motion: motion to defer one month. Bobbi, Jim seconded.
Approval of December 11th, Executive Committee meeting minutes
Motion to approve: Mitch, Roberta seconded
Discussion: none.
Vote: all in favor.
Review of December 18th Faculty Congress Committee meeting minutes
Distance learning issue: Don’t really have policy in place (WASC perspective) assuring that DL courses, students are required to achieve the same outcomes as a brick/mortar class. Can something come from congress that provides specifics? Is this APC? We’re hiring a DL coordinator, but something should come from congress. Needs to be a system of checks in place to ensure that DL courses are quality. Will get with Seri about WASC to see if we need to develop a policy. Need to provide some political cover for department chairs. Ask Jan when the DL person will be hired.
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Motion to adjourn: Motion to adjourn: Jim, Mitch seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 5pm.