FC EC Minutes December 11, 2015


Meeting Date: December 11, 2015 at 3:30pm.

Meeting Location: PB-9.

In Attendance: Jean Ippolito, Jon Goebel, Norbert Furumo, Yamiko Ohara, Faith Mishina, Jim Beets, Mitch Anderson.

Others Present: Matt P, Laz S.

Approval of the Nov 13th Exec. Comm. Meeting Minutes: - All in favor (7).

Topic: FC Chair Report

Approval of Dec 18th Faculty Congress Agenda:

Re-Organization Task Force appointment process Report and motions from the Advising Task Force

Grad council FYI

Matt P. asked programs to review admissions standards. Perspective of clarity, implementation, title 9. Ka Haka 'Ula wants to replace GRE with their own standard. Changing their admission standards.

Task force reorg. Matt has been working with FC chair. Looking at Univ 101, advising. FC chair collected info from exec committee to make appointments. Seems to be a good working model. The business of this task force is so important that it necessitates a different standard. This task force is not charged to come up with a model for faculty to vote on. Motion was to create a task force to propose several models for the faculty to react to for a starting point for conversation. The TF is not empowered to speak for the faculty. Nor is the FC to speak for the faculty regarding the restructure. The union is the representative for the faculty. The TF will start the conversation>to the union>they will interface with administration. The TF is not the body to tell the admin what to do. They will work with union.

Source for list of members. Matt asked congress to appoint a committee for long range budget and advisory committee. Bobbi said she could re-task her committee to add in the advisory component.

If we don’t formulate this committee right, it could be hard to submit even one model. Could be contention amongst members.

Could task force be chosen from FC? Maybe not enough full members. Jim had made motion to send this topic to EX committee. Congress deriving the task force will take a long time. Each area would need to elect their own reps. This could take months. This motion was passed in the FC meeting. See minutes.

Jean had asked for names for the task force at end of last FC. Received several names.
Discussion about names - full professors

Assemble the slate for presentation at FC voting. Go for Associate of there are no full profs. Must have tenure. Several have agreed to serve. Others need to be asked if they will serve. We will make the slate 1 + an alternate and submit to congress for voting. Names for each department discussed.

Task force for the investigation of reorganization.

Names forwarded, discussed, here’s the recommendation and alternates.

  1. CAS – NS – Jene Michaud - Tracy Weigner
  2. CAS – SS – Chris Frueh – Tom Curtis
  3. CAS – Hum – Kirsten Mollegaard – Mike Marshall
  4. CAS – Nursing – Alice Davis – Jeanie Flood
  5. CASFNRM – Mike Shintaku – Norman Arancon
  6. COBE – Kim Furumo – Kelly Burke
  7. Pharmacy – Sue Jarvi – Supakit W.
  8. Ka Haka Ula – Pila Wilson – Kalena Silva
  9. Student Affairs Advising – Kainoa Ariola – Kurt de la Cruz

To be discussed as chair’s report in FC.

Motion from the CAS for the individual units to elect their own TF representatives.
Motion: We defer the CAS senate motion until the next FC Executive meeting. Jim, Mitch seconded.
Discussion: Executive Chair can let them know that the motion has been deferred. Jim call for vote; Mitch 2nd
Vote: (6) all in favor (Chair does not vote.)

Faith: Faculty task force on advising: (see handout) attempt to address weaknesses of advisin. Most problems in growing (large) departments. Elect a point person for advising – junior faculty can go to them for help. The Departments need to decide who signs course mods, etc…An email will go out with a list of needed info containing relevant advising info, forms, numbers, etc.

Investigated literature for advising: embedding official advisor appointed by the department/unit. Want to try embedding advisor in larger unit as a test to see how it works out. VCAA to provide funding. This is a successful retention model that has worked elsewhere.

Motions paraphrased. (see motions) 4

  • Point persons – Advising Point Person for the Department/Campus Point Person for GE.
  • Require students be informed of advisor.
  • To provide tools for advising.
  • To follow up at end of semester RE advising.

Send feedback to Faith so she can tailor it.

Add to all motions: therefore – “during this experimental period” language.

Meeting agenda Dec 18: will be presented as is.

Email Jean with any corrections.
NOV Minutes from FC EX: Remove any conversation in the minutes
NOV Minutes from FC:

Topic: Vox Populi

Report: None.

Action: None.

Topic: Adjournment

Report: None.

Action: Vote to adjourn: Norm, seconded Jim. Adjourned at 5:14pm.