FC EC Minutes April 29, 2016
Meeting Date: April 29, 2016.
In Attendance: Seri, Jen, Faith, Bobbi, Jon, Norbert, Jim, Yumiko.
Members Absent: Mitch.
Agenda Items:
- Approval of: FC EC Meeting minutes for April 8, 2016
- Motion to approve: Faith, Bobbi 2nd
- Discussion: N/A
- Vote: 4 approve, 1 abstain
Topic: FC Chair Report
Updated FC website. 2 more memos from chancellor – DL motion 16. Memo states I approve motion to request - VCAA Platz to move forward.
Motion to admin to not have formal consultations during summer: response acknowledging the memo. Reiterated this during the CAS senate. Will not send anything to union until fall.
Created Town Hall Reorganization webpage. FC homepage includes this homepage. Will send out link to this via the list serve.
Discussion wrap-up of Town Hall Meeting and Task Force report.
MOU from VCAA for FC Course releases – proposed addition. Emails from many approving as is. Jim had an addition: reassigned time request - written request with justification…reviewed by Executive Committee and forwarded to EVCAA.
Request for accountability. Need stronger justification. However, this would require faculty to project what will be on the agenda for the following year.
When would be best to submit the justification? May? Would be late since fall schedules are already made in mid spring. Would mean that course release would be the following spring.
VCAA ultimately should not be the one deciding the course release. Should come from FC. But VCAA has the budget.
Jean has put a table together with the course releases based on the bylaws. Secretary is added into this with a course release.
Friendly Amendment: Indicate that this statement is for those whose releases have to be negotiated.
Amended statement: Negotiated Course Releases: Statement read aloud.
Motion to approve: Bobbi move, Faith seconded.
Vote: unanimous (7).
FC now takes on a lot more work, this is why there are now course releases.
Topic: Standing Committee Reports
- Due next Wednesday.
- Add to your reports – what needs to be done next year.
GenEd alignment with UH? Will better facilitate transfers. Do the alignment without joining the foundation.
Topic: FC Offices and Standing Committees
Nominations read aloud and unfilled positions solicited.
- Rep: Steve Colbert
- APC?
- Student Success?
- Budget? Vladi?
- Curriculum Review Chair: Tom D?
Curriculum Review? Linda C?
Finalize and approve agenda for May 6th Faculty Congress Meeting Do elections under old business, then adjourn
Topic: Vox Populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Motion to adjourn: Adjourned at 4:32pm.