FC EC Minutes February 12, 2016


Meeting Date: February 12, 2016.

In Attendance: Yomiko, Faith, Jim Chelsea, Chris, Mitch, Jean, Jon.

Members Absent: Norbert, Roberta.

Agenda Items:

  • Approval of: Minutes from last FCEC – unanimous (5). Chelsea: checked with sources, has to be a good reason for ALEX designation to be on transcript. Alex code is already embedded since 2012. Has an attribute field already. Would show up in Star, but not on transcript. Secretary would need to manually add the ALEX designation to the course title. Would need to know well in advance to order the right transcript legend (maybe a year’s worth is on hand already we need to use up first).

Alex, sustain committee came to Jean, they are writing a proposal to have certain courses designated sustainability, alex, etc…Would be good to know why they want this to be on transcript. Does Manoa do special things on their transcripts? If we are doing something unique, it needs to be well justified. Are there potential employers that want to see these designations?

Topic: FC Chair Report

  • Update on the Reorganization Task Force (Chris Frueh) Met twice. Elected chair. Matt Platz ex officio. Will invite all deans and Bobby Barra. Matts vision, 3-4 colleges of equal size. Making management easier to localize management. Pharm not part, Hawaiian not participatin logistically complicated. Need to consider accreditation. Jobs and salaries will remain the same. Long term, this may affect hiring. Creating a website, everything will be posted as they move forward. Will put something together that will be presented to everyone on campus. 3-4 models or approaches for how to reorganize.

  • Need to send a nomination to serve on the System Conflict of Interest Committee. Will ask for a nominee during the congress meeting.

  • Comments concerning VCAA’s Locus of Tenure Policy draft. Seemed to be more questions about this. VCAA wants us (Executive Committee) to rework this document and send it back. The (current) perceived goal of this document is to complicate the process of changing departments. Will send around for editing – track changes.

  • Should we do administrative evaluations this year? System office says these (360 evals) need to be done every year. We can request the previous results from the system evaluation to see if it meets our needs. If it does not, we go with our own.

  • Faculty Lounge furniture and move to renovated old SS building Current room will become testing center. We will share 2nd floor of CoBE conference room. Furniture needs to be moved there. Adjacent room is smaller, but we could use it if we get bumped. Current table can go into smaller room. Would be good to have description of the survey.

  • Distance Learning criteria – what shall we do about this? Need to establish a task force to address this. Need input from the ALO. Request info at the congress meeting. Seek input for developing a task force. Ask Seri for WASC concerns about DL. Does Seri think we need a task force?

  • Approval of upcoming FC meeting agenda (Feb. 19) – to be sent to you soon. Jim motion to accept, Faith seconded.
    Vote: unanimous.

  • Passport Transfer student platform called "Wiche.com" We are invited to join. Aids in transfer process. West Oahu and Leeward are already on board with this.

  • Seri suggested we add strategic plan to agenda. How will it be assessed? Who will do the assessment. Send this concern up to higher administration to initiate this process. A task force can do the assessment and needs to include people that understand assessment.

  • Alignment issues with GE courses: Moving GE courses: Language arts basic to integrative ENG math world culture.
    Area requirements already aligned.

Topic: Vox Populi

Report: None.

Action: None.

Topic: Adjournment

Report: None.


Motion to adjourn: At 4:48pm.