FC Minutes February 20, 2015
Meeting Date: February 20, 2015.
Meeting Location: Student Services Multipurpose Room.
In Attendance: Julie Adrian, Iota Cabral, Alice Davis, Kimberly Furumo, Norbert Furumo, Mary Louise Haraguchi, Kekoa Harman, Jean Ippolito, Avis Masuda, Faith Mishina, Janet Ray, Mike Shintaku, Todd Shumway, Vladi Skorikov, Kathleen Stacey.
Others: Vice Chancellor Matt Platz; Arthur Cunningham, Lindy Hern; Ken Hon, Marianne Takamiya.
Call to Order: 3:00 PM.
Recorded By: Avis Masuda.
Approval of minutes from the last meeting:
- Correction: change ‘Agenda’ to Minutes in header.
- Jean moved to approve minutes; Norbert seconded.
Vote: 15 yes/0 no/0 abstain.
Topic: FC Chair Report
- Motion 2013-14: - distinguish lab courses with “L”; not approved by administration as it is a system wide issue; All Campus Chairs of Faculty Senates will continue to work on this (Bill Mautz is UHH representative).
- Administrative Evaluation System.
- Develop system wide 360 degree evaluation system.
- Holding off on Vice Chancellors and Chancellors, but evaluations still need to be completed for Deans by April 1st; Faculty Senate Chairs reminded to work on Dean’s evaluation.
Topic: Committee Reports
Vote to Approve Committee Membership
- Assessment Support, Seri Luangphinith – posted on website
- Awaiting final word on accreditation
- VC Platz reported informally we received seven years.
- We formally thank Seri Luangphinith for her hard work and efforts with WASC Accreditation.
- Assessment Committee work on Quantitative Reasoning underway.
- Program Review on track – moving to 5-year review cycle.
- Awaiting final word on accreditation
- Academic Policy, James Beets
- Flowcharts: At last committee meeting, changes were made to Curriculum Review AND Academic Policy Flowchart.
- Changes to charter and by-laws also needed.
- Will provide greater clarification with Graduate Council.
- Academic Leadership Program: program, purpose, goals.
- Please let Jim know if you would like to participate in this effort to develop this program.
- Faculty Development Committee: needs more discussion, given the 5-year Review.
- Other topics: possible new standing committee - motion to be presented in April.
- Student Success and Admissions, Faith Mishina – 1) student questions regarding information (e.g., faculty office hours) be made available online; VC Platz referred to UHH Directory as possible area to add office # and hours. 2) Q&A page – work in progress.
- EMIT – new committee formed with smaller sub-groups to focus on recruitment, enrollment.
- Budget Review, Roberta Barra – report posted on website.
- Curriculum Review, Norbert Furumo – committee met to discuss Aviation Program; proposal received ‘NO’ vote.
- General Education, Michael Bitter – report posted on website.
- Program Review, Mitchell Anderson –see Seri’s report.
Topic: Ad Hoc Committee Reports
- Monthly Speaker Series, Emmeline de Pillis – no report at this time.
- Standard Weekly Schedule Analysis Committee, Michael Shintaku – motion passed last year; does not work consistently across departments; committee recommends against change for now.
Topic: Other Committee with Faculty Congress Representation
- Prior Learning Assessment Committee, Faith Mishina – committee meeting on Feb. 23rd to meet with Barbara Bell; added Michael Marshall to committee.
- EMIT Committee, Seri Luangphinith
- Sustainability Committee, Shih-Wu Sung – no report at this time.
- Parking Committee, Adam Pack
- Rose Tseng Lecture Series, Jan Ray – no report at this time.
- UNIV 101 Analysis Committee, Norbert Furumo – working on application for instructors (See Attachment 1 for reference to UNIV 101).
Topic: Liaison Reports
- Curriculum, Jean Ippolito – sent report to faculty documenting number of programs and course proposals processed and approved for 2015-16.
- If course proposal submitted, please email Jean so she can ensure it was submitted.
- Window now open for new cycle of course proposals.
- Transition to Kuali; will run parallel process.
- May 1st: priority deadline to be ready for curriculum review committees in fall.
- Norbert F. reported on search for curriculum position – ranking list of candidates in progress.
- Professional Development, Jan Ray – new faculty brown bag on Feb. 4th; Jan has been helping two programs move from provisional to established.
- Distance Learning, Jan Ray – new committee members and will meet next Tuesday.
- WASC, Seri Luangphinith – report posted on website.
- Grad Council: Mike Shintaku reported Grad Council voted to change final courses required for completion from final semester to last two semesters.
- Research Council: Jim Beets reported applications for grants to be posted shortly.
Topic: Faculty Senate Chair Updates
- CAS, Jean Ippolito – minor revision of by-laws; initiated Dean’s evaluation (same system/process as last year); all-Senate meeting set for May 7th.
- CAFNRM, Mike Shintaku – no report at this time.
- CoBE, Roberta Barra – going through accreditation; site visit Sunday-Tuesday.
- KHUOK, Iota Cabral – Hosting International Language Conference on Documentation – March 2-4, 2015.
- CoP, Andre Bachmann – Julie reported Andre was replaced by Karen Pellegrin; groundbreaking held; full accreditation.
- LIB, Kathleen Stacey – no report at this time.
Topic: Old Business
- Finalize Academic Flowchart (Jim Beets) – postponed – need feedback from Graduate Council.
Topic: New Business
- Update on WASC report and GE (Matt Platz).
- UH Hilo had balanced budget last year.
- Regarding programs with small number of graduates, VC Platz may need to justify to Legislature in future – require help from Congress.
- WASC Accreditation – applied learning to be defined; need certification and assessment rubric, standardization of internship and monitoring.
- Distance Learning – need to determine UH Hilo’s goals for this area.
- Institutional Research – need to hire second person to support Kelli O.
- Letter forthcoming from Chancellor and JN Musto regarding 5-Year Review.
- VC Platz will ask departments for expectations of faculty.
- May 1st – letter will be sent to faculty who haven’t been reviewed in five years.
- Early Registration: moved up to April 6th.
- Consensual Relations – UHPA prefers UH Hilo refer to misconduct policy in contract.
- Faculty Forum – discuss GE issues – Kim will follow up with GE chairperson.
- Aviation Program (Norbert Furumo)
- Authorization to plan program presented to Congress last year.
- Presentation by Arthur Cunningham.
- Discussion and testimony for program.
- Vote at next Congress meeting – documents to be posted on FC website.
- Academic Leadership Program (Jim Beets)
- Motion provided to establish a new ad hoc committee - Faculty Development Committee (See Attachment 2).
Vote: Jan moved to accept; Kathleen seconded.
15 yes /0 no/0 abstain.
- Academic Support for Athletes Initiative (Alice Davis)
- Kathleen presented IAAC and ASSA Initiative to support academic goals of student athletes and provided list of academic resources that currently exist for student athletes.
Alice moved to accept; Todd seconded. Vote: 15 yes/0 no/0 abstain.
Topic: Vox populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: Adjourned 5:00 p.m.