FC EC Minutes May 11, 2015
Meeting Date: May 11, 2015.
In Attendance: Kim, Jan, Michael, Bobbi, Faith, Norbert, Jim, Seri, Avis.
Call to Order: 4:00 P.M.
Recorded By: Avis Masuda.
Proposed Agenda for Friday’s meeting
- P. 2 proposed motion for double major issue
- Jim: 2nd Readings needed:
- Charter changes - membership
- By-laws: Professional development committee
- Jim and Kim to check on revisions.
- Once voting done and motions pass, FC has one year to set up Professional Development Committee.
- Next year’s Exec Committee will make decisions on this
Note: Jim and Michael are off-island and will not be attending 5/15 meeting
Graduate Council item: Note: Grad Council sends issue to FC to decide if it impacts university as a whole; otherwise, Exec Committee sends back to Grad Council and lets them move forward.
- Setting up requirements for how long student can take to complete masters or doctorate degree
- Suggestion to review what other campuses do with respect to graduate councils and faculty governance.
- Does this impact academic policy and/or faculty within a unit?
- This has already gone to the Academic Policy Committee and been approved.
- FC EC recommends send back to Graduate Council, stating there are concerns (e.g., representation on Graduate Council).
- Recommend next 2015-2016 Congress consider looking into issue with GC representation.
- Setting up requirements for how long student can take to complete masters or doctorate degree
Seri: (ALO report to be posted under Assessment).
- ALO Report – note section on “gainful employment” – for profit organizations with professional certificates will need to report employment data.
- Program Review report being updated
- Recommendation from System to change review timeline from seven years to five years.
Please review committee reports on FC Website for accuracy.
System Office (Dr. Risa Dickson) – eCafe to be phased out; Proposed Course Evaluation System.
For 2015-16 FC:
- Issue with students videotaping faculty in class
- Physical facilities
- Problem with technology in classrooms (e.g., Smartboards that aren’t working; bulbs not replaced in projectors).
- VCAdmA Sakai says there are $$ available for classroom technology.
- Required to have 5% reserve; max is 16% reserve.
- Chairs returning for next year’s committees
- Faith – yes
- Bobbi – yes
- Jim – yes
- Seri – yes
- Mitch – yes
- Norbert - yes
- Gen Ed - open
- Social Sciences representatives: vote in progress.
- Natural Sciences: Shawon Rahman
- CoP – Karen Pellegrin
- FS – updates needed
- LIB – new rep
Positions needed:
- Secretary _______________
- Vice Chair ______________
- Secretary _______________
Friday, May 15th: Business meeting will be conducted first, followed by elections and seating of the 2015-16 Congress.
Please complete Committee Reports (Kim sent template)—send by end of week.
Topic: Vox populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: Meeting adjourned 4:50 P.M.