FC EC Minutes December 16, 2014


Meeting Date: December 16, 2014.

In Attendance: Kim, Jan, Mike, Norbert, Avis, Mitch, Jim.

Absent: Seri, Faith, Roberta.

Call to Order: 4:00 p.m.

Topic: Old Business

  • Jim Beets discussed updates to the academic calendar. The media group in the library updated the spreadsheet using a new software product.
  • Kim provided an update on the Five Year Review process. The Chancellor and JN Musto from UPHA will be sending a joint letter out to faculty informing them of the need to develop procedures for completing the reviews.
  • Kim informed the group that Arthur Cunningham is preparing documents for the proposed Aviation Program and is working on getting them entered to Curriculum Central.

Topic: New Business

  • Jan Ray reported that the Blessing and Reception for the new Faculty Lounge was successful. She also suggested that we develop some guidelines for use of the lounge. She will work on drafting some general guidelines but the group agreed that the lounge should be limited to faculty and not student use.
  • Discussion of the need for a December meeting occurred. It was decided that all agenda items could be delayed to the January meeting and since the meeting was scheduled so close to Christmas (Dec 19th) that it was better to cancel it.

Topic: Vox populi

Report: None.

Action: None.

Topic: Adjournment

Report: None.

Action: Meeting adjourned 5:05 p.m.