FC EC Minutes April 13, 2015
Meeting Date: April 13, 2015.
In Attendance: Kim, Jan, Mike, Jim, Norbert, Bobbi, Avis.
Call to Order: 4:00 p.m.
Proposed FC Agenda for April 17 meeting
Topic: Old Business
- Academic Flowchart Revisions (Jim)
- Faculty Forum on GE
Topic: New Business
- Double Major Policy Concerning Upper Division Credits
- Associate Dean (Social Sciences) Susan Brown to report
- Results of Faculty Forum GE – Kim & Avis drafted notes
- Associate Dean (Social Sciences) Susan Brown to report
Committee chairs remaining:
- Norbert – Curriculum Review Committee
- Jim – re-elected – ok for Natural Sciences; Academic Policy Committee
- Seri – Assessment Committee
- Mitch - Program Review Committee
- Faith – Student Success maybe Alice D?
Need chairs for the following committees:
- Budget
- GE
- Student Success
Jan R: Proposed Faculty Lounge Guidelines (handout).
- Jan will add sentence that sign-up calendar will be put on bulletin board
- Guidelines approved and will be posted on FC website
1) Proposed motions to be presented at Friday’s meeting, along with revised Flowcharts for Academic Policy and Curriculum Review. Jim will send Kim electronic copies in preparation for Friday’s meeting.
- Approved by EC for motions to be put on FC Agenda for Friday, April 17, 2015
2) Do we want to support adding a representative from Graduate Council as a voting member on FC? - Pros- strengthens communication between Graduate Council and FC. - Perhaps as non-voting member. - We would have to change by-laws and charter. - Affects quorum; change to ‘voting members’.
Jim will send motion to Kim before Wednesday April 15, 2015.
3) Jim will forward Kim some items for May meeting agenda and prepare for: • First reading for Faculty Development standing committee at Friday’s meeting
Topic: Vox populi
Report: None.
Action: None.
Topic: Adjournment
Report: None.
Action: Meeting adjourned 5:15 p.m.