Decommissioning of UH Hilo’s Hōkū Ke‘a telescope receives approval from BLNR
The decommissioning of Hōkū Kea is tentatively scheduled to begin in late 2023 and take about five months to complete.
ʻAʻohe pau ka ʻike i ka hālau hoʻokahi │ One learns from many sources │ A web publication from the Office of the Chancellor, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Silversword seeds first sown at UH Hilo’s Maunakea Stewardship Center greenhouse in February 2022 have sprouted into more than 100 seedlings that are now three to seven inches tall.
UH Hilo’s Center for Maunakea Stewardship is growing out the seedlings for reintroduction sites across Maunakea, sites where previous plantings have been successful and that offer protection from hooved animals.
Since 2012, “Malama Maunakea Volunteer Weed Pull” events have helped protect resources on Maunakea.
This year, survey teams find a more than seven-fold increase in wēkiu bugs on Maunakea compared to recent surveys. The increased abundance could be a function of increased precipitation on the mountain this past year.
In her new role, Nahua Guilloz will oversee planning, permitting and project review processes, cultural and natural resource stewardship programs, as well as operations at Halepōhaku.
Kelley Lehuakeaopuna Uyeoka helped organize a large hui of cultural and scientific experts to develop new strategies in safeguarding Hawaiʻi’s cultural sites and practices. The newly published Kaliʻuokapaʻakai Collective Report is now released to the public.