Weekly Newsletter for Faculty and Staff, Feb. 2, 2021

Featured in this week’s issue of Ha‘ilono o UH Hilo (News of UH Hilo): Ken Hon, Bruce Mathews, Drew Kapp, Leilani DeMello, Chris Holland and more!

In fall and spring, this newsletter is a weekly e-blast of news and information for faculty and staff, produced by University Relations, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo.

Ken Hon
Ken Hon, recently retired UH Hilo interim vice chancellor for academic affairs, is the new scientist-in-charge at Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Photo credit: Cheryl Ganseki.


Last Day to Drop Classes Online without “W,” Wednesday, February 3

Last Day to Receive 50% Tuition Refund for Complete Withdrawals, Wednesday, February 3


Bonnie Irwin
Bonnie D. Irwin

Read Chancellor Bonnie D. Irwin’s February column: A year to strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion

The next UH Board of Regents committee meetings will be held virtually Thursday, February 4. The agendas and materials packets may be accessed on the Board’s public website. See the Board of Regents website for information on accessing the livestream.


The UH Hilo Budget Office shares UH Hilo’s FY 2020-21 campus budget allocation.

Community Outreach

Bruce Fisher and Hualani Loo smile, beneath the Ka Leo O Ka Uluau logo

Listen to the new Ka Leo o ka Uluau podcast. Join hosts Drew Kapp, Leilani DeMello, and second guest, Lokelani Brandt, for a huaka‘i or journey in the moku of Hilo. Listen now on the podcast blog and use the StoryMap for each episode to help guide your huakaʻi. You may also subscribe through Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Bruce Mathews responds to UHERO agricultural report: There are more things to consider than GDP.

UH Hilo pharmacy students and faculty help with COVID-19 vaccinations.


Covid Updates

Graphic design of bandaid with words: GetVaccinated UH.UH Hilo is submitting names of Phase 1B employees to the Department of Health for addition to the CDC’s Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS). Employees should fill out the University of Hawai‘i COVID-19 Vaccine Interest & Prioritization questionnaire to assist in prioritizing name submission. Employees are currently being notified by DOH via email to make their vaccination appointment. Employees who wish to be vaccinated and have not yet answered the questionnaire are encouraged to do so.

Continue to stay informed through our UH Hilo COVID-19 webpageUH Hilo Quarantine FAQ page, and Employee FAQ for up-to-date information and advisories. Information can also be found on the UH System COVID-19 page.


“Ecological Design, Green Infrastructure, and Water Management in Hawaiʻi” by Ashley Morrow, Project Manager, Roth Ecological Design International, LLC, Friday, February 5, 3 p.m., via Zoom. Passcode: water

For info on events, see UH Hilo Calendar of Events.


Chris Holland in aloha shirt with gardens in background.
Chris Holland

Chris Holland, new dean of students, explains the job: Help students navigate the university

Raised in Orange County, CA, a Kānaka Maoli comes to UH Hilo to explore her heritage

Ken Hon, recently retired UH Hilo interim vice chancellor for academic affairs, is the new scientist-in-charge at Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.

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