Weekly Newsletter for Faculty and Staff, Jan. 26, 2021

Featured in this week’s issue of Ha‘ilono o UH Hilo (News of UH Hilo): Drew Kapp, Leilani DeMello, Mānaiakalani Kalua, Vulcan athletes, and more!

In fall and spring, this newsletter is a weekly e-blast of news and information for faculty and staff, produced by University Relations, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo.


Final Deadline to Apply for Spring 2021 Graduation, Friday, January 29.

Last Day to Exercise Credit/No Credit, Friday, January 29.

Last Day to Submit Auditors Form, Friday, January 2.


The 2021 Excellence in Teaching Awards nomination deadline is Sunday, January 31 for the Board of Regents Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, and the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. Nominations must be submitted electronically with the Nomination Form.

University Forum, WSCUC Accreditation Discussion, Wednesday, January 27, Noon – 1 p.m., via Zoom. Meeting ID: 954 4572 6595; Passcode: 539432.

2020 W-2 wage and tax statements are available for current/active employees from the Hawai‘i Information Portal (HIP). Log in required. Contact the UH Hilo Human Resources Office with any questions.


WATCH: The survivor of a vicious stabbing learns the road to recovery is not a straight one (Hawai‘i News Now)


The Long Range Budget Planning Committee reconvened Friday, January 22. See meeting notes here. Log in required.

Community Outreach

Graphic image of wind: KA LEO O KA ULUAUListen to the new Ka Leo o ka Uluau podcast! Join hosts Drew Kapp, Leilani DeMello, and first guest storyteller Mānaiakalani Kalua for a huaka‘i or journey in the moku of Hilo. Each installment will acquaint listeners with storied places, histories, people, traditions and lessons through stories told by community members with connections to the ʻāina. Subscribe through platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Listen now on the podcast blog and use the StoryMaps to help guide your huakaʻi:

Covid Updates

A recap of “Vax Facts UH: Science, Safety & Society,” held online Wednesday, January 20, is available here. The recap includes video links, UH’s process and role, vaccine basics, safety and efficacy, and addressing misinformation.

Continue to stay informed through our UH Hilo COVID-19 webpage, UH Hilo Quarantine FAQ page, and Employee FAQ for up-to-date information and advisories. Information can also be found on the UH System COVID-19 page.


For info on events, see UH Hilo Calendar of Events.


A doctoral student from UH Mānoa collaborated with researchers from UH Hilo and several other universities to discover natural pigments in a marine sponge from Puhi Bay in Hilo.

Vulcan Athletics

Vulcans post high GPAs

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