Weekly Newsletter for Faculty & Staff, Nov. 4, 2020

Featured in this week’s issue of Ha‘ilono o UH Hilo (News of UH Hilo): Sadie Nguyen, Michelle Shuey, Marianne Takamiya, Annie Bunker, Raisa Ancheta, Brendan Sagara, Kevin Tamura, and more!

In fall and spring, this newsletter is a weekly e-blast of news and information for faculty and staff, produced by University Relations, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo.  

What does #VulcanPride mean to you?

Covid Updates

Continue to stay informed through the UH Hilo COVID-19 webpage  and UH Hilo Quarantine FAQ page for up-to-date information and advisories, which now includes the Student Fees Information for 2020 Fall Semester. Information can also be found on the UH System COVID-19 page.


Environmental geographer Michelle Shuey empowers students during pandemic.

Marianne Takamiya says astronomy lends itself well to online instruction.

UH Hilo business alum Raisa Ancheta heads for UC Irvine med school.

Aerial dancer Annie Bunker has figured out how to teach, perform, be with family, and farm, all during a pandemic.


Chancellor Bonnie D. Irwin’s November column: In appreciation.


The Long Range Budget Planning Committee has deliberated the data sets and considerations that are being used to assess academic programs in light of budget reductions. No decisions have been made at this time. Programs/units with questions should discuss with their respective deans/directors over the next two weeks for additional discussion with the vice chancellor for academic affairs. Comments may also be sent to the LRBPC via the UH Hilo Program Data Comment Form.

Long Range Budget Planning Committee meeting notes are available here. Log in required.

Supporting Student Success

Faculty are asked to encourage their students to watch the new weekly video series by StudentLingo, brought to UH Hilo by the Division of Student Affairs. This week’s topic is “Maximizing Your College Experience.” To watch, register here for a free account.

Vulcan Athletics

Brendan Sagara named Rangers co-pitching coach.

Kevin Tamura: From saving points to saving lives.

Operations and Services

Sodexo’s Family Dinners are now available Tuesdays-Fridays! Use GET app or email to place orders; phone orders are no longer accepted.


“AI Applications for Sustainability” by Peter Sadowski, assistant professor of information and computer sciences, UH Mānoa, Friday, Nov. 6, 3 p.m., via Zoom. Passcode: AI. Presented by UH Hilo Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Graduate Program.

UH Data Governance and Information Security Webinar, Monday, November 9, Noon – 2:00 p.m., via Zoom. Registration required. Topics include current threats and vulnerabilities, policies and regulations, Zoom guidelines, open records, and ADA updates. Email datagov@hawaii.edu with any questions.

For more news and events, see the UH Hilo Calendar of Events.

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