Photos: UH Hilo celebrates Makahiki with Hawaiian games and a lot of fun

The Hawaiian celebration of Makahiki or the “Holiday Season” begins in October each year and continues for about four months. It is a significant time of the year for Native Hawaiians.

Photos by Bob Douglas.

Women pulling rope.
Hukihuki, Hawaiian Tug of War. Opponents pull on opposite ends of a long rope. The game ends when one team gets pulled to the other’s side.
Keala Kahuanui
Keala Kahuanui

Hawaiian games of skill and strength—and a lot of fun—were underway on Monday on the lawn at the gateway of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo campus.

The Makahiki Celebration was sponsored by the Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Student Center and featured a presentation on Hawaiian games by Keala Kahuanui, project director for the Ka Moku o Keawe Makahiki Project, a Native Hawaiian fitness and health program that integrates Hawaiʻi’s ancient Makahiki traditions.

The presentation included a demonstration of Hawaiian games of skill and strength and a sign-up for individuals and teams interested in participating in Makahiki competitions planned for January 2016.

The Hawaiian celebration of Makahiki or the “Holiday Season” begins in October each year and continues for about four months. It is a significant time of the year for Native Hawaiians.

Makahiki activities include managing the resources of the land and sea and renewing connections through physical activities.

Click photos to enlarge.

Keala Kahuanui explains rules and protocol of the games to a group of people standing around her. They are standing on a green lawn with the three-story classroom building in the background.
Keala Kahuanui explains rules and protocol of the games.
Two opponents with rope just about to start game.
Ready, set…
Two women doing rope game.
Four men pull at their end of the rope in a game of hukuhuki or tug-of-war.
The men have a go at hukihuki.

More games

Classroom instruction and signing up for Makahiki competition in January

About the photographer: Bob Douglas is a local artist, photographer, and sometimes part-time student who volunteers his photography skills to the Office of the Chancellor and UH Hilo Stories.

-UH Hilo Stories

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