UH Hilo supporting statewide earthquake preparedness drill, Oct. 15
Families, schools, businesses and organizations are encouraged to register and participate.
The Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA), formerly State Civil Defense, is encouraging Hawai‘i’s families, schools and businesses to take part in the statewide Great Hawai‘i ShakeOut earthquake preparedness drill at 10:15 a.m. on Thursday, October 15.
The internationally recognized earthquake drill allows people to practice in their homes or at work what to do during earthquakes, and to improve preparedness by following three simple steps: “Drop, Cover and Hold On.”
The ShakeOut Drill is scheduled for 10:15 a.m. on October 15, 2015. This means that wherever you are at that moment—at home, at work, at school, anywhere—you should Drop, Cover, and Hold On as if there were a major earthquake occurring at that very moment, and stay in this position for at least 60 seconds.
There will not be any freeway closures, power outages, or other simulated effects of the hypothetical earthquake, unless your local government or utility company specifically notifies you about something of this nature. The ShakeOut is not something you need to leave work to participate in—in fact, participating at work is encouraged! Businesses, organizations, schools, and government agencies can register and have their employees practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On or have a more extensive emergency drill.
The main goal of the ShakeOut is to encourage Hawaii residents to get prepared for major earthquakes, so use the ShakeOut as an opportunity to learn what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.
Anyone in Hawaii can participate, from a single individual at their home to a major company at the office. Talk to your coworkers, neighbors and friends about the ShakeOut and encourage their participation.
Drills provide an opportunity to update emergency plans and supplies, and to ensure safety in the home and workplace to prevent damage and injury.
The State Department of Education (DOE) will be asking all schools within its jurisdiction to participate in the drill, with the exception of Kaua‘i, where a Teacher Institute Day is being held. Kaua‘i County will participate in the drill at another scheduled time.
Partners supporting this drill in addition to HI-EMA and DOE include local emergency management and civil defense agencies, USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO), Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), Hawai‘i Public Charter Schools Network, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, and American Red Cross.
ShakeOut began in Southern California in 2008 as a drill designed to educate the public about how to protect themselves during a large earthquake, and how to get prepared. Hawai‘i ShakeOut was first recognized by Hawai‘i County in 2013 with the help and coordination of HVO, the organization that serves as the authoritative source for earthquake information in Hawai‘i.
This year, HI-EMA is spearheading efforts to expand the earthquake preparedness drill across the state.
-Media release