Video: Six scientists — including two UH Hilo alumni — emerge from eight-month Mars simulation
The crew of the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) project lived in an isolated dome habitat on Mauna Loa since last October.

On Saturday, six crew members finished an eight-month simulated Mars mission on Mauna Loa. The crew of the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS) project, who lived in an isolated dome habitat since last Oct., includes University of Hawai‘i at Hilo alumni Sophie Milam and Neil Scheibelhut. Principle investigator is Kim Binsted, an associate professor of information and computer sciences at UH Mānoa.
To learn more about the project, see previous stories:
- UH Hilo Stories, June 4, 2015: Mars on Mauna Loa: Two UH Hilo alumni part of Mars simulation project.
- UH System News, Sept 24, 2014: Crew selected for eight-month Mars simulation
- UH Hilo Stories, Sept. 24, 2014: Two UH Hilo alumni selected for 8-month Mars simulation
- UH Hilo Stories, Oct. 16, 2014: Team enters dome on Mauna Loa for 8-month Mars simulation; 2 crew members are UH Hilo alumni