Video: Second BOR meeting held at UH Hilo to hear testimony about Maunakea and TMT
The UH Board of Regents heard testimony about the management of Maunakea and the Maunakea Science Reserve.
The University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents held a second meeting at UH Hilo on Sunday, April 26, 2015, to continue hearing public testimony about the management of Maunakea and the Maunakea Science Reserve.
Public testimony on the current debate about the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) was welcomed and the remaining 60+ people who were unable to present their testimony at the meeting of April 16 due to time constraints were given the opportunity to be heard.
All members of the UH Hilo community and the general public were welcome to present their views.
The meeting was held at the UH Hilo Performing Arts Center. About 300 people attended and 43 people testified, five in favor of building the TMT.
From Big Island Video News:
HILO – On Sunday, a second day of testimony concerning development on Mauna Kea was delivered to the University of Hawaii Board of Regents. It was a continuation of what began on April 16th, when the UH Regents wrapped up a special meeting to discuss the management of the mountain before everyone had a chance to speak. This time, the session was moved to a larger venue: the Performing Arts Center on the Hilo campus.
Once again, testimony was dominated by those in opposition to the Thirty Meter Telescope that is planned for the summit area of the mountain.
There were a few brave astronomers who spoke out in support of the $1.4 billion TMT, which officials say will be one of the most powerful observatories on the planet once it goes into operation.TMT was supposed to be under construction by now, but project managers postponed the build in response to mounting resistance. A blockade on the mountain resulted in 31 arrests and rallied global opposition to the telescope.
The video is by David Corrigan, Big Island Video News.