UH Hilo men’s baseball team visits with veterans in San Diego

Veterans and staff at the Veterans Home of California, Chula Vista, enjoyed the visit and hope the Vulcans come back soon.

By Susan Enright.

Baseball players in red uniforms visit with veterans over lunch.
Members of the UH Hilo Men’s baseball team chat with veterans in San Diego. Courtesy photo.

Baseball player in uniform chats with veteran.The Vulcan men’s baseball team from the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo stopped by the Veterans Home of California, Chula Vista (VHC-Chula Vista), San Diego, last week to visit with residents and help out in the dining facility.

The team was in San Diego to play the Point Loma Nazarene University Sea Lions in a four-game series on Friday and Saturday. In addition to visiting with the veterans, the team also dropped off some gifts from Hilo, such as calendars and chocolate-covered macadamia nuts.

“The veterans and staff really enjoyed our visit and are hoping we come back in the future,” says Assistant Baseball Coach Roddy Sueoka, who also serves as veteran services division chief at the State Office of Veterans’ Services. “The players and coaches really connected with this experience and felt a huge sense of altruism that comes with this type of community service.”

Sueoka says about 15 to 20 veterans and staff from VHC-Chula Vista enjoyed free admission to Friday’s game, where they viewed the game from a special seating area.

Photos from the visit are posted on the VHC-Chula Vista Facebook page, where it says, “Residents and players alike enjoyed the team’s visit and we appreciate the team taking time out of its schedule to stop by for a visit. Go Vulcans!”

More photos on flickr.


About the writer of this story: Susan Enright is a public information specialist for the Office of the Chancellor and editor of UH Hilo Stories. She received her bachelor of arts in English and certificate in women’s studies from UH Hilo.

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