UH Hilo to benefit from energy reduction project

The project is aimed at enabling the campus to reduce plug load energy consumption, increase machine and electronic operational efficiency, and find innovative ways to reduce peak-hour demand.

Hilo sealThe University of Hawai‘i at Hilo will soon be implementing a campus-wide program to reduce energy use.

Hawaii Energy, the ratepayer-funded energy conservation and efficiency program for three counties in the state, selected applicants for incentive funds of up to $1.96 million for the state’s first energy efficiency auction. These applicants plan to help small businesses, restaurants, residents in smart metered neighborhoods and educational institutions save energy.

A total of four applications were selected. Applications that were chosen addressed the greatest immediate needs and opportunities to save energy spanning various industries in Hawaii. The selected applicants were Honeywell Smart Grid Solutions, Matrix Energy Services, and Ibis Networks, Inc.

Ibis Networks plans to reduce the energy consumption at three University of Hawai‘i campuses including UH Mānoa, UH Hilo, and Windward Community College, which together serve more than 30,000 students annually.

The project is aimed at enabling the three campuses to reduce plug load energy consumption, increase machine and electronic operational efficiency, and find innovative ways to reduce peak-hour demand.

In addition to the energy savings, each college will seek ways to integrate the knowledge of plug load usage into college-credit course curriculum and/or research programs.

-Adapted from Hawaii Energy press release

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