Minor in Earth and Space Science
This is content from the Catalog 2020–2021 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
Requirements (24 credits):
- ASTR 110L Gen Astronomy Lab (1)
- ASTR 180 Princ Of Astron I (3)
- ASTR 181 Princ Of Astron II (3)
- ASTR/GEOL 352 Planets and Exoplanets (3)
- GEOL 111-111L Understanding the Earth (3), Understanding the Earth Lab (1)
- GEOL 112-112L Hist of the Earth & Its Life (3), History of the Earth Lab (1)
- GEOL 205 Geology Of Hawaiian Islands (3)
- And one of the following courses:
- GEOG 300 Climatology (3)
- GEOL 450 Geological Remote Sensing (3)
- GEOG 470 Remote Sensing/Air Photo (3)
Note: The minor in Earth and Space Science is undergoing review. Students are advised to consult with a Geology or Astronomy advisor before pursuing this program of study.