Dropping or Withdrawing from a Course
This is content from the Catalog 2020–2021 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
Note: To drop all your UH Hilo classes, please visit the Complete Withdrawal instructions.
Courses may be “dropped” without academic penalty (without receiving a grade of “W” for the course) up until the "Last Day to Drop A Class Online without “W” deadline listed on the Academic Calendar. Students can continue to drop a course up until the "Last Day to Drop A Class Online with “W”. However, in this case, students will receive a grade of “W” for each official course withdrawal. Students who simply stop attending classes without withdrawing are not officially withdraw. Those who fail to withdraw officially during the prescribed period risk receiving an “F” grade for such courses. A student who is considering dropping or withdrawing should refer to Tuition and Fees Refund Policy and Financial Aid to understand their financial responsibilities.