Digital Media Art Certificate

This is content from the Catalog 2020–2021 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

The Digital Media Art Certificate can be completed as part of the Art Major for the Bachelor of Arts Degree, or it can be a stand-alone certificate for students not majoring in art. The Digital Media Certificate requires foundations classes in drawing and 2D design, contemporary art history, and a selection of upper level studio classes with digital media focus.

ART Foundations (9 credits)

  • ART 112 Introduction to Digital Media (3)
  • ART 121 FP Studio: Beg Drawing (3)
  • ART 123 FP Studio: 2-D Design (3)

Intermediate Courses (6)

  • CS 135 Animation Programming (3)
  • CS 200 Web Technology I (3)

Art History (3 credits)

  • ART 392 History of Art and Technology (3)

Studio Art - Select 2 of following courses (6 credits):

  • ART 301 Digital Video and Installation (3)
  • ART 308 Creative Digital Photography (3)
  • ART 312 3D Modeling & Virtual Reality (3)
  • ART 475 Data Visualization (3)
  • ART 475L Data Visualization Lab (1)

Total credit hours required for the Digital Media Art Certificate: 24 credit hours


  1. Minimum GPA for all certificate courses is 2.0 (C)
  2. Minimum acceptable grade for all certificate courses is C-