B.S. in Agriculture: Animal Health and Management Specialization Requirements

This is content from the Catalog 2020–2021 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

Group 1. General Education Foundation, Diversification, Structural, and Integrative Requirements in effect Fall 2018

Students may choose to graduate under the General Education Foundation, Diversification, Structural and Integrative requirements and graduation requirements in force at the time they entered the UH System, when they entered UH Hilo, or when they graduate, provided there is no break in enrollment.

Students should meet with their academic advisor to ensure that they enroll in courses that will enable them to meet these requirements as well as requirements for the major and for graduation. Some courses may meet both General Education requirements and major requirements.

The new GE foundations, diversification, structural and integrative requirements and lists of certified courses are posted on the General Education website.

Group 2. Major Requirements and Assigned Credits (74-86 credits)

1. Agriscience Requirements

  • AG 230 Sustainable Agriculture (3)
  • AG 496 Senior Seminar in Agriculture (1)
  • AGBU 110 Microcomputing for Ag (3) or ANSC 193 Horse Handling & Pract Skills (3)
  • ANSC 141 Intro To An Science (3)
  • ANSC 254 Fundamentals of Nutrition (3)
  • ANSC 350 Anatomy/Physiol Of Farm Animal (3)
  • ANSC 445 An Breeding/Genetics (3)
  • ANSC 450 Physiology Reproduction (3)
  • ANSC 453 Anim Disease & Parasites (3)
  • Choose three courses from the following ANSC courses:
    • ANSC 223 Intro to Wildlife Science (3)
    • ANSC 351 Swine Production (3)
    • ANSC 353 Horse Production (3)
    • ANSC 357 Ruminant Production Systems (3)

2. Supplemental Requirements

  • BIOL 171-171L Introductory Biology I (3), Introductory Biology I Lab (1)
  • BIOL 172-172L Introductory Biology II (3), Introductory Biology II Lab (1)
  • BIOL 275-275L Fund Microbiology (3), Microbiology Lab (1)
  • BIOL 280 Biostatistics (3)
  • CHEM 161-161L General Chemistry I (3), General Chemistry I Lab (1)
  • CHEM 162-162L General Chemistry II (3), General Chemistry II Lab (1)
  • ENG 225 Writng for Sci & Technology (3)
  • MATH (Choose one course from the following courses):
    • MATH 135T Precal: Elem Funct w/ Tutorial (4)
    • MATH 135 Precalc: Elementary Functions (3)
    • MATH 140 Precalc:Trig/Analytic Geometry (3)
    • MATH 140X Precalculus (4)
    • MATH 241 Calculus I (4)
    • MATH 242 Calculus II (4)

3. Livestock Production (12 Credits) or Pre-Vet Sequence (22 Credits)

Students should choose one of the following sequences below and complete all requirements listed.

Livestock Sequence (12 Credits)

  • HORT 262 Princ Of Hort (3)
  • AGEN 430 Ag Waste Mgmt & Recycling (3)
  • AGRN 310 Agronom Crop Prod Tropics (3) or AGRN 410 Soil-Plant Herbivore Interrltn (3)
  • AGBU 320 Agribus Management (3) or AGEC 330 Farm Management (3)

Pre-Vet Sequence (22 Credits)

  • PHYS 151-151L College Physics I (3), College Physics I Lab (1)
  • PHYS 152-152L College Physics II (3), College Physics II Lab (1)
  • CHEM 241-241L Organic Chem I (3), Organic Chem I Lab (1)
  • CHEM 242-242L Organic Chem II (3), Organic Chem II Lab (1)
  • AG 375 Intro To Genetic Analysis (3)
  • BIOL 410 Biochemistry (3)

Group 3. Electives, To be determined

Elective hours will vary depending upon which GE courses are selected by the student. See your advisor for possible electives to help you qualify for Pharmacy and Medical programs

Total Semester Hours Required for the B.S. in Agriculture: Animal Health and Management Specialty

123 credits required.


  1. Students wishing to make timely progress toward graduation are urged to pay careful attention to all degree requirements.
  2. In addition, when planning a schedule of courses, it is imperative to be aware of course prerequisites and the frequency with which courses are offered. This information is available in the course listings in this Catalog.
  3. To ensure progress toward degree completion, students are urged to meet with an advisor each semester before registering.