Agricultural Engineering (AGEN) Courses

This is content from the Catalog 2020–2021 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.

College of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM)

See How to read course descriptions for information about the formatting used.

AGEN 231 Intro To Ag Mech (3) (lecture/lab) Identification, proper use and maintenance of tools used in the shop and farm, plan reading, identification, selection and estimation of materials for agricultural projects. Principles of arc and oxy-acetylene welding, basic engineering concepts involved with layout and leveling, areas and heat flow, simple electrical wiring. Note: Suitable eye protection and shoes are required in all AGEN laboratory classes.

AGEN 301 Farm Power (3) (lecture/lab) Management and maintenance of power units used in agriculture. Principles of internal combustion engines. Shop and field practice in adjusting and operating internal combustion engines and associated field equipment. Alternate power options on farm. Pre: College Algebra. A valid driver's license is highly desirable. Note: Suitable eye protection and shoes are required in all AGEN laboratory classes.

AGEN 302 Farm Structures (3) (lecture/lab) Farmstead planning, materials, design, construction and maintenance, farm utilities, water-sewage systems and labor-saving conveniences. Pre: College Algebra and AGEN 231. Note: Suitable eye protection and shoes are required by all AGEN laboratory classes.

AGEN 400 Aquaculture Engineering (4) (other) Principles of site selection, design and construction of aquaculture systems. Pre: AQUA 262 and consent of protection and shoes are required in all AGEN courses. instructor. (Same as MARE 400). Note: Suitable eye

AGEN 430 Ag Waste Mgmt & Recycling (3) (lecture/lab) This course focuses on introducing the principles of modern agricultural waste management and resource conservation and recycling engineering solutions for animal, crop, and garden production.

AGEN 435 Irrig Prin & Pract (3) (lecture/lab) Comprehensive study of basic irrigation principles and practices. Basic hydraulics, water supply, conveyance, and measurement. Plant-soil-water relationship, evapotranspiration, and scheduling. Planning and design of irrigation systems. Pumps: types, selection and operation. Pre: College Algebra or consent of instructor. Note: Suitable eye protection and shoes are required in all AGEN laboratory classes.

AGEN 440 Irrigation and Fertigation (3) (lecture/lab) To provide students with an understanding of the principles that govern irrigation design, practices, and management in agriculture and landscaping. Topics also include fertilizer and chemical injection systems and modern fertigation sensor technologies.

AGEN x94 Special Topics in Subject Matter (Arr.) Special topics chosen by the instructor. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit, provided that a different topic is studied. Additional requirements may apply depending on subject and topic.

AGEN x99 Directed Studies (Arr.) Statement of planned reading or research required. Pre: instructor’s consent.