Undergraduate Courses by Department
This is content from the Catalog 2019–2020 back issue. Please visit the current catalog for current information.
- Accounting (ACC) Courses
- Administration of Justice (AJ) Courses
- Aeronautical Sciences (AERS) Courses
- Agribusiness (AGBU) Courses
- Agricultural Economics (AGEC) Courses
- Agricultural Engineering (AGEN) Courses
- Agriculture (AG) Courses
- Agronomy (AGRN) Courses
- Animal Science (ANSC) Courses
- Anthropology (ANTH) Courses
- Aquaculture (AQUA) Courses
- Art (ART) Courses
- Astronomy (ASTR) Courses
- Biology (BIOL) Courses
- Business (BUS) Courses
- Chemistry (CHEM) Courses
- Chinese (CHNS) Courses
- Civil Engineering (CE) Courses
- Communication (COM) Courses
- Computer Science (CS) Courses
- Dance (DNCE) Courses
- Drama (DRAM) Courses
- Economics (ECON) Courses
- Education (ED) Courses
- Engineering (ENGR) Courses
- English (ENG) Courses
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Courses
- Entomology (ENTO) Courses
- Environmental Science/Studies (ENSC) Courses
- Filipino (FIL) Courses
- Finance (FIN) Courses
- Forestry (FOR) Courses
- French (FR) Courses
- Geography (GEOG) Courses
- Geology (GEOL) Courses
- Hawaiian Language (HAW) Courses
- Hawaiian Studies (HWST) Courses
- History (HIST) Courses
- Honors (HON) Courses
- Horticulture (HORT) Courses
- Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) Courses
- Japanese (JPNS) Courses
- Japanese Studies (JPST) Courses
- Keʻelikōlani Education (KED) Courses
- Keʻelikōlani Hawaiian Language (KHAW) Courses
- Keʻelikōlani Hawaiian Studies (KHWS) Courses
- Keʻelikōlani Indigenous Language (KLAN) Courses
- Keʻelikōlani Indigenous Studies (KIND) Courses
- Kinesiology (KES) Courses
- Korean (KOR) Courses
- Language (LANG) Courses
- Linguistics (LING) Courses
- Management (MGT) Courses
- Marine Science (MARE) Courses
- Marketing (MKT) Courses
- Mathematics (MATH) Courses
- Music (MUS) Courses
- Natural Resources (NRES) Courses
- Natural Sciences (NSCI) Courses
- Nursing (NURS) Courses
- Philosophy (PHIL) Courses
- Physics (PHYS) Courses
- Plant Pathology (PPTH) Courses
- Plant Physiology (PPHY) Courses
- Political Science (POLS) Courses
- Psychology (PSY) Courses
- Quantitative Business Analysis (QBA) Courses
- Sociology (SOC) Courses
- Soil Science (SOIL) Courses
- Spanish (SPAN) Courses
- Tourism (TOUR) Courses
- University (UNIV) Courses
- Women’s Studies (WS) Courses
How to read the course descriptions
Courses are described using the following format:
①CRS ②NUM③Title④(cr.)⑤(contact hrs) ⑥Full course description. ⑦Pre: pre-requisites. ⑧(Same as X-List) ⑨(Attributes: ATTR)
- Course subject
- Course number
- Course title
- Number of semester hours (credits)
- Contact hours type(s) if non-lecture
- Full description of the course.
- (if applicable) Prerequisites, co-requisites, recommended preparation or other requirements
- (if applicable) Cross-listed courses (equivalent courses offered through another subject heading)
- (if applicable) General Education Attributes
Special notations used for credits are as follows:
- (1-3), for example = the number of semester hours, in this example, may be 1, 2, or 3, as determined by the instructor at the time of offering.
- (Arr.) = the number of semester hours is arranged by the instructor.
Certain number endings are reserved for particular types of courses:
- “94” courses are Special Topics Courses.
- “95” courses are Seminars.
- “96” courses are Internship Courses.
- “97” and “98” courses are Experimental Courses offered only for one year on that basis (“97” is usually offered in the Fall and “98” in the Spring).
- “99” courses are Research and Directed Studies Courses.
Additional Courses
Also see the list of graduate-level courses.